LSFA Program

  • FSCD Main Program can be found here
  • July 23 July 24
    07:30-08:00 FSCD joint break
    08:00-08:30 Invited Talk

    Alejandro Díaz-Caro
    An overview on the quantum control approach to the lambda calculus
    Invited Talk

    Giulio Guerrieri
    Understanding the lambda-calculus via (non-)linearity and rewriting
    Proof Theory and Programming Languages
    Logic and Type Theory
    09:00-09:30 Daniele Nantes, Carlos Olarte and Daniel Ventura
    A subexponential view of domains in session types
    Juan Carlos Agudelo-Agudelo and Andrés Sicard-Ramírez
    About Opposition and Duality in Paraconsistent Type Theory
    09:30-10:00 Asta Halkjær From, Frederik Krogsdal Jacobsen and Jørgen Villadsen
    SeCaV: A Sequent Calculus Verifier in Isabelle/HOL
    Joel Felipe Gomes, Vitor Greati, Sérgio Marcelino, João Marcos and Umberto Rivieccio
    On Logics of Perfect Paradefinite Algebras
    10:00-10:30 FSCD joint break
    Probabilistic Lambda Calculus
    Functional Programming Language, Logic and PL Security
    10:30-11:00 Rafael Romero and Alejandro Díaz-Caro
    A note on confluence in typed probabilistic lambda calculi
    Patricia Johann, Enrico Ghiorzi and Daniel Jeffries
    GADTs, Functoriality, Parametricity: Pick Two
    11:00-11:30 Invited Talk

    Alexandra Silva
    Guarded Kleene Algebra with Tests: Coequations, Coinduction, and Completeness
    Mario Benevides and Luiz Fernandez
    Tableaux Calculus for Dolev-Yao Multi-Agent Epistemic Logic
    11:30-12:00 LSFA Business Meeting
    12:00-12:30 FSCD joint break