UNIF 2019 will be the 33rd in a series of annual international workshops on unification. Previous editions have taken place mostly in Europe (Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, UK), but also in the USA and Japan. For more details on previous UNIF workshops, please see the UNIF homepage.
Unification is concerned with the problem of making two terms equal, finding solutions for equations, or making formulas equivalent. It is a fundamental process used in a number of fields of computer science, including automated reasoning, term rewriting, logic programming, natural language processing, program analysis, types, etc. Traditionally, the scope of the UNIF workshops has covered the topic of unification in a broad sense, encompassing also research in constraint solving, admissibility of inference rules, and applications such as type checking, query answering and cryptographic protocol analysis.
The objective of this workshop is to bring together theoreticians and practitioners to promote new techniques and results, and to facilitate feedback on the implementation and application of such techniques and results in practice.
Topics of interest to this forum include, but are not limited to:
UNIF 2019 also aims to be a forum for presenting and discussing work
in progress, and therefore to provide feedback to authors on their
preliminary research. More information about UNIF can be found by clicking
UNIF 2019 will be a satellite workshop of
Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD'19)
in Dortmund. Previous editions took place in Oxford/UK (2018 and 2017), Porto/ Portugal (2016),
(2015), etc.
UNIF 2019 Location Information
Seminar Room 1.055 Computer Science Faculty Building TU Dortmund Otto - Hahn Str. 12 44227 DortmundMAP
http://www.cs.tu-dortmund.de/nps/en/Home/Directions/index.html Catering: room 1.054
Jörg Siekmann
(Saarland University/DFKI)
Narciso Martí Oliet
(Universidad Complutense Madrid)
Contributions should be written in English and submitted in the form of abstracts with a maximum of 5 pages including references in EasyChair style . The submission should be in the form of a PDF file uploaded to Easychair:
The workshop pre-proceedings, containing the reviewed extended abstracts, will be handed-out at workshop registration. At least one of the authors should register for the workshop. Presentations should be in English. According to the quality of proceedings, authors will be invited to submit an improved version of their paper for a special journal issue.
Full Abstract: Rethinking Unification Theory
Abstract: Strategies allow modular separation between the rules that specify a system and the way that these rules are applied. They can be used both to implement and test different algorithms over a given specification or to drive the search of solutions to reachability problems reducing the state space. A strategy language for rewriting using Maude has been developed and implemented during the last years. The language controls when a basic step of rewriting is taken, by using sequences, tests, and other combinators. The next Maude release will include full support for this strategy language. The ongoing work that we present extends the use of this strategy language to narrowing, which is a more general method than rewriting and may have a much larger state space for a given problem, because whereas rewriting uses matching for solving reachability problems, narrowing uses unification. The application of a basic narrowing step is controlled in this case by means of a subset of the strategy combinators defined for rewriting. Narrowing strategies can turn an infinite state space into a finite one, as it has already been shown in an example using the prototype that we have developed. This prototype is a proof of concept to settle the basis of what can be achieved using strategies in a narrowing environment.