Publicações em 2016 Qualis A1 CALDAS, ANDRÉ; PATRÃO, MAURO . Entropy and its variational principle for locally compact metrizable systems. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, v. 1, p. 1-26, 2016. ACCIARRI, C.; SHUMYATSKY, P. . Profinite groups and the fixed points of coprime automorphisms. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 452, p. 188-195, 2016. KAHOUADJI, N. ; KAMRAN, N. ; TENENBLAT, KETI . Isometric embedding of pseudo-spherical surfaces via second-order evolution equations. Communications in Analysis and Geometry, v. 24, p. 605-643, 2016. CLAPP, MÓNICA ; MAIA, LILIANE A. . A positive bound state for an asymptotically linear or superlinear Schrödinger equation. Journal of Differential Equations (Print), v. 260, p. 3173-3192, 2016. CANNON, JOHN ; GARONZI, MARTINO ; LEVY, DAN ; MARÓTI, ATTILA ; SIMION, IULIAN I. . Groups equal to a product of three conjugate subgroups. Israel Journal of Mathematics, v. 215, p. 31-52, 2016. Shumyatsky, Pavel; TORTORA, ANTONIO ; TOTA, MARIA . On varieties of groups satisfying an Engel type identity. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 447, p. 479-489, 2016. DETOMI, E. ; MORIGI, M. ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . On conciseness of words in profinite groups. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (Print), v. 220, p. 3010-3015, 2016. Shumyatsky, Pavel. On profinite groups with commutators covered by nilpotent subgroups. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, v. 