Universidade de Brasília, July -August 2001 - Brasília
edited by John T. Baldwin, Ruy J. G. B. de Queiroz, Edward H. Haeusler
M. Ayala-Rincón, F. Kamareddine, On Applying the $\lambda S_e$-Style of Unification for Simply-Typed Higher Order Unification (ps) (pdf)
A. V. Figallo, G. Z. Ramón, \, Saad, A Note on the Hilbert Algebras with Infimum (ps) (pdf)
A. Fleury, Ribbon Braided Multiplicative Linear Logic (ps) (pdf)
P. Hájek, Mathematical Fuzzy Logic - State of Art 2001 (ps) (pdf)
J. Kennedy, On Embedding Models of Arithmetic into Reduced Powers (ps) (pdf)
D. Kozen, {\footnotesize Automata on Guarded Strings and Applications (ps) (pdf)
M. Martinez, Towards a Model of Heterogeneous Commonsense Reasoning (ps) (pdf)
J. V\"a\"an\"anen, Pseudo-Finite Model Theory (ps) (pdf)