Salahoddin Shokranian

My mathematical interests are: Number Theory, Automorphic Forms (Modular Forms, and Trace Formulas), Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis on p-adic groups and symmetric spaces, especially their role in number theory, coding theory, and topology.

After studying at Arya-Mehr University in Tehran and Stanford University in California , I did my Ph.D. with Ichiro Satake at the University of California Berkeley in 1982.

Since then I have held a permanent position at the Universidade de Brasilia.

From 1984 to 1998 I have visited many research centers and universities to mention some: TIFR-Bombay, IMPA-Rio de Janeiro, IAS-Princeton, The University of Torornto, Purdue University, UC Berkeley, IPM (the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Mathematics) Tehran-Iran, Sharif University of Technology Tehran-Iran, The United States Naval Academy Maryland. University of California Berkeley. Chuo University Tokyo, The Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) Kyoto, Yale University, will visit Max-Planck at Bonn from March to May 1999. Yale Univesrsity Spring Term 2000.

  1. Some notes on classical domains of type IV, Preprint University of Brasilia 1983.
  2. On the dimension of space of cusp forms for SO(3,2), (co-author S. S. Rangachari) Preprint TIFR, 1985.
  3. Limit of traces of irreducible components of supercuspidal Hecke operators, Proceeding of the school of Algebra (1990), 139-143.
  4. Topology and trace formula, Proceeding of the Brasilian math. Colloq. (1991), 40-45.
  5. L^2-cohomology and Hecke operators, C.R. Canada, 13 (1991), 229-233.
  6. The twisted L^2-Lefschetz numbers of Hecke operators, C.R. Canada, 13 (1991), 243-247.
  7. The Selberg-Arthur Trace Formula, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1503, Springer-Verlag (1992).
  8. Coding Theory and Bilinear Complexity (co-author, M.A. Shokrollahai), GmbH KFA Germany Vol.21 (1993).
  9. Teoria dos Números, (co-authors, H. Godinho, M. Soares) The University of Brasilia Press (1994).
  10. Examples of trace formulas, Proceeding of the school of Algebra (1995), 221-226.
  11. A local twisted trace formula (co-author, D. Joyner) Preprint 1995, 1-260 pages.
  12. On invariant distribution on a p-adic reductive group (co-author D. Joyner), subm. for publication 1-31 pages.
  13. Arithmetic Groups: An Introduction to Trace Formula and Hecke Operators, Publication of IPM - Lecture Note Series 2, 1997, 230 pages.
  14. An Elementary local trace formula for real symmetric spaces, in Proceeding of Kyoto Workshop on Number Theory and Automorphic Forms, pp 58-73, publication of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Vol. 1052, June 1998, Kyoto Japan.
  15. Lefschetz Numbers on Weighted Cohomology for Twisted Groups, pp. 1-275, 1998.
  16. Arithmetic Groups, Jordan Algebras, and Zeta Functions, pp 1-150 preprint 1998.
  17. Remarks on codes from modular curves: Maple applications. Jointly with D. Joyner, to appear in Coding Theory and Cryptography: From Enigma and Geheimschreider to Quantum Theory. Springer Verlag, Nov. 1999.
  18. Variavel Complexa I (Portuguese), published by the University of Brasilia Press 2002.
  19. Geometria Hiperbolica e Teoria dos Numeros (Portuguese), to be published by the University of Brasilia Press, 2003.
  20. Numeros Notaveis (Portuguese), published by the University of Brasilia Press, 2002.
  21. Introducao a Algebra Linear (Portuguese), to be published by the University of Brasilia Press, 2003.
  22. Criptografia para Iniciantes (Portuguese), to be published.

    I have supervised several master dissertations, in Artin's Conjecture and the Theorem of Hasse-Minkowski, Reduction Theory for GL(n, R), Cohomological Methods in Modular Forms.

    My e-mail address is