
Universidade de Brasília
Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro
Departamento de Matemática
Brasília - DF
70910-900, Brasil ou

Telefone do Gabinete: +55 61 31076495

Giovany Figueiredo


Atividades editoriais e/ou Científicos

Advances in Nonlinear Analysis - 2025 - Atual

Annals of Functional Analysis - 2024 - Atual

Annals of the University of Craiova - Mathematics and Computer Science serie - 2020 - Atual

BVP - Boundary Values Problems - 2022 - Atual

Demonstratio Mathematica - 2020 - Atual

ENAMA-Encontro de Análise Matemática  e Aplicações - 2011  - 2021 

International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications - 2012 - 2012.

International Mathematical Forum - 2015 - Atual

Journal of Advances in Mathematical Analysis and Applications(JMAA) - 2017 - 2021.

Open Mathematics - 2020 - Atual

Opuscula mathematics - 2020 - Atual

Research and Reports on Mathematics - 2017 - Atual


Projetos de pesquisa com financiamento externo, clique aqui.

Relação dos co-autores nos artigos abaixo relacionados, clique aqui.

Dissertação de Mestrado do Prof. Giovany

Tese de Doutorado do Prof. Giovany


Orientacões concluídas

Nível Doutorado

12 Teses de Doutorado em Matemática orientadas.

Nível Mestrado

23 Dissertações de Mestrado  em Matemática orientadas.

Nível Pós-Doutorado

6 Supervisões de Projetos de Pós-Doutorado finalizados

Nível Iniciação Científica

10 Supervisões de Projetos de Iniciação científica finalizados.


Orientações  em andamento:


Nível Doutorado.

1) Wendy Fernanda de Almeida. Inicio junho de 2022. Previsão término junho de  2026.

2) Karen Sabrina Gomes Viana. Inicio Agosto de 2023. Previsão término junho de  2027.

Artigos aceitos ou publicados 2025

216) Multiple solutions for a Kirchhoff-Boussinesq type problem with competing potentials, (with S. M. A. Salirrosas), Minimax Theory and its applications, 10, 1, 2025, pg 135-163.
215) Multiple solutions for some classes of nonlinear elliptic equations with variable exponent,  (with C. O. Alves and Y. Tong), to appear Proceeding of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A in 2025.


214) Existence of least energy positive and nodal solutions for a class of caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg type problems(with George Kiamets), Monatshefte Fur Mathematik, Vol 206, pages 67-85 (2025).
213) The asymptotic behavior of constant signand nodal solutions of $(p,q)$-Laplacian problems as $p$ goes to $1$(with Marcos Pimenta and Patrick Winkert), Nonlinear Anal. 251, 2025, 113677.
212) On a planar equation involving $(2,q)$-Laplacian with zero mass and Trudinger-Moser nonlinearity(J. Anderson Cardoso, J. C. de Albuquerque and J. Carvalho), Nonlinear Anal: Real world and Appl., 81 (2025), 104227.

211) Positive solutions for a Kirchhoff type problem with critical growth via nonlinear Rayleigh quotient, (with Eduardo Lima, Edcarlos Silva and José C. Oliveira Junior),  Calc. Var. and Partial Differential Equations, 64, 1-49, 2025.

Artigos aceitos ou publicados em 2024

210) Existence results for the $1-$Laplacian problem with a critical concave-convex nonlinearity, (with Marcos Pimenta and Yino B. Cueva Carranza), J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 26, 49 (2024).
209) Uniform convergence of global least energy solutions to Dirichlet systems in non-reflexive Orlicz-Sobolev spaces(Grey Ercole and A. Razani)Results in Mathematics, (2024), 79-237,
208) Cafarelli-Kohn-Niremnber type problems with Berestyck-Lions type nonlinearities, (George Kiametis), Electron. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2024(2024). No. 44, pp. 1-12.
207) Quasilinear elliptic problems with exponential growth via the Nehari manifold method: Existence of nonnegative and nodal solutions, (with Sandra Moreira Neto and Ricardo Ruviaro) to appear in Acta Mathematica Sinica in 2024.
206) Existence of positive solutions for a class of singular problems with convection term and critical exponential growth, (with Anis Ben Ghorbal and Sami Baraket)BVP - Boundary value Problems, (2024), 2024:91,
205) Existence of positive solution for a class of equation with supercritical growth, (with Gustavo S. A. Costa, Sandra I. Moreira Neto and Ricardo Ruviaro)to appear in Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations in 2024.
204) Infinitely many solutions for an anisotropic differential inclusion on unbounded domains, (with Abdolrahman Razani)Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (EJQTDE), 2024, 33, pg 1-17. 
203) Concentration of solutions for a class of Bi-harmonic and p-Laplacian equations, (with Romulo D. Carlos and Gustavo Costa)to appear in Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations in 2024.



202) Existence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions to a class of elliptic Kirchhoff-Boussinesq type problems, , (with Romulo D. Carlos)Calc. Var. and Partial Differential Equations, 63:120, 2024.
201) Multibump solutions for a strongly degenerate problem with exponential growth in RN, (with Jefferson dos Santos and Uberlandio Severo)The Journal of Geometric Analysis,  34, 242 (2024). 

