MAT Notícias

Virtual Exhibition: 60 years of the Department of Mathematics at UnB

The activity will be available on 11/22/2022, from 5 pm, on the MAT/UnB channel, with the aim of presenting a little of the history of the Department of Mathematics.

On 11/22/2022, starting at 5 pm, the activity “Virtual Exhibition: 60 years of the Department of Mathematics at UnB” will be available on the channel of the Department of Mathematics at UnB, with the aim of presenting a little of the history of the Department of Mathematics. Math. The event is part of the public notice "IE in the 60 years of UnB."

It will be an asynchronous activity, whoever registers and fills out the participation form, which will be available in the video description, from 11/22 to 11/26, will receive certification to count additional hours.



Link for registrations:


Link to step-by-step for registration:


UnB Mathematics Department channel link:

Últimas Notícias

O seminário ocorrerá no próximo dia 17/05, às 14h30, no auditório do MAT.

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O IV Ciclo de Palestras: Residência Pedagógica do MAT/UnB ocorrerá de 06 a 10/05, sempre às 18h, no Auditório da Matemática/UnB e no Youtube. 

Produção voltada para a aprendizagem matemática de estudantes da Educação Básica.