SUBSEXPL (acronymous for SUBStituições EXPLícitas) is an OCAML implementation
of reduction via the explicit substitutions calculi. The current
implementation allows reductions in the following calculi:
- lambda-sigma calculus [ACCL91]
- lambda se-calculus [KR97]
- the suspension calculus [NAD99]
- a refinement of the suspension calculus which
combines steps of beta-contraction. [NQ03]
The reductions can be easily recorded and stored into files; latex
output is also provided.
Now there exists a version of SUBSEXPL which includes a new graphical interface over emacs with the x-symbol mode that provides a much
better user interface. With this interface lambda-expressions are
visualized directly, without the necessity to produce the latex output
as before.
screen1 |
screen2 |
screen3 |
screen4 |
version with x-symbol
Click here
to download just the binary file for PC like machines (GNU/linux x86).
Click here
to download just the binary file for macintosh machines (GNU/linux
To run this binary file, turn it into an executable file by typing
"chmod +x subsxsymb???.bin" in a terminal replacing ??? by x86 or ppc
according to your machine's architecture. Then, start emacs and then
type "M-x shell" to start a shell within an emacs window. Assuming
that you have x-symbol already
installed, start x-symbol mode by typing "M-x x-symbol-mode". Then
emacs will ask you about the "Token Language for X-Symbol mode:" and
you should type "TeX macro" and then ENTER. To start SUBSEXPL type
"./subsxsymb???.bin" in this emacs shell.
Full source code (plataform independent)
Click here
to download the full source code including examples and
installation instructions.
To expand this file type "tar zxpvf subsxsymbol.tar.gz" in a
terminal. It will create the directory "subsexpl" that contains the
file README containing all installation
version without x-symbol
Click here
to download just the binary file for PC like machines (GNU/linux x86).
Click here
to download just the binary file for macintosh machines (GNU/linux
To run this binary file, turn it into an executable file by
typing "chmod +x subsexpl???.bin" in a terminal replacing ??? by x86
or ppc according to your machine's architecture. Then, start emacs and
then type "M-x shell" to start a shell within an emacs window. To
start SUBSEXPL type "./subsexpl???.bin" in this emacs shell. For more
information see the tutorial (pdf) (ps)
Full source code (plataform independent)
Click here
to download the full source code including examples and
installation instructions.
To expand this file type "tar zxpvf subsxsymbol.tar.gz" in a
terminal. It will create the directory "subsexpl" that contains the
file README containing all installation details.
Last modification: 04/04/2006.