Linguagens Formais e Autômatos
- J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, Addison-Wesley,
- H. R. Lewis and C. H. Papadimitiou,
Elements of the Theory of Computation, Prentice-Hall, 1981.
- I. Simon, Linguagens Formais e Autômatos,
Segunda Escola de Computação, 1981.
- T. A. Sudkamp, Languages and Machines: An Introduction to the Theory of Computer Science, Addison-Wesley, 1997.
- T M. Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, PWS Publishing Company, 1997.
- R. G. Taylor, Models of Computation and Formal Languages,
Oxford University Press, 1998. Link to related software Deus Ex Machina from N. Savoiu. See license agreement and instructions in previous link when downloading local copy of this software (3 MB).
- S. H. Rodger and M. Procopiuc and O. Procopiuc, JFLAP,
, a package of graphical tools which can be used as an aid in learning the basic concepts of Formal Languages and Automata Theory Link to JFLAP (S. Rodger's Tools at Duke University).
- Sistema de Animação Gráfica de Teoremas de Equvalência entre Modelos e Linguagens Computacionais - SAGEMoLiC,
, an applet of graphical tools for illustrating equivalence properties between computational models, grammars and languages Link to SAGEMoLiC .
An extended beta version of SAGEMoLiC that allows normalizations of Context Free Grammars (to their Greibach and Chomsky NFs) is also available: link to the extended beta version of SAGEMoLiC .
Didactic Material of the course:
- Program, first semester 2003 Postscript,pdf
Grades (Menções Finais 2003/I) Revisão: 10.07.2003, 16:30-17:30
- Program of the course for the first semester 1999 (
postscript 45 KB) In Portuguese.
- Programming Project for the first semester 1999: Transforming non-deterministic DFAs into deterministic ones without empty-transitions (Postscript 33 KB) In Portuguese.
The best applet developed
- Lists of problems:
- Terceira Lista de Exercícios, Primeiro semestre 2003 Postscript, pdf.
- Segunda Lista de Exercícios, Primeiro semestre 2003 Postscript, pdf.
- Primeira Lista de Exercícios, Primeiro semestre 2003 Postscript, pdf.
- Second list of exercises, first semester 2002 In Portuguese.
- First list of exercises, first semester 2002 In Portuguese.
- First list of problems, first semester 1998
postscript 23 KB) In Portuguese.
- First list of problems, first semester 1999
(Postscript 58 KB) In Portuguese.
- Second list of problems, first semester 1999
(Postscript 33 KB) In Portuguese.
- Second list of problems, first semester 1998
postscript 26 KB) In Portuguese.
- Third list of problems, first semester 1998
postscript 18 KB) In Portuguese.
- Lists of tests:
- Selected monograph topics
postscript 27 KB) In Portuguese.