Salahoddin Shokranian
My mathematical interests are:
Number Theory,
Automorphic Forms (Modular Forms, and Trace Formulas), Representation
Theory and Harmonic Analysis on p-adic groups and symmetric spaces,
especially their role in number theory, coding theory, and topology.
After studying at Arya-Mehr University in Tehran and Stanford University in
California , I did my Ph.D. with Ichiro Satake at the University of
California Berkeley in 1982.
Since then I have held a permanent position
at the Universidade de Brasilia.
From 1984 to 1998 I have visited many
research centers and universities to mention some: TIFR-Bombay,
IMPA-Rio de Janeiro, IAS-Princeton, The University of Torornto,
Purdue University, UC Berkeley, IPM (the Institute for Theoretical Physics
and Mathematics) Tehran-Iran, Sharif University of Technology Tehran-Iran,
The United States Naval Academy Maryland. University of California
Berkeley. Chuo University Tokyo, The Research Institute of Mathematical
Sciences (RIMS) Kyoto, Yale University, will visit Max-Planck at Bonn from
March to May 1999. Yale Univesrsity Spring Term 2000.
- Some notes on classical domains of type IV, Preprint University of
Brasilia 1983.
- On the dimension of space of cusp forms for SO(3,2), (co-author S. S.
Rangachari) Preprint TIFR, 1985.
- Limit of traces of irreducible components of supercuspidal Hecke
operators, Proceeding of the school of Algebra (1990), 139-143.
- Topology and trace formula, Proceeding of the Brasilian math.
Colloq. (1991), 40-45.
- L^2-cohomology and Hecke operators, C.R. Canada, 13 (1991), 229-233.
- The twisted L^2-Lefschetz numbers of Hecke operators, C.R. Canada,
13 (1991), 243-247.
- The Selberg-Arthur Trace Formula, Lecture Notes in Mathematics
1503, Springer-Verlag (1992).
- Coding Theory and Bilinear Complexity (co-author, M.A.
Shokrollahai), GmbH KFA Germany Vol.21 (1993).
- Teoria dos
(co-authors, H. Godinho, M. Soares) The University of Brasilia
Press (1994).
- Examples of trace formulas, Proceeding of the school of Algebra (1995),
- A local twisted trace formula (co-author, D. Joyner) Preprint 1995,
1-260 pages.
- On invariant distribution on a p-adic reductive group (co-author D.
Joyner), subm. for publication 1-31 pages.
- Arithmetic Groups: An Introduction to Trace Formula and Hecke
Operators, Publication of IPM - Lecture Note Series 2, 1997, 230 pages.
- An Elementary local trace formula for real symmetric spaces, in
Proceeding of Kyoto Workshop on Number Theory and Automorphic Forms, pp 58-73,
publication of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences (RIMS),
Vol. 1052, June 1998, Kyoto Japan.
- Lefschetz Numbers on Weighted Cohomology for Twisted Groups, pp.
1-275, 1998.
- Arithmetic Groups, Jordan Algebras, and Zeta Functions, pp 1-150
preprint 1998.
- Remarks on codes from modular curves: Maple applications. Jointly with
D. Joyner, to appear in Coding Theory and Cryptography: From Enigma and
Geheimschreider to Quantum Theory. Springer Verlag, Nov. 1999.
- Variavel Complexa I (Portuguese),
published by the University of Brasilia Press 2002.
- Geometria Hiperbolica e Teoria dos Numeros (Portuguese), to be
published by the University of Brasilia Press, 2003.
- Numeros Notaveis (Portuguese), published by the University
of Brasilia Press, 2002.
- Introducao a Algebra Linear (Portuguese), to be published by the
University of Brasilia Press, 2003.
- Criptografia para Iniciantes (Portuguese), to be published.
I have supervised several master dissertations, in Artin's
Conjecture and the Theorem of Hasse-Minkowski, Reduction Theory for GL(n,
R), Cohomological Methods in Modular Forms.
My e-mail address is