Research Interest

My research area in mathematics is group theory and more specifically I’m interested in: profinite groups, residually finite groups, verbal subgroups and words in groups, coprime automorphisms of groups, generating graph and probabilistic zeta-function of finite and profinite groups, graded Lie algebras.

Research publications

32) Acciarri C., Guralnick R.M., Khukhro E.I., Shumyatsky P., Rank properties of commutators and Carter subgroups of finite groups, (2024), in preparation.

Acciarri C., Guralnick R.M., Khukhro E.I., Shumyatsky P., Rank type conditions on commutators in finite groups, (2023), submitted, 21 pages.

Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., Varieties of groups and the problem on conciseness of words, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe Scienze (2024), accepted. arXiv:2308.02209.

Acciarri C., Guralnick R.M., Shumyatsky P., Criteria for solubility and nilpotency of finite groups with automorphisms, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society,55 (2023),1340-1346.

Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., Profinite groups with restricted centralizers of $\pi$-elements, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 301 (2022),1039-1045.

Acciarri C., Guralnick R.M., Shumyatsky P., Coprime automorphisms of finite groups, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 375:7 (2022),4549-4565.

Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., A stronger form of Neumann's BFC-theorem, Israel Journal of Mathematics,242 (2021), 269-278.

25) Acciarri C., Lucchini A., Genus, thickness and crossing number of graphs encoding the generating properties of finite groups, Discrete Mathematics, 344 (2021), 112289.

24) Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., On the rank of a finite group of odd order with an involutory automorphism, Monatshefte für Mathematik,194 (2021), 461-469.

Acciarri C., Lucchini A., Graphs encoding the generating properties of a finite group, Mathematische Nachrichten 293 (2020), 1644-1674.

22) Acciarri C., da Silveira D.S., Engel-like conditions in fixed points of automorphisms of profinite groups, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 199 (2020), 187-197.

Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., On groups in which Engel sinks are cyclic, Journal of Algebra 539 (2019), 366–376.

Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., Silveira D., Engel sinks of fixed points in finite groups, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 223 (2019), 4592-4601.

19) Acciarri C., Khukhro E.I., Shumyatsky P., Profinite groups with an automorphism whose fixed points are right Engel, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 147 (2019), 3691-3703.

18) Acciarri C., Lucchini A., The generating graph of infinite abelian groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 100 (2019), 68-75.

17) Acciarri C., da Silveira D.S., Profinite groups and centralizers of coprime automorphisms whose elements are Engel, Journal of Group Theory 21 (2018), 485-509.

16) Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., da Silveira D.S., On groups with automorphisms whose fixed points are Engel, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 197 (2017), 307-316.

15) Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., Coverings of commutators in profinite groups, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 137 (2017), 237-257.

Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., Commutators and commutator subgroups in profinite groups, Journal of Algebra 473 (2017), 166-182.

13) Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., Profinite Groups and the fixed points of coprime automorphisms, Journal of Algebra 452 (2016), 188-196.

12) Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., On finite groups in which coprime commutators are covered by few cyclic subgroups, Journal of Algebra 407 (2014), 358-371.

Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., Thillaisundaram A., Conciseness of coprime commutators in finite groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 89 (2014), 252-258.

10) Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., On words that are concise in residually finite groups, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 218 (2014), 130-134.

9) Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., Centralizers of coprime automorphisms of finite groups, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 193 (2014), 317-324.

8) Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., On profinite groups in which commutators are covered by finitely many subgroups, Mathematische Zeitschrift 274 (2013), 239-248.

7) Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., Double automorphisms of graded Lie algebras, Journal of Algebra 387 (2013), 1-10.

6) Acciarri C., Fernández-Alcober G., Shumyatsky P., A focal subgroup theorem for outer commutator words, Journal of Group Theory 15 (2012), 397-405.

5) Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., On verbal subgroups in finite and profinite groups, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 14 (2012), 1-13.

4) Acciarri C., Shumyatsky P., Fixed points of coprime operator groups, Journal of Algebra 342 (2011), 161-174.

3) Acciarri C., De Souza Lima A., Shumyatsky P., Derived subgroups of fixed points in profinite groups, Glasgow Mathematical Journal 54 (2011), 97-105.

2) Acciarri C., Fernández-Alcober G., Positive laws on large sets of generators: counterexamples for infinitely generated groups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 89 (2010), 289-296.

1) Acciarri C., Fernández-Alcober G., Positive Laws on Generators in Powerful Pro-p Group. In: Conference Ischia Group Theory 2010, Ischia- Naples (Italy), Singapure: World Scientific, 2011. pp. 1-10.


Gustavo A. Fernández Alcober, Robert M. Guralnick, Evgeny I. Khukhro, Andrea Lucchini, Pavel Shumyatsky, Danilo S. da Silveira, Aline de Souza Lima, Anitha Thillaisundaram

Future Conferences

Upcoming conferences on group theory

Past Conferences

Ischia Group Theory 2024 (Ischia- Naples, Italy)
Ischia Group Theory 2022 (Ischia- Naples, Italy)

Groups in Galway 2021 (Galway, Ireland - online)
New Trends around Profinite Groups (Levico Terme, Italy -online)
33 Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática - Group Theory Session (IMPA - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -online)
GOThIC- online (schedule winter semester)
direct link to my talk)
VI Colóquio de Matemática da Região Centro-Oeste (Brasília -SBM-online)


XII Summer Workshop in Mathematics (Brasília, Brazil)


XXIII Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra (Mexico City, Mexico)
XI Summer Workshop in Mathematics (Brasília, Brazil)


II Joint Meeting Spanish-Brazil in Mathematics (Cádiz, Spain)
Ischia Group Theory 2018 (Ischia - Naples, Italy)
IUMI-SIMAI-PTM Joint Meeting (Wroclaw, Poland)
International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Advances in Group Theory and Applications 2017 (Lecce, Italy)
Groups St Andrews 2017 (Birmingham, UK)


Groups, Rings and their Automorphisms (Lincoln, UK)
Ischia Group Theory 2016 (Ischia - Naples, Italy)
II Congresso Brasileiro de Jovens Pesquisadores em Matemática (Campinas, Brazil)
24th Brazilian Algebra Meeting (Diamantina, Brazil)


Lie and Jordan Algebras, their Representations and Applications VI (Bento Gonçalves - Brazil)
First Joint Meeting Spain-Brazil in Mathematics (Fortaleza, Brazil)
Second Workshop in Groups and Algebras (Belo-Horizonte, Brazil)

2014, 2013, … (see my cv)