200) Positive solutions for a semipositone anisotropic p-Laplacian problem, (with A. Razani)BVP-Boundary Value Problems, 2024, 34 (2024).
199) Multiple  solutions to  a Kirchhoff-Boussinesq type problem with competing potentials, (with Segundo Manuel Argomemdo Salirrosas)to appear in Minimax Theory and Applications in 2024. 
198) A positive solution for a weight anisotropic $p-$Laplace equation involving vanishing potential, (with Gustavo Costa and A. Razani)Mediterranean Journal of mathematics, (2024), 21:59,
197) Existence and concentration of  solutions for a class of Kirchhoff-Boussinesq equation with exponential growth in R4, (with Romulo Carlos e Gustavo Costa)Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series, (2024) 55:14,
196) Positive solutions semipositone Phi-Laplacian involving nonlocal term in Orlicz-Sobolev space, (with A. Razani )to appear in DIE - Differential and Integral Equations in 2024.
195) A positive solution for a weighted p-Laplace equation with Hardy-Sobolev's critical exponent, (with A. Razani and Gustavo S. A. Costa) Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 47, 61 (2024).
194) On Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg type problems with a sign-changing term (with Anis Ben Ghorbal and Sami Baraket)The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2024, 34, 142,
193) A study on a class of weighted elliptic problems with indefinite nonlinearities (with A. Razani and Gustavo S. A. Costa) Applicable Analysis, vol 2024, issue 13, pg 2353-2371. 
192) Nonlinear Perturbations of a Periodic Kirchhoff-Boussinesq type problems in $\mathbb{R}^{N}$ (with Rômulo D. Carlos), ZAMP - Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 75 (2024), 23, pg 1-14.
191) On an elliptic Kirchhoff-Boussinesq type problems with exponential growth (Romulo D. Carlos), MMAS - Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 47, 1 2024, page 397-408.
190) Kirchhoff-Boussinesq type problems with positive and zero mass(with Romulo D. Carlos and Ricardo Ruviaro), Applicable Analysis, 10:31,  2024, 16-28.
Artigos aceitos ou publicados em 2023
189) On singular quasilinear elliptic equations in RN (Gelson C. G. dos Santos and Sabado S. Muhassua), The Journal of Geometric Analysis, vol 33, 293(2023).
188) On the Fucik spectrum for the p-q Laplacian ( with Abdolrahman Razani), Discrete Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2023, 16(11), 3318-332.
187) Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a weighted (p-q)-Laplacian problem on the Heisenberg Lie Groups (with A. Razani and F. Safari), Bulletin in the Belgian Mathematical Society, 30 (2023), 281-296.
185) Solutions for a Quasilinear Elliptic Problem with Indefinite Nonlinearity with Critical Growth (with José Carlos O. Junior and Gustavo S. A. Costa),  EJQTDE - Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ. 2023, 24, 1-19.
184) A nonperiodic indefinite variational problems in RN with critical growth exponent, (with José Carlos O. Junior and Gustavo S. A. Costa),  Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Volume 66, issue 2, pp. 579-612.
183) Multiple ordered solutions for a class of elliptic problems involving fast increasing weights and nonlinearity with zeros(with Gelson dos Santos), ZAMP - Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 74, Issue 99, 2023.
182) Degenerated and competing horizontal (p,q)-Laplacians with weights on the Heisenberg group, (with A. Razani), Numeriacal Functional Analysis and Optimization, Vol 44, 2023, issue 3, 179-201.
180) A singular Liouville equation on planar domains(Marcelo Montenegro and Matheus F. Stapenhorst), Mathematische Nachrichten, 296 (2023), 4569-4609.
179) Existence of positive solutions for p&q equations involving vanishing potentials with exponential decay (with Gustavo S. A . Costa), Differential and Integral Equations - DIE, 36(9/10), 859-876, 2023.
178) Positive solutions for Kirchhoff elliptic problems via Rayleigh quotient in the whole RN, (with Eduardo D. Lima and Edcarlos D. Silva), JMAA - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 518(2023), 126651.

177) Existence of positive solution for a class of elliptic problems with indefinite nonlinearities with critical and supercritical growth(with Gustavo S. A. Costa and J. C. Oliveira Junior), Journal Advances in Differential Equations, volume 28,  numbers 5-6(2023), 347-372.

176) A positive solution for an anisotropic p-q-Laplacian (with A. Razani), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S, 2023, vol 16, Issue 6, 1629-1643.

175) Multiple solutions for an equation with weights and a nonlinearity with arbitrary growth(with Vinicius P. Bandeira), Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 68, 2023 - Issue 6, pages 1008-1020.

174) Multiple solutions for a Schorödinger-Bopp-Podolsky system with positive potentials(with Gaetano Siciliano), Mathematische Nachrichten, 296-6, 2023, pg 2332-2351. 

173) Positive and sign-changing solutions for nonlinear equations with rapid growing weights(with Marcelo Montenegro), Applicable Analysis, 102, 2023 - Issue 6, pg 1687-1695. 

172) Multiplicity of semiclassical states solutions for a weakly coupled Schr\"odinger system with critical growth in divergent form(with Segundo Manuel Salirrosas), Potential Analysis, 59, pg 237-261 (2023). 

171) Existence of  solution for a class of activator-inhibitor systems,  (with M. Montenegro), Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 65(1), 2023, 98-113.

170) Local mountain pass for a class of elliptic systems without homogeneity on the nonlinearity, (with Segundo Manuel Salirrosas), Minimax Theory and Its applications, 08 (2023), No. 2, 257-284.

169) Degenerated and competing anisotropic (p,q)-Laplacians with weights, (with A. Razani), Applicable Analysis, Vol 102, 2023, issue 16.

