
Rodrigues, L.A. Tenenblat, K. A characterization of Moebius isoparametric hypersurfaces of the sphere , Monatshefte for Mathematik (to appear).

Tenenblat, K., Wang, Q. ``New constant mean curvature surfaces in the hyperbolic space , Illinois J. Math (to appear).

Kamran. N., Olver, P., Tenenblat, K. Local symplectic invariants for curves , Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (to appear).

Pina, R., Tenenblat, K., " On solutions of the Ricci tensor equation and the Einstein equation", Israel Journal of Mathematics (to appear).

Araujo K, Tenenblat, K. ``On submanifolds with parallel mean curvature vector" , Kodai Math. J. 32 (2009), 59-76.

Ferreira, W., Tenenblat, K., On hypersurfaces with zero r-mean curvature , Results in Mathematics 52, (2008), 261-280.

Riveros, C.M.C., Rodrigues, L.A., Tenenblat, K., On Dupin hypersurfaces with constant Moebius curvature , Pacific J. Math. 236 (2008), 89-103.

Ferreira, W., Tenenblat, K., Hypersurfaces with flat r-mean curvature and Ribaucour transformations , Intern. J. Appl. Math and Stat. 11 (2007), 38-51.

Pina, R., Tenenblat, K., A class of solutions of the Ricci and Einstein equations , J. Geom. Phys. 57 (2007), 881-888.

Ding, Q. Tenenblat, K. Wu, J-Y On differential equations describing 3-dimensional hyperbolic spaces , Communnications in Theoretical Physiscs (Beijing), 45 (2006), 135-142.

Tenenblat, K., Wang, Q., Ribaucour transformations for hypersurfaces in space forms , Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 29 (2006), 157-185.

Pina, R., Tenenblat, K., On the Ricci and Einstein equations on the pseudo-euclidean and hyperbolic spaces , Differential Geometry and Applications 24 (2), (2006), 101-107.

Corro, A.V., Ferreira, W., Tenenblat, K., Transformations for hypersurfaces with vanishing Gauss-Kronecker curvature , (Contributions to Algebra and Geometry), Beitrage R Algebra Geom. 46 (2), (2005), 523-535.

Lemes, M., Tenenblat, K., On Ribaucour transformations and minimal surfaces, , Mat. Contemp. 29 (2005), 13-40.

Riveros, C.M.C., Tenenblat, K., Dupin hypersurfaces in $R^5$ , Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 57,(6), (2005),1291-1313.

Tenenblat, K. Minimal and cmc surfaces obtained by Ribaucour transformations , Global Theory of Minimal Surfaces - D. Hoffman, Editor, American Mathematical Society, Series: Clay Mathematics Proceedings, Volume 2, 2005, 623-634.

Corro, A.V., Tenenblat, K., Ribaucour transformations revisited, Comm. Anal. Geom. 12, (2004), 1055-1082.

Souza, M., J. Spruck, Tenenblat, K., A Bernstein type theorem on a Randers space, Math. Annalen 329, (2004), 291-305.

Pina, R. Tenenblat, K., Conformal metrics and Ricci tensors on the sphere, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132, (2004), 3715-3724.

Souza, M., Tenenblat, K., Minimal surfaces of rotation in Finsler space with a Randers metric, Math. Annalen 325, (2003), 625-642.

Corro, A.V., Ferreira, W., Tenenblat, K., Ribaucour transformations for constant mean curvature and linear Weingarten surfaces, Pac. J. Math. 212, (2003), 265-296.

Riveros, C.M.C., Tenenblat, K., On four dimensional Dupin hypersurfaces in Euclidean space, An. Acad. Bras. Ci., 75, (2003), 1-7.

Corro, A.V., Ferreira, W., Tenenblat, K., Minimal surfaces obtained by Ribaucour transformations, Geometriae Dedicata 96, (2003), 117-150.

Tenenblat, K., On Ribaucour transformations and applications to linear Weingarten surfaces, An. Acad. Bras. Ci., 74, (2002), 559-575.

Ding, Q., Tenenblat, K., On Differential systems describing surfaces of constant curvature, J. Diff. Eq. 184, (2002), 185-214.

Ding, Q., Tenenblat, K., Gauge equivalence of differential equations describing surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature, International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications 4 (2002), 273-284.

Pina, R., Tenenblat, K., On metrics satisfying equation R_{ij}-Kg_{ij}/2=T_{ij} for constant tensors T, Journal of Geometry and Physics 40 (2002),379-383.

Corro, A.V., Ferreira, W., Tenenblat, K., On Ribaucour Transformations, Backlund and Darboux Transformations. The geometry of Solitons. Centre de Recherche Math\'ematiques, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, AMS, 29, (2001), 151-157.

Pina, R., Tenenblat, K., Conformal metrics and Ricci tensors in the pseudo-euclidean space, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 129, (2001), 1149-1160 .

