MAT Palestras - Geometria

Besse’s conjecture: a new geometric point of view

Chamamos de métricas CPE os pontos críticos do funcional de curvatura escalar total restrito ao espaço de métricas com curvatura escalar constante de volume unitário. Nesta palestra, damos uma condição necessária e suficiente para que uma métrica CPE seja Einstein em termos de espaços σ2-singulares.
Maria Andrade Universidade Federal de Sergipe em 26/01/2022


We call CPE metrics the critical points of the total scalar curvature functional restricted to the space of metrics with constant scalar curvature of unitary volume. In this talk, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for a CPE metric to be Einstein in terms of σ2-singular spaces. Such a result improves our understanding about CPE metrics and Besse’s conjecture with a new geometric point of view. Moreover, we prove that the CPE condition can be replaced by the related vacuum static space condition to characterize closed Einstein manifolds in terms of σ2-singular spaces.

Local e Data

Tema: Besse’s conjecture: a new geometric point of view
Palestrante: Maria Andrade Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Data: 26/01/2022