168) Existence and concentration of ground state solutions for a class of subcritical, critical or supercritical problems with potential well(with Gustavo S. Costa), Matematica Contemporânea 54(2023), 123-156. 

Artigos aceitos ou publicados em 2022
167) The effect of the domain topology on the number of positive solutions for an elliptic system(with Leticis S. Silva), Partial Differ. Equ. Appl., 3, 65 (2022).
166) The existence of solutions for the modified (p(x), q(x))-Kirchhoff equation(with Calogero Vetro), EJQTDE - Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2022, No. 39, 1-16.
165) Weak solutions by the sub-supersolution method for a nonlocal system involving Lebesgue generalized spaces, (with A. Razani), EJDE - Electronic Journal of  Differential Equations, 36 2022. pg 1-18.
164) On a planar Hartree-Fock type system, (with Jonilson Carvalho, Liliane Maia and Everaldo Medeiros), Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications - Nodea, 29, 56,  2022.
163) Existence of infinitely many solutions for an anisotropic equation using genus theory,  (with A. Razani), Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 45,12, 2022, pg 7591-7606. 
162) Existence of positive solutions for a critical nonlocal elliptic system,  (with Augusto Costa and Olimpio Miyagaki), Journal of Convex Analysis 29 (2022), 4, 1083-1117.
161) The limiting behavior of global minimizers in non-reflexive Orlicz-Sobolev spaces,  (with Grey Ercole, Viviane Magalhães and Gilberto Pereira),  Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 150, no. 12, 2022, pg 5267-5280. 
160)  Multiple ordered solutions for a class of problems involving the 1-Laplacian operator,  (with Gelson C. G. dos Santos and Marcos T. O. Pimenta), The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 32, Article number: 140 (2022)
159)  Existence of positive solutions for a critical system in RN_{+} (with Leticia S. Silva), Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, 71, 975-996, (2022).
158) Multiple solitary waves for a generalized kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations with a potential(with Marcelo Montenegro), JDE - Journal of Differential Equations, vol 38, (2022), pg 40-56.
157) On a critical and a supercritical system with fast increasing weights(with Vinicius Bandeira), Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applicatiions, 64(2022), 103431.
156) Existence and concetration of positive solutions for a critical p&q equation (with Gustavo Costa),  Adv.  Nonlinear Anal. 2022, 11: 243-267.

155) Existence of solutions for a class of non-local problems driven by an anisotropic operator via sub-supersolutions ( with Gelson C. G. dos Santos and Leandro S. Tavares),  Journal of Convex Analysis, 29(2022) no. 1. 
154) A log-exp elliptic equation in the plane (with Marcelo Montenegro and Matheus F. Stapenhorst),  DCDS - Discrete and Continuous of Dynamical system - A, 42(1), 2022, 481-504.
153) On a critical exponential p&N equation: Existence and concentration of changing solutions, (with G. S.  Costa),  Bulletin of the Brazilian Math. Soc. New Series 53, 243-280 (2022),

152) Nodal solutions to quasilinear elliptic problems involving the 1-laplacian operator via variational and approximation methods( with Marcos Pimenta), Indiana Univ. Math. J, 71, 2, 2022, pg 439-462.


Artigos aceitos ou publicados em 2021

151) Existence and asymptotics behavior of solutions for a class of semilinear elliptic systems with subcritical growth( with S. C. Q. Arruda and R. G. Nascimento), Asymptotic Anal., 127, no. 1-2, pp 15-34 in 2021.

150) The sub-supersolution method for a non-homogeneous elliptic equation involving Lebesgue generalized spaces(with A. Razani),  BVP - Boundary Value Problems, 2021, 105, 1-16.

149) Ground state sign-changing solutions and infinitely many solutions for fractional logarithmic Schrodinger equations in bounded domains(with Yonghui Tong, Hui Guo), 70 (2021), 1-14 EJQTDE - Eletronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differentual Equations.  
148) Existence of least energy positive and nodal solutions for a quasilinear Schodinger problem with potentials vanishing at infinity, (with Sandra Moreira Neto and Ricardo Ruviaro),  Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol 62, issue 9, 2021. 
147) Ground states of elliptic problems over cones (with Humberto Ramos and Kaye Silva),   Calc. Var.  and Partial Differential Equations,  60, 189 (2021).

146) On a planar non-autonomous Schr\'odinger-Poisson system involving exponential critical growth, (with F. S. Albuquerque, J. Carvalho and E. Medeiros), Calculus of Variation and partial Differential Equations in 2021, 60, 1-30.


145) On multiplicity and concentration behavior of solutions for a critical system with equations in divergence form(with S. M. A. Salirrosas  ), J. Math. Analysis and Appl., (2021), 494, 124446.

144) Existence of positive solutions of a critical system in RN( with L. S. Silva), Palestine Journal of Math., 10, (2021), 502-532.

143) Fast decaying ground states for elliptic equations with exponential nonlinearity, (with Marcelo Montenegro), 
Applied Math. Letters, 112, (2021), 106779-106786.


142) Multiplicity and regularity results for a class of quasilinear Schr\"odinger equations involving a nonlinearity concave at the origen, (with R. Ruviaro, J. C. Oliveira Junior and E. Moura), Mediterrrean J. Math., 18(2021), 1-19.


141) Positive maximal and minimal solutions for non-homogeneous elliptic equations depending on the gradient (with G. F. Madeira), J. Diff. Eq., 274(2021), 857-875.

140) Concentration, existence of a ground state and multiplicity of solutions for asubcritical elliptic system via penalization method (with S. M. A. Salirrosas), SN Partial Diff. Eq. Appl.,  2(2021), 1-30.

