MAT Palestras - Sistemas Dinâmicos

Cocycles in non-compact semisimple Lie groups

O seminário apresentará algumas maneiras diferentes de olhar para cociclos e relacionamentos com teoria de representação e teoremas de limite em grupos de Lie.
Luiz San Martin - IMECC-Unicamp em 21/07/2022


The concept of a cocycle for an action of a non-compact semisimple Lie group appears naturally in many aspects of the theory. In particular the so-called K-invariant cocycles are widely used in various geometric, analytical and probabilistic questions stu- died in semisimple Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces. The seminar will present some different ways to look at cocycles and relationships with representation theory and limit theorems on Lie groups.

Local e Data

Tema: Cocycles in non-compact semisimple Lie groups
Palestrante: Luiz San Martin - IMECC-Unicamp
Data: 21/07/2022