Volume 21, 2001

XVI Escola de Álgebra

Universidade de Brasília, July 2000 - Brasília

edited by Noraí Rocco, Said Sidki


A. Bigatti, L. Robbiano, Toric ideals (ps)  (pdf)

P. Brumatti, A. F. da Silva, On the symmetric and Rees algebras of $(n,k)$-cyclic ideals (ps)  (pdf)

F. U. Coelho, On the infinite radical of a module category over a tilted algebra (ps)  (pdf)

A. J. Engler, $\pi$-Henselianity: a new approach (ps)  (pdf)

B. Fine, G. Rosenberger, Some open problems in infinite group theory (ps)  (pdf)

H. Godinho, Linear algebraic techniques in additive theory and a generalization of the Cauchy-Davenport theorem (ps)  (pdf)

E. Jespers, S. O. Juriaans, J. M. de Miranda, J. R. Rogério,} A note on the normalizer problem (ps)  (pdf)

L. A. Kurdachenko, N. V. Polyakov, I. Ya. Subbotin, On some generalization of a theorem of B. H. Neumann (ps)  (pdf)

T. P. Lobão, Frobenius groups and the isomorphism problem (ps)  (pdf)

B. Loo, I. Vainsencher, Limits of graphs, II (ps)  (pdf)

J. L. Massey, Some applications of code duality in cryptogaphy (ps)  (pdf)

C. P. Milies, $FC$ elements of algebras and orders (ps)  (pdf)

I. N. Nakaoka, N. R. Rocco, Nilpotent actions on non-abelian tensor products of groups (ps)  (pdf)

P. Shumyatsky, Verbal generalizations of the restricted Burnside problem (ps)  (pdf)

S. Sidki, E. F. da Silva, A family of just-nonsolvable torsion-free groups defined on $n$-ary trees (ps)  (pdf)

V. Trevisan, K. Weber, Testing the converse of Wolstenholme's theorem (ps)  (pdf)

A. C. Vieira, Modular algebras of Burnside $p$-groups (ps)  (pdf)