139) Positive solutions of the prescribe mean curvature equation with exponential critical growth (with V. D. Radulescu), Annali di Matematica pura ed applicata, 200(2021), 2213-2233.


138) Existence and behavior of positive solutions for a class of linearly coupled systems with discontinuous nonlinearities in RN, (with J. C. Albuquerque and G. C. G. dos Santos), J. Fixed point theory and Appl., 23 (2021), 1-27.

137) Multiple positive bound state solutions of a critical Choquard equation ( with C. O. Alves and R. Molle), DCDS-A, 41 (2021), 4887-4919.

136) On a zero-mass (N,q)-Laplacian equation in RN with exponential critial growth( with M. F. Furtado and E. S. Medeiros), Nonlinear Anal.,  213(2021), 112488.


135) Existence of positive solutions for a class of semipositone problems with Kirchhoff operator (with E. Massa and J. A. Santos), Annales Academicae Scientiarum Fenicae-Mathematica, 46 (2021), 655-666.


134) FitzHugh-Nagumo system with zero mass and critical growth (with Marcelo Montenegro),  Israel J. Math., TBD, 1-23,  2021.

133) Existence of positive solutions for a class of singular and quasilinear elliptic problems with critical exponential growth, (with Suellen C. Q. Arruda and Rúbia G. Nascimento),   Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica, 46, 2021, 395-420. 

132) Existence of positive eigenfunctions to an anisotropic elliptic operator via sub-super solutions method (with Simone Ciani and Antonio Suarez), 116, 85-95(2021) in Archiv der Mathematik

131) Normalized solutions for an horizontal transmission problem (with Gaetano Siciliano),  100, issue 15 (2021),  Applicable Analysis, 3174-3181.


130) Nonlinear perturbation of a periodic fractional Laplacian with supercritical growth (with Sandra Moreira Neto and Ricardo Ruviaro), to TMNA - Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 58(1), 335-349 in 2021. DOI: 10.12775/TMNA.2020.073.


129) Existence of a least energy nodal solution for a class of quasilinear elliptic equations with exponential growth  (with Fernando Bruno Nunes),   Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, 64(2021) 293-322.


Artigos aceitos ou publicados 2020

128) Multiplicity of positive solutions for a quasilinear Schr\"odinger equation with an almost critical nonlinearity ( with Gaetano Siciliano and Uberlandio Severo), 2020, 20(4), 933-963, Advanced Nonlinear Studies - ANS

pagesin Archiv der Mathematik in 2020.

127) Existence and asymptotic behaviour of solutions for a quasi-linear Schrödinger-Poisson system with a critical nonlinearity, (with Gaetano Siciliano), ZAMP-Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik,   71, Article number: 130 (2020


126) Quasilinear equations involving critical exponential and concave nonlinearity at the origin ( J. C. Oliveira Junior and Ricardo Ruviaro),  Milan Journal of Mathematics, vol. 88 (2020). 295-314.



125) Existence and concentration of nodal solutions for a subcritical $p\&q$ equation, (with Gustavo S. Costa), Comm. Pure and Appl. Analysis - CPAA, 19(11),   2020, 5077-5095. DOI: 10.3934/cpaa.2020227.


124) Existence of positive solutions for prescribed mean curvature problems with nonlocal term via sub and supersolution method, (with Antonio Suarez),  MMAS - Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol 43, issue 15, 2020.


123) Multiplicity of positive solutions for an anisotropic problem via sub-supersolution method and mountain pass theorem, (with G. C. G. dos Santos and Julio Roberto Silva),  JCA - Journal of Convex Analysis, 27 (2020), No. 4, 1363-1374.


122)  Existence and behavior of positive solution for a problem with descontinuous nonlinearity in RN via a nonsmooth penalization (with G. C. G. dos Santos and Rubia Nascimento),  ZAMP - . Angew. Math. Phys. 71, 71 (2020).

121)  A sub-supersolution method for a class of nonlocal system involving the p(x)-Laplacian operator and applications (with G. C. G. dos Santos and Leandro S. Tavares),  EJDE -Eletronic Journal of Differential equations, 25,  2020, 1-19.


120) Existence and profile of ground-state solutions to a 1-Laplacian problem in RN (with Claudianor Alves and Marcos Pimenta),  Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, 51(2020), 863-886. 


119) Sub-supersolution method for a quasilinear elliptic problem involving the 1-Laplacian operator and a gradient term,  (with Marcos Pimenta), Journal of Functional Analysis. 278-3 (2020), 108325.


 118) Existence of positive solution for a fractional elliptic equation in exterior domain,  (with Jeziel Correa),  JDE - Journal of Differential equations,  268, 5, 2020, 1946-1973. 


117) Sub-supersolution method for a singular problem involving Phi-Laplacian and Orlicz-Sobolev Spaces,  (with Gelson C. G. dos Santos and Leandro Tavares), Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 65, 3,  2020, 409-422.


116) Nonhomogeneous equation with critical exponential growth and lack of compactness, (with Vicentiu Radulescu),  Opuscula Math. 40, 1 (2020), 71-92,


115) Existence and concentration of positive solutions for p-fractional Schrodinger equations  (with Vincenzo Ambrosio and Teresa Isernia), Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 199, 317-344 (2020).


114) Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for a fourth-order elliptic equation (with Marcelo Furtado and João Pablo Silva), Proceedings A. of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 150, 2 (2020), 1053-1069.

