Fortaleza , July 13 - 18, 2008 - Ceará
edited by Hilário Alencar and Harold Rosenberg
H. Alencar, H. Rosenberg, Preface (ps) (pdf)
J. Dorfmeister, J.-H. Eschenburg, Real Fuchsian Equatinons and Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces (ps) (pdf)
C. E. Durán, A. Rigas, L. D. Sperança, Bootstrapping $Ad$-Equivariant Maps, Diffeomorphisms and Involutions (ps) (pdf)
J. M. Espinar, I. Fernández, Totally Umbilical Disks and Applications to Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Homogeneous Spaces (ps) (pdf)
J. A. Gálvez, P. Mira, The Lawson Correspondence for Bryant Surfaces in Explicit Coordinates (ps) (pdf)
M. A. Javaloyes, P. Piccione, On the Isotropic Reduction Method and the Maslov Index (ps) (pdf)
R. López, Linear Weingarten Surfaces in Euclidean and Hyperbolic Space (ps) (pdf)
F. C. Marques, Recent Developments of the Yamabe Problem (ps) (pdf)
R. M. Mesquita, F. G. B. Brito, The Euler Class and the Volume Functional of Vector Fields (ps) (pdf)
M. Miranda, Recollections on a Conjecture in Mathematics (ps) (pdf)
B. Nelli, A Survey on Alexandrov-Bernstein-Hopf Theorems (ps) (pdf)
J. Ripoll, L. Sauer, A Note on the Dirichlet Problem for the Minimal Surface Equation in Nonconvex Planar Domains (ps) (pdf)
M. Ritoré, C. Rosales, Area-Stationary and Stable Surfaces in the Sub-Riemannian Heisenberg Group $\hh^1$ (ps) (pdf)
M. C. Romero Fuster, E. Sanabria Codesal, Conformal Invarians Interpreted in the Sitter Space (ps) (pdf)
A. Ros, Stability of Minimal and Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces with Free Boundary (ps) (pdf)
F. Xavier, The Global Inversion Problem: A Confluence of Many Mathematical Topics (ps) (pdf)
S.-T. Yau, Gap of the First Two Eingenvalues of the Schodinger Operator with Nonconvex Potential (ps) (pdf)