MAT Palestras - Geometria

On the construction of complete expanding gradient Ricci solitons

Nesta apresentação, abordaremos um estudo sobre produtos deformados de solitons gradientes de Ricci cuja base é o espaço euclidiano. Mostraremos que as funções de warping dessas variedades são invariantes sob a ação do grupo de translação (n − 1)-dimensional.
Paula Correia - UnB em 30/03/2022


In this presentation, we will address a study on gradient Ricci solitons warped products whose base is the Euclidean space. We will show that the warping functions of these manifolds are invariant under the action of the (n − 1)-dimensional translation group. We will characterize the potential function when the torsion function depends only on one variable, which is a particular case of invariance by translation. Finally, we will build complete examples of expanding gradient Ricci solitons, that are not common in the literature. The results of this work were obtained together with Márcio de Sousa (UFMT), Romildo Pina (UFG) and Tibério Martins (UFMT). (Leia mais clicando no tema abaixo)

Local e Data

Tema: On the construction of complete expanding gradient Ricci solitons
Palestrante: Paula Correia - UnB
Data: 30/03/2022