Institution: UFCG
Title: A limiting free boundary problem for a degenerate operator in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces
Institution: UFG
Title: On an Abstract Bifurcation Result Concerning Homogeneous Potential Operators with Applications to PDEs
Institution: UFS
Title: Existence and non-existence results of dead cores for fully nonlinear elliptic problems
Institution: UnB
Title: A limiting obstacle problem for the inhomogeneous p−fractional Laplacian
Institution: UFPA
Title: Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions
for a singular system via sub-supersolution method and Mountain Pass
Institution: UFG
Title: On a splitting of the Nehari manifold via the generalized Rayligh quotients
Institution: UFPB
Title: Stationary Kirchhoff equations involving critical growth and vanishing potential
Institution: Pol. University Krakow-Poland
Title: Existence, nonexistence and
multiplicity of positive solutions for an equation with degenerate nonlocal diffusion
Institution: UFPA
Title: Non-local Degenerate Diffusion Coefficients Break Down the Components of Positive Solutions
Institution: UFPA
Title:Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for a
fourth-order elliptic equation
Institution: UFJF
Title:Elliptic equations with exponential nonlinearity
combined with convection term
Institution: UFCG
Title: A global minimization trick to solve some classes of
Berestycki-Lions type problems
Institution: UNICAMP
Title: On a 3D phase-field model with convection under a magnetic field effect
Institution: UNICAMP
Title: On singular elliptic boundary value
problems via a harmonic analysis approach
Institution: UNICAMP
Title:Regularity theory for a class of variable-exponent fully
nonlinear elliptic equations
Institution: UFS
Title: Adams’ trace principle on Morrey-type spaces
over β-Hausdorff dimensional surfaces
Institution: UFAM
Title:Convex topological algebras via linear vector fields and Cuntz
Institution: UFG
Title: Ground states for a class of critical quasilinear coupled
superlinear elliptic systems
Institution: UFPE
Title: On the extreme value of the Nehari
manifold method for a class of Schr\" {o}dinger equations with indefinite weight functions
Institution: UnB
Title: On a class of quasilinear equations involving
critical exponent and nonlinearity concave at the origin
Institution: PUC-Rio
Title: An Indefinite Elliptic Problem on R^N Autonomous at Infinity: the
Crossing Effect of the Spectrum and the Nonlinearity