The departmental computing facilities avaliable at the Computing Laboratory include a network of 2 DEC Alpha Workstations (aroeira and ipe), a DEC Alpha Server (pequi) and several X-Terminals (faculty offices) all running under DEC Unix. The lab includes also a network of 4 PC's (cnpq1, cnpq4, pauterra and sucupira) running Linux administered by members of the Theory of Computation Group. A third network includes 2 PC's (jatuauba and catanduba) running Windows NT. There are 3 Postscript laser printers connected to the DEC Unix network and 1 to the Linux network. Beside providing internet services, the lab is used for applications such as symbolic computation in physics, theorem proving with completion based programs and computational group theory. It is used also by students from disciplines such as "Introduction to Computing" and "Analysis of Algorithms" for implementation purposes.