Tenenblat, K. Xia, C., Closed manifolds with small excess, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 11, (2001), 131-136.

Kamran, N., Tenenblat, K., Hydrodynamic Systems and the Higher-dimensional Laplace Transformation of CartanSubmanifolds, Algebraic Methods in Physics, ed. Y. Saint-Aubin and L.Vinet, CRM Series in Mathematical Physics, Springer-Verlag, 2001, 105-120.

Tenenblat, K., Submanifolds associated to solutions of the intrinsic generalized equation, Modern Group Analysis:Developments in Theory, Computation and Application, edited by N.H. Ibragimov, K. Razi Naqvi, E. Straume, MARS publishers, Norway, (1999), 301-307.

Corro, A.V., Ferreira, W., Tenenblat, K., On Ribaucour transformations for hypersurfaces, Mat. Contemp. 17 (1999), 137-160.

Borisenko, A., Rabelo, M.L., Tenenblat, K. Strongly parabolic timelike submanifolds of Minkowsky space, Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry 6, (1999), 10-21.

Kamran, N., Tenenblat, K. Periodic Systems for the Higher-dimensional Laplace Transformation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 4 (2), (1998), 359-378.

Borisenko, A., Rabelo, M.L., Tenenblat, K., On Saddle Submanifolds of Riemannian Manifolds, Geometria Dedicata 67 (1997), 233-243.

Barbosa, J.L., Ferreira, W., Tenenblat, K., Submanifolds of Constant Sectional Curvature in Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 14, (1996), 381-401.

Kamran, N., Tenenblat, K., Laplace Transformation in Higher Dimensions, Duke Math. J. 84, (1996), 237-266.

Kamran, N., Tenenblat, K., Laplace Transformations for Cartan Manifolds, Mat. Contemp. 9, (1995), 117-138.

Rabelo, M. Tenenblat, K., Toroidal submanifolds of constant nonpositive curvature, In Memoriam of N.I. Lobachevskii, Ed. A.P. Shirokov, Kazan Univ. Publ. Vol. III Part 1 (1995), 135-159.

Tenenblat, K., Apoio da computacao grafica a Geometria Diferencial, Informativo da Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica, 5, (1995), 6.

Kamran, N., Tenenblat, K., On Differential Equations Describing Pseudo-Spherical Surfaces, J. Diff. Eq. 115, (1995), 75-98.

Campos, P.T., Tenenblat, K., Backlund Transformations for a class of systems of differential equations, Geometric and Functional Analysis 4, (1994), 270-287.

Tenenblat, K., Vargas, J., On a class of conformal immersions, Mat. Comtemp. 4, (1993), 153-158.

Tenenblat, K., On manifolds of constant nonpositive sectional curvature, Differential Geometry, Ed. C.H.Gu, H.S.Hu, Y.L.Xin, World Scient. Pub. Co. 1993, 215-232.

Tenenblat, K., Differential equations associated to manifolds of constant sectional curvature, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A (Proc. Suppl) XXI Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, 3A, (1993), pp. 557-560.

Tenenblat, K., Winternitz, P., On the Symmetry Group of the Intrinsic Generalized wave and sine-Gordon Equations, J. of Math. Phys. 34 (8) (1993), pp. 3527-3542.

Tenenblat, K., A note on solutions for the intrinsic generalized wave and sine-Gordon equations, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 166 (1992), 288-301.

Rabelo, M.L.; Tenenblat, K., A classification of pseudo-spherical surface equations of type u_t=u_{xxx}+G(u,u_x,u_{xx}), J. Math. Phys. 33 (1992), 537-549.

Rabelo, M.L.; Tenenblat, K., Submanifolds of constant nonpositive curvature, Mat. Contemp. 1, (1991), 71-81.

Beals, R.; Tenenblat, K., An intrinsic generalization for the wave and sine-Gordon equations, B. Lawson et all (editors) Differential Geometry, Pitman Monog. and Surv. # 52, (1991), 25-46.

Tenenblat, K., On the intrinsic generalized wave and sine-Gordon equations, Proceedings of the Annual Seminar of the Canadian Math. Society on Lie Theory, Differential Equations and Representation Theory. V. Hussin (editor), Publication CRM 1990, 383-393.

Rabelo, M.L.; Tenenblat, K., On equations of type u_{xt}=F(u,u_x) which describe pseudo-spherical surfaces, J.Math. Phys. 31, (1990), 1400-1407.

Coelho, H.P.; Gaspar, M.T.; Tenenblat, K., ACOGEO. Manual do usuario, Software de apoio computacional a Geometria Diferencial, Editora Universidade de Brasilia, 1989, 47pg.

Beals, R.; Rabelo, M.L.; Tenenblat, K., Backlund transformations and inverse scattering solutions for some pseudo-spherical surface equations, Stud. Appl. Math. 81, (1989), 125-151.

Dajczer, M.; Tenenblat, K., Rigidity for complete Weingarten hypersurfaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 312, (1989), 129-140.

