MAT Palestras - Análise

The logistic equation with nonlinear advection term

Estudamos uma equação logística elíptica com termo de advecção não linear decorrente da dinâmica populacional. O termo advecção não linear significa que a velocidade do movimento de transporte da espécie depende de sua densidade e pode ser maior ou menor.
Willian Cintra - UnB em 11/02/2022


We study an elliptic logistic equation with nonlinear advection term arising from population dynamics. The nonlinear advection term meaning that the velocity of transport movement of the species depends on its density and may be higher or lower. From the mathematical point of view, the inclusion of this term brings technical diffi- culties in the analysis, especially because it has no definite sign. We apply the method of subsolution and supersolution and Picone Identity to show the existence and unique- ness of a positive solution. We also study the behavior of the solutions with respect to parameters that appear in the equation.

Local e Data

Tema: The logistic equation with nonlinear advection term
Palestrante: Willian Cintra - UnB
Data: 11/02/2022