Seminário de Álgebra - sexta-feira, 16/08, às 14h30 O seminário ocorrerá no próximo dia 16/08, às 14h30, no auditório do MAT. Detalhes Publicado: Terça, 13 Agosto 2024 11:04 Título: p-elements in profinite groupsPalestrante: Nowras Naufel Ali Mahamoud Otmen (Università degli Studi di Padova) Abstract: Given a profinite group $G$, one can always consider the (normalized) Haar measure on it. In this talk, we'll consider a few types of measurable sets which concern the $p$-elements of $G$ and see what can said about the structure of $G$ whenever these sets have positive measure. First, we show that if $p$ is odd and the probability of randomly choosing a $p$-element is positive, then $G$ is virtually prosolvable. We'll then exhibit a counterexample to this when $p$ is 2. Second, we prove that if $G$ has the property that, for every $p$-element $x$, it is positive the probability that a randomly chosen element $y$ of $G$ generates with $x$ a pro-$p$ subgroup, then $G$ contains an virtually pro-$p$. This is joint work with Andrea Lucchini. Últimas Notícias Acolhimento aos calouros da Matemática Atenção Calouros do Departamento de Matemática da UnB. Resultado Final – Edital 003/2025 PPGMAT (CAPES/PIPD) Resultado Final do Processo de Seleção para o Edital 003/2025 (CAPES/PIPD). Resultado Parcial – Edital 003/2025 PPGMAT (CAPES/PIPD) Resultado Parcial do Processo de Seleção para o Edital 003/2025 (CAPES/PIPD). Divulga: PETMAT Seminários 2024/2 PETMAT Seminários 2024/2