Matemática Contemporânea is a publication of the Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática (Brazilian Mathematical Society). Its primary purpose is to publish the proceedings of mathematical meetings. Each volume will typically include refereed research and selected survey articles.
Matemática Contemporânea é uma publicação da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. Seu objetivo principal é publicar os anais de reuniões de matemática. Cada volume conterá artigos de pesquisa e trabalhos expositórios selecionados, aceitos mediante revisão científica.
Editorial Board
Paulo D. Cordaro Universidade de São Paulo Instituto de Matemática e Estatística 01452-990, São Paulo, SP, Brazil Tel: +55 (11) 818-6178, Fax: +55 (11) 814-4135 E-mail: |
Dan Marchesin Inst. de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) Estrada Dona Castorina 110 22460 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Tel: +55 (21) 294-9032, Fax: +55 (21) 512-4115 E-mail: |
Aron Simis Universidade Federal da Bahia Instituto de Matemática Av. Ademar de Barros, Campos Ondina 40210 Salvador, BA, Brazil Tel: +55 (71) 245-9002, Fax: +55 (71) 245-9002 E-mail: |
Keti Tenenblat (Chief Editor) Universidade de Brasília Departamento de Matemática 70910 Brasília, DF, Brazil Tel: +55 (61) 347-2847, +55 (61) 273-3356 Fax: +55 (61) 273-2737 E-mail: |
Authors willing to publish in the proceedings of a meeting should hand in two copies of their manuscripts. The papers should be preferably written in English.
The editors encourage submission of manuscripts in TeX or LateX. A TEX file containing the text should be enclosed along with the two copies of the manuscript.
Figures and Tables appearing in the paper should be numbered and referred to by their numbers. A camera ready proof version of the pictures must be provided by the author.
The list of references must be in alphabetical order; abbreviations of names of journals and references to books should follow the standard form established by Mathematical Reviews.
Proofs of the paper will be sent to the author. One copy of the proceedings volume will be sent to each contributor.