Artigos publicados em 2019

113) Variational methods for Schrodinger type equations (with Gaetano Siciliano and Edwin Murcia) In book: Current Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Its Interdisciplinary Applications, Chapter 16, pg 565. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-15242-0_16

112) Multiple solutions for a class of singular quasilinear problems (with Gelson C. G. Santos and Uberlandio Severo),  JMAA - Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications,  480-2 (2019), 123405.


111) Existence results for some anisotropic singular problems via sub-supersolutions (with Gelson C. G. Santos and Leandro Tavares),  Milan Journal of Mathematics, 87(2019), 249-272.

110) Solutions to an anisotropic system via sub-supersolution method and Mountain Pass Theorem  (with Julio Roberto Silva),  EJQTDE - Electronic Journal Quality Theory in Differential Equations, 46, 2019, 1-13. 

109) On concentration of solution to a Schrödinger logarithmic equation with deepening potential well,  (with Cladianor O. Alves and Daniel C. de Morais Filho), Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 42, issue 14,  2019, 4862-4875.

108) Existence of positive solution to the equation $(-\Deta u)^{s}+a(x)u=|u|^{2ˆ{*}_{s}-2}u$ (with Jeziel Correa),  Calculus of Variation in PDE, (2019) 58:63, Doi/10.1007/s00526-019-1502-7 

107) Existence of positive solution for Kirchhoff type problem  with critical discontinuous nonlinearity (with Gelson Santos),  Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica, Vol 44, 2019, 987-1002.

106) Nodal solution for a planar problem with fast increasing weights (with Marcelo Furtado and Ricardo Ruviaro),  TMNA - Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, vol 54, issue 2A,  2019, 793-805. 

105) A critical anisotropic problem with discontinuous nonlineaties (with Julio Roberto Silva), Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 47 (2019), 364-372. 

104) Existence of positive solutions for a class of quasilinear elliptic problems with exponential growth via Nehari manifold method (with Fernando Bruno M. Nunes),   Revista  Matematica Complutense, 32 (2019) 1-18. 

103) Existence of positive solution for a planar Schrodinger-Poisson system with exponential growth (with Claudianor Alves), JMP - Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 60, 011503 (2019);


102) Quasi-linear Schrödinger-Poisson system under an exponential critical nonlinearity: existence and asymptotic behaviour os solutions (with Gaetano Siciliano), Archiv der Mathematik, 112 (2019), 313-327.
101) Sign-changing solutions for a class of zero mass nonlocal Schr\"odinger equations (with Vicenzo Ambrosio, Teresa Isernia and Giovanni Molica Bisci),  ANS - Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 19-1,  2019, pp. 113-132.
100) Solutions Positive ground states for a subcritical and critical coupled system involving Kirchhoff-Schr\"odinger equations ( with Jose Carlos Melo and João Marcos do Ó), Journal Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 53, 1 (2019), pp. 291-307.
99) Ground state solutions for fractional scalar field equations under a general critical nonlinearity, (with Claudianor Alves and Gaetano Siciliano),  CPAA - Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 2019, 18(5): 2199-2215. 
98) Existence of positive solutions for a class of p&q elliptic problem with critical exponent and discontinuous nonlinearity (with Rubia Nascimento),  Monatshefte fur Mathematik , 189(2019), 75-89.
97) A sub-supersolution approach for some classes of nonlocal problems involving Orlicz spaces, (with Abdelkrim Moussaoui, Gelson dos Santos, Leandro Tavares), J. Differential Equations, 267, 7 (2019) 4144-4169.
96) Two solutions for a fourth order nonlocal problem with indefinite potentials (with Marcelo Furtado and João Pablo Silva),   Manuscripta Mathematica, 160, 1-2 (2019), 199-215.


Artigos publicados em 2018
95) A nontrivial complex solution for magnetic Schrodinger equations with critical nonlinearities, (with Sara Barile), Electron. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2018 (2018), No. 174, pp. 1-21.
94) Nehari method for locally Lischitz functionals with examples in problems in the space of bounded variation function (with Marcos Pimenta),   NoDea, (2018) 25:47.  
93) Solutions for a Kirchhoff equation with critical Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg growth and discontinuous nonlinearity (with Gelson C. G. dos Santos),  Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, (2018), 69:75.
92) Multiplicity results for the fractional Lapalcian in expanding domains (with Marcos Pimenta and Gaetano Siciliano),  Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, (2018) 15: 137.
91) The effect of the domain topology on the number of solutions of fractional Laplace problems (with Giovanni M. Bisci and Raffaella Servadei), Calculus of Variation,   2018, 57:103.
90) Strauss' and Lions' type result in BV with an application to an 1-Lapalcian problem (with Marcos Pimenta),  Milan Journal of Mathematics, 86 (2018) 15-30.
89) Some remarks on the comparison principle in  Kirchhoff equations, (with A. Suarez),  RMI - Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 34-2 (2018) 609-620.


88) Existence of bounded variation solutions for a 1-Lapalcian problem with vanishing potentials (with Marcos Pimenta), JMAA - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 459 (2018), 861-878.


87) Structure of the set of positive solutions of a nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation (with Antonio Suarez and João Santos Junior), Israel Journal of Mathematics, 227, 1, 2018, 485-505.


86) A Sub-supersolution method for a class of nonlocal problems involving the p(x)-Laplacian operator and applications, (with Gelson dos Santos and Leandro Tavares),  Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 153 (2018), pg 171-187.


