1. Deadlines
To submit an abstract:
August 31, 2017.
The acceptance notifications will be send by email until
September 24, 2017.
Registration of non-speaker participants:
October 23, 2017.
2. How to register
If you wish to participate in the XI Congress GAFEVOL, access the meeting web pageÂ to send your information. Please fill in or complete your on-line registration form.
3. Registration Fees
R$ 150,00 (reais)Professors:
R$400,00 (reais) The registration fee includes cocktail, coffee-breaks, lunchs, material and shuttle (from the hotel Saint Moritz to the place of the event everyday).
The payment can be made on October 23, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. in the reception desk of the Meeting n the official currency in Brazil (real).
4. Social events
There will be some social events during the event as follows:
October 24, 2017: Tour in Brasília / Price: R$ 45,00 (for the participants of the event and accompanying persons)
October 25, 2017: Conference Dinner/ Price: R$ 60,00 (for the participants of the event with support), R$ 30,00 (for the participants of the event without support) and R$ 120,00 (for accompanying persons)
Local: Churrascaria Steak Bull (more information:
If you decide to attend both social events, the special rate is R$ 100,00.
5. Poster Session
We encourage graduate students and post-docs to present a poster in our meeting. To submit an abstract the deadline is
August 31, 2017.
6. Travel Information
How to arrive at the hotel from the airport
Below, we list some shuttle options to go from the airport to the hotel.
- By Executive Bus: if you booked a hotel localized at Setor Hoteleiro Norte or Setor Hoteleiro Sul, you can take the executive bus at the airport, which costs R$ 12,00 (approximately U$ 4,00) and goes directly to these both sectors and other places in the city. To see all the places attended by this bus and the, please click here. The schedule of this bus can be also found in this website.
- By taxi: it is also possible to go to anywhere in Brasília by taxi. There are several taxis at the airport and they are located in the arrival platform of the airport.
7. About the group
To know more about the group GAFEVOL, click