MAT Palestras - Sistemas Dinâmicos

Combinatorics on the Symmetric Group and Topology of Real Flag Manifolds of Type A

Nesta palestra, apresentaremos técnicas de combinatória do grupo simétrico para esclarecer alguns resultados topológicos sobre as variedades flag reais do tipo A.
Lonardo Rabelo - UFJF em 07/04/2022


In this talk, we will present techniques on the combinatorics of the symmetric group to enlighten a few topological results about the real flag manifolds of type A. We will consider how it provides a new approach to prove the criteria for its orientability according to Patr ̃ao-San Martin-Santos-Seco [2]. Furthermore, we obtain a closed formula for the first and second homology groups exhibiting its generators fulfilling the description of del Barco-San Martin [3]. It is a joint work with Jordan Lambert [1].

Local e Data

Tema: Combinatorics on the Symmetric Group and Topology of Real Flag Manifolds of Type A
Palestrante: Lonardo Rabelo - UFJF
Data: 07/04/2022