MAT Palestras - Sistemas Dinâmicos

The Mathematics of Inequality 2

Nesta palestra continuamos o tema da nossa última apresentação agora focando na descrição da distribuição de riqueza no longo prazo. Lembramos que o processo estocástico que descreve a dinâmica da distribuição da riqueza é afim, chamado de processo de Kesten.
Mauro Patrão MAT-UnB em 27/01/2022


In this talk we continue the topic of our last presentation now focusing in describing the long term wealth distribution. We recall that the stochastic process which describes the dynamics of the wealth distribution is a affine one, called a Kesten process. We assume that the multiplication factor has lognormal distribution and then will relate the three parameters defining the stochastic process (two from the lognormal distribution and one from the additive term) with the Pareto coefficient of the upper tail, the mean and the inequality index (which we introduce) of the equilibrium distribution. This allows us to estimate empirically the long term wealth distribution and verify if this model fit well the observed data, which is a topic for further research.

Local e Data

Tema: The Mathematics of Inequality 2
Palestrante: Mauro Patrão MAT-UnB
Data: 27/01/2022