Artigos publicados em 2017


85) Existence of positive solutions of an elliptic equation with  local and nonlocal variable diffusion coefficient (with Tarcyana Figueiredo, Cristian Morales Rodrigo and Antonio Suárez), Discrete, Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 2017, 22(11):1-23 doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2018311.



84) An existence result for Schr\"odinger equations with magnetic fields and exponential critical growth, (with Sara Barile), JEPE - Journal of Parabolic and Eliptic equation, 3(2017), 105-125 .


83) Ground state solutions for a fractional Schrodinger equation with critical growth (with Vicenzo Ambrosio), Asymptotic Analysis, 105, 3-4, 2017, 159-191.


82) Existence  of solutions for a NSE with discontinuous nonlinearity, (with Gelson dos Santos) ,  JFPTA - J. Fixed Point Theory and Appl. , 19(1), 2017, pp. 917-937..


81) Positive solutions for  the fractional laplacian  in the almost critical case in a bounded domain, (with Gaetano Siciliano) , Nonlinear Anal: Real World Appl., 36(2017), 89-100.



80) Existence of ground state solutions to Dirac equations with vanishing potentials at infinity,  (with Marcos Pimenta), JDE - Journal of Differential Equations, 262(2017), pag. 486-505.


79) Existence of least energy nodal solution with two nodal domains for a generalized Kirchhoff problem in an Orlicz Sobolev space (with Jefferson A. Santos),  Mathematische Nachrichten, 290(4) (2017), 583-603.


78) An optimal control problem for a Kirchhoff-type equation (with I.Gayte Manuel Delgado and C.Morales−Rodrigo) ,  Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (COCV), 23(3), 2017, pp. 773-790.


77) Existence of positive solution for indefinite Kircchoff equation in exterior domain with subcritical ou critical exponent(with Daniel Cordeiro),  J. Aust. Math. Soc., 103(2017), 329-340.


Artigos publicados em 2016


76) Positive solutions for a class of nonlocal problems involving Lebesgue generalized spaces: Scalar and system cases, (with Gelson Santos) ,  JEPE - Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equation, vol 2 (2016), pp 235-266.


75) Multiplicity results for an equation involving a nonlocal term and biharmonic operator(with Rubia Nascimento), EJDE - Eletronic Journal of Differential Equations (2016), 217, 1-15.


74) Existence of semi-nodal solution for a class of FitzHugh-Nagumo type  system (with Claudianor . O Alves and Alânnio B. Nobrega ),  Monatshefte für Mathematik, 181, 3, 2016, pg. 515-526.


73) Multi-bump solutions for a  Kirchhoff problem type (with C. O Alves), Adv.Nonlinear Analysis, 2016; 5(1), 1-26.


72) Multiple semiclassical solutions for a nonlinear Chouard equation with magnetic field(with C. O Alves and Minbo Yang), Asymptotic Analysis, 96, (2016), 135-159.


71) Existence of solutions for a nonlinear Choquard equation with potential vanishing at infinity (with C. O Alves and Minbo Yang), Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, vol 5, issue 4, (2016), pg 331-345.


70) A class of elliptic equations with singular and critical nonlinearities (with M. Montenegro), Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 143-1 (2016), pg. 63-89.


69) A multiplicity result via Ljusternick-Schnirelmann category and Morse Theory for a Fractional Schrodinger equation in RN (with G. Siciliano), NoDea - Nonlinear Differential equations and Apllications, 23-2, pg 1-22, 2016.


68) Ground state solution for a Kirchhoff problem with exponential critical growth (with Uberlândio B. Severo), Milan Journal of Mathematics, 84(1), 2016, 23-39.


67) Study of a logistic equation with local and non-local reactions terms (with M. Delgado, M. O Pimenta and A. Suarez), TMNA - Topological methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 47(2016), pg 693-713.


66) Ground states of elliptic problems involving non homogeneous operators (with Humberto Ramos Quoirin ), Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 65(3), 2016, pg 779-795.


65) Solutions for a Kirchhoff equation with weight and nonlinearity subcritical and critical Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg growth(with Mateus Balbino Guimarães and Rodrigo da Silva Rodrigues), Proceedings of Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 59 (2016), 925-944.


Artigos publicados em 2015


64) Nodal solutions of a NLS equation concentrating on lower dimensional spheres(with M. O Pimenta),  "BVP - Boundary Value Problems", issue 168, 2015.


63) Existence of a least energy nodal solution for a Schrodinger-Kirchhoff equation with potential vanishing at in finity, (with J. Santos Junior),  JMP - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 56, 0511506. (2015).


62) On a fractional Kirchhoff-type equation via Krasnoselskii's genus, (with Rafaella Servadei and Giovanni Molica Bisci), Asymptotic Analysis, vol 94,  n° 3-4, pp 347-361, 2015.


61) Nonlinear perturbations of a periodic Schrodinger equation with supercritical growth (with O. H. Miyagaki and S. Im. Moreira), ZAMP -Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 66(5), 2015, pg 2379-2394.


60) Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a prescribed mean-curvature problem with critical growth (with M. O Pimenta), EJDE-Eletronic Journal of Differential Equations", 86(2015), 1-15.


59) Existence of  least energy positive, negative and nodal solutions for a class of $p\&q$-problems with potentials vanishing at infinity (with Sara Barile),JMAA, 427(2015), 1205-1233.


58) The sub-supersolution method for Kirchhoff systems: applications (with A. Suarez), Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications, Contributions to Nonlinear Elliptic Equations and Systems:A Tribute to Djairo Guedes de Figueiredo on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday" 217-227, 2015.


