Departamento de Matemática
de Brasília - UnB
Number theory, as Gauss said, is the queen of mathematics. Automorphic forms
are a modern part with old roots in which one meets geometry, analysis, algebra
and number theory in the study of groups, their representations
and their harmonic
analysis. There are presently four members of our group, and we hope to
grow and solidify. We are neither the first nor the only people
working in beautiful
Brazil in this direction, but we are presently the largest such
group. Our
interaction occurs mostly through our weekly seminar, which attracts the
interest of students, where we discuss both our own work and recent
advances in the
field. We hope and expect to have more students
and some visitors, thanks to some recent grants offered by the state and the
government of Brazil.
página em português
Our basic interests at present are around:
Research Topics:
All those interested in our M.Sc. and/or Ph.D. program, or in a
position in the department, are invited
to look through our homepages. There are grants available for both programs.
If you would like further information, please contact us (for e-mail
addresses, see our homepages).
Links of General Interest:
Number Theory