Tenenblat, K., Aplicacao de geometria hiperbolica a equacoes nao lineares, Atas da VI Escola de Geometria Diferencial (1988), 45-56.

Coelho, H.P.; Gaspar, M.T.; Santos, G.T.; Tenenblat, K., Curvas assintoticas e linhas de curvatura com oauxilio da computacao grafica, Atas da VI Escola de Geometria Diferencial (1988), 37-43.

Tenenblat, K., Multidimensional equations and differential geometry, Symmetries and Nonlinear Phenomena, Levi, D. Winternitz, P. editors, CIF vol 9, World Scientific Publishing, 1988.

Tenenblat, K., Espalhamento inverso, equacoes generalizadas da onda e de sine-Gordon e suas versoes intrinsecas, Atas do XVI Coloquio Brasileiro de Matematica, (1988), 513-530.

Beals, R.; Tenenblat, K., Inverse scattering and the Backlund transformation for the generalized wave andgeneralized sine-Gordon equations, Stud. Appl. Math. 78, (1988), 227-256.

Cavalcante, J.A.; Tenenblat, K., Conservation laws for nonlinear evolution equations, J. Math. Phys. 29 (4), (1988), 1044-1049.

Jorge, L.P.; Tenenblat, K., Linear problems associated to evolution equations of type u_{tt}=F(u,u_{x},u_{xx},u_{t}), Stud. Appl. Math., 77, (1987), 103-117.

Ablowitz, M.J.; Costa, D.G.; Tenenblat, K., Solution of multidimensional extensions of the anti-self-dual Yang-Mills equation, Stud. Appl. Math. 77, (1987), 37-46.

Ablowitz, M.J.; Beals, R.; Tenenblat, K., On the solution of the generalized wave and generalized sine-Gordon equations, Stud. Appl. Math. 74, (1986), 177-203.

Tenenblat, K.; Tribuzy, R., Reduction of the codimension of isometric immersions in space forms, Topology, 25, (1986), 541-548.

Chern, S.S.; Tenenblat, K., Pseudo-spherical surfaces and evolution equations, Stud. Appl. Math. 74 (1986), 55-83.

Tenenblat, K., Backlund's theorem for submanifolds of space forms and a generalized wave equation, Bol.Soc. Bras. Mat. 16, (1985),69-94.

Tenenblat, K., Equacoes de evolucao que descrevem superficies pseudo-esfericas, Atas do XIV Coloquio Brasileiro de Matematica, (1983), 477-500.

Tenenblat, K., Equacoes diferenciais naoo-lineares de evolucao e geometria diferencial, Atas da IV Escola de Geometria Diferencial, IMPA, (1982), 77-91.

Chern, S.S.; Tenenblat, K., Foliations on surfaces of constant curvature and the modified Korteweg-de Vries equations, J. Diff. Geometry, 16, (1981), 347-349. Also published in "Mathematical Essays" Edited by C.C. Hsiung, World Scientific Publishing 1984.

Tenenblat, K., Subvariedades Assintoticas de Variedades Riemanianas, Atas XII Coloquio Brasileiro de Matematica, (1981), 410-420.

Tenenblat, K.; Terng, C.L., Backlund's theorem for n-dimensional submanifolds of R^{2n-1}, Ann.of Math., 111, (1980), 477--490. >

Tenenblat, K., A Rigidity Theorem for three dimensional submanifolds in euclidean six-space, J. Diff. Geometry14, (1979), 187-203.

Tenenblat, K. Backlund's Theorem for n-dimensional Submanifolds of Space Forms, Anais Acad. Bras. de Ci\^{e}ncias, 51, (1979), 363-364.

Tenenblat, K. On Infinitesimal Isometric Deformations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 75, (1979), 269-275.

Tenenblat, K.; Terng, C.L. A Higher Dimension Generalization of the Sine-Gordon Equation and its BacklundTransformation, Bull. (New Series) Amer. Math. Soc. 1, (1979), 589-593.

Tenenblat, K. On characteristic hypersurfaces of manifolds in Euclidean space, Pac. J. of Math. 74, (1978), 507-517.

Tenenblat, K. On Klingenberg's Theorem, Bol. Soc. Bras. Mat. 4, (1973), 139-146.

Tenenblat, K. Teoremas de comparacao de Rauch e algumas aplicacoes, Atas 9$^{0}$ Col\'{o}quio Brasileiro de Matem\'{a}tica, Vol I, 1973, 203-216.

Tenenblat, K. On the Rauch Comparison Theorem for Volumes, Bol. Soc. Bras. Mat. 4, (1973), 31-39.

Tenenblat, K. An estimate for the length of closed geodesics on a Riemannian Manifold, Archiv der Mathematik 24, (1973), 317-319.

Tenenblat, K. On isometric immersions of riemannian manifolds, Bol. Soc. Bras. Mat. 2, (1971), 23-36.