57) Some Classes of Eigenvalues Problems  for  Generalized $p\&q$-Laplacian type Operators on Bounded Domains (with Sara Barile), Nonlinear Analysis, 119(2015), 457-468.


56) Multiplicity results for an anisotropic equation with subcritical or critical growth (with J. Santos Junior and A. Suarez), Advanced Nonlinear Studies 15(2015), 377-394.


55) Multiple solutions for a quasilinear Schrodinger equation on RN (with C. O Alves), Acta Applicanda Mathematicae, 136, issue 1(2015), pg 91-117.


54) Existence of a nodal solution with minimal energy for a Kirchhoff equation (with R. Nascimento), Mathematische Nachrichten, 288 (2015), pg 48-60.


53) On a nonlocal multivalued problem  in an Orlicz-Sobolev space via Krasnoselskii's genus (with J. A. Santos), Journal of Convex Analysis, 22 ( 2015) issue 2, pg 447-464.


Artigos publicados 2014


52) Multiple solutions for a NLS equation with critical growth and magnetic field (with C. O Alves), Milan Jounal of Mathematics, 82 (2014)-2, pg 389-405.


51) Existence of positive solution for a singular system involving  general quasilinear operators

(with F.J.S.A Corrêa and A. S. S. Correa), DEA - Differential Equations and Applications, 6(2014), pg 481-494.


50) A generalization of an extensible beam equation with critical growth in RN (with Alberto Cabada), Nonlinear Analysis: Real Worlds Applications, 20(2014), 134-142.


49) Multiplicity and concentration behavior of positive solutions for a Schrodinger-Kirchhoff type problem via penalization method(with J. Santos Junior), ESAIM: Control, Otimization and Calculus of variations, vol 20, issue 2, (2014), 389-415.


48) On a Phi-Kirchhoff multivalued problem with critical growth in an Orlicz-Sobolev space (with J. A . Santos), Asymptotic Analysis, 89(2014), 151-172 .


47) Existence and concentration result for the Kirchhoff type equations with general nonlinearities(with Nonihisa Ikoma and J. Santos Junior), Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 213 issue 3(2014), 931-979.


46) An obstacle problem in a plane domain with two solutions (with M. F. Furtado e M. Montenegro), Advance Nonlinear Studies14(2014), 315-325.


45) Study of a nonlinear Kirchhoff equation with non-homogeneous material (with C. Morales, J. Santos Junior and A. Suarez ), J. Math. Anal. Applic, 416(2014), 597-608.


44) On existence and concentration of solutions for an elliptic problem with discontinuous nonlinearity via penalization method (with C. O. Alves and R. Nascimento), Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik - ZAMP, 65(2014), 19-40.


43 ) Existence and Multiplicity of Radial Positive Solutions for a Quasilinear Elliptic Equation with Sign-Changing Nonlinearity (withF.J.S.A Corrêa), Acta Applicanda Mathematicae, 129(2014), issue 1, p-23-39.


42) Existence of a least energy nodal solution for a class of $p\&q$-quasilinear elliptic equations (with Sara Barile),  ANS - Adanced Nonlinear Studies 14(2014), 511-530.


41) Positive solution for a class of $p\&q$-singular elliptic equation(with F.J.S.A Corrêa e A. S. S. Correa),  Nonlinear Analysis: Real Worlds Applications,16(2014), 163-169.


40) Multiplicity of solutions for a NLS equations with magnetic fields in RN (with C. O Alves), Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 175(2014), pg 1-23.


39) Results like Strauss and Lions for a class of Orlicz-Sobolev spaces and applications (with C. O Alves and J. A. Santos), Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 44, (2014), 435-456.


Artigos publicados 2013


38) Existence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions for a bi-nonlocal equation (with F. J. S. A Corrêa), Adv. Differential Equations, vol 18, number 5/6 (2013), 587-608.


37) Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a class of $p \& q$ elliptic problems with critical exponent, Mathematische Nachrichten, 286(2013), 11-12, pg  1129-1141.


36) Existence of positive solution for a Kirchhoff  problem type with critical growth via truncatio argument , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications - JMAA  401 vol 2 (2013) pg 706-713.


35) On a nonlinear elliptic transmission problem with critical growth (with M. Montenegro), Journal of Convex Analysis 20(2013), 947-954.


34) Multiplicity of nontrivial solutions to a biharmonic equation via Lusternik-Schnirelman theory, (with C. O. Alves),   Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,  Volume 36, ussue 6 (2013), pages 683-694.


33) Multiplicity of solutions for a biharmonic equation with subcritical or critical growth (with M. O Pimenta), Bull. Belgian Math. Soc. vol 20, issue 3 (2013).
Artigos publicados em 2012
32) A transmission problem on $\RR^{2}$ with critical exponential growth, (with M. Montenegro), Archiv der Mathematik, vol 99, issue 3, (2012), pag. $271-279$.
31) On a nonlocal system with critical growth, Chapter 4 of the book Recent Trends on Nonlinear Elliptic Systems, ISBN 978-618-8003-0-8, International ScientificPress, Athens, Greece, 2012.
30) Multiplicity of solutions for a Kirchhoff equation with subcritical or critical growth, ( with J. Santos Junior),   DIE - Differential and Integral Equations, vol 25, issue 9-10, pag 853-868, 2012.
29) A Result of Multiplicity of Solutions for a Class of Quasilinear  Equations ( with C. O. Alves and U.B Severo) ,  Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, vol 55 issue 02, p 291-309.
28) Nonlinear Perturbations of a Periodic Kirchhoff Equation in $\RR^{N}$  ( with C. O.Alves),    Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods \& Applications, Vol 75, Issue 5, Pages 2750-2759 (2012).
27) Positive solutions for a quasilinear Schrodinger equation with  critical growth ( with M. F. Furtado), Journal of Dynamics and Differentil Equations - JDDE, vol 24, number 1, (2012) 13-28.
Artigos publicados em 2011
26) Multiple solutions for a nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with magnetic fields ( with C. O. Alves and M. F. Furtado) , Communications in Partial Differential Equations - COMM.PDE 36 (2011) 1565-1586.
25) On the number of solutions of NLS equations with magnetics fields in expanding domains ( with C. O. Alves and M. F. Furtado),  Journal of Differential Equations - JDE 251 (2011) 2534-2548.
24) Existence of positive solutions for a class of $p\&q$ elliptic problems with critical growth on $\RR^{N}$, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications - JMAA, 378 (2011) 507-518.
23) Multiplicity and concentration of positive solutions for a class of quasilinear problems ( with C. O Alves ),  Advanced Nonlinear Studies, vol 11, 2 (2011)- 265-295.
Artigos publicados em 2010
22) A Variational Approach for a Nonlocal and Nonvariational Elliptic Problem, (with F.J.S.A Corr\^ea), Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, volume 22,  number 4 (2010) 549-557.
21) On a class of nonlocal elliptic problems with critical growth ( with C O Alves and F J A Correa), DEA - Differential Equations and Applications, Volume 2, Number 3 (2010), 409-417.
20) Multiple solutions for critical elliptic systems via penalization method ( with C O Alves and M F. Furtado), Differential and Integral Equations, vol 23, 7-8(2010)
Artigos publicados em 2009
19) Multiplicity of positive solutions for a class of quasilinear problems (with C O Alves and U.B Severo), Advances in Differential Equations, vol 14, n. 9 and 10, 2009.
18)  Multiplicity of solutions for elliptic systems via local Mountain Pass method ( with C O Alves and M F Furtado), Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis vol. 8 n.  6 (2009)
17) On a p-Kirchhoff Equation via Krasnoselskii's Genus (with F.J.S.A Corr\^ea), Applied Mathematics Letter, 22 (2009) pp 819-822.
16) On multiplicity and concentration of positive solutions for a class of quasilinear problems with critical exponential growth in $\RR^{N}$, (with C. O. Alves) Journal of Differential Equations, v. 246, p. 1288-1311, 2009.
Artigos publicados em 2008
15) Multiple positive solutions for a quasilinear system of Schrdinger equations (with Marcelo F. Furtado) NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, v. 15, p. 309-334, 2008.
14) On the Existence of Positive Solutions for a Nonlocal Elliptic Problem Involving the p-Laplacian and the Generalized Lebesgue Space $L^{p(x)}$ ( with F.J.S.A. Corr\^ea and F.P.M. Lopes),  Differential and Integral Equations, v. 21, p. 305-324, 2008.
13) Quasilinear equations with dependence on the gradient via mountain-pass techniques in ${\RR}^{N}$. Applied Mathematics and Computation, v. 203, p. 14-18, 2008.
Artigos publicados em 2007
12) Positive solutions for some quasilinear equations with critical and supercritical growth (with Marcelo F. Furtado), Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, In press, v. 66, p. 1600-1616, 2007.
11) Existence and concentration of nodal solutions to a class of quasilinear (with C. O. Alves), Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, v. 29, p. 279-293, 2007.
10) On a singular elliptic problem involving the p(x)-Laplacian and generalized Lebesgue-Sobolev spaces  (with F.J.S.A. Corr\^ea and A.C.R Costa), Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, v. 17, p. 639-650, 2007.
Artigos publicados em 2006
9) Multiplicity of positive solutions for a class of elliptic equations in divergence form. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, (with Marcelo F. Furtado), Estados Unidos, v. 321, n. 2, p. 705-721, 2006.
8)  On the number of positive solutions of a quasilinearelliptic problem (with Marcelo F. Furtado) Indiana University Mathematics Journal, In press, v. 55, p. 1835-1856, 2006.
7) Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions to the p-Laplacian equation in $ \RR^{N}$. (with C. O. Alves), Differential and Integral Equations, Estados Unidos, v. 19, n. 2, p. 143-162, 2006.
6) Multiplicity of solutions for a quasilinear problem with supercritical growth. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations,, v. 31, p. 1-7, 2006.
5) Existence, multiplicity and concentration of positive solutions for a class of quasilinear problems with critical growth. Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, International Publications, v. 13, n. 4, p. 79-99, 2006.
4)  On the Existence of Positive Solution for an Elliptic Equation of Kirchhoff type  via Moser iteration method. Boundary Value Problems, (with F.J.S.A Corr\^ea), v. ID 796, p. 1-10, 2006.
3) Multiplicity of solutions for a class of elliptic system in $\RR^{N}$. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, v. 76, p. 1-12, 2006.
2)  On an elliptic equation of p-Kirchhoff-tipe via variational methods. (with F.J.S.A Corr\^ea), Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Austr\'alia, v. 74, p. 263-277, 2006.
Artigos publicados em 2005
1)  Multiplicity of positive solutions for a quasilinear problem in R{N} via penalization method. (with C. O. Alves), Advanced Nonlinear Studies, USA, v. 5, n. 4, p. 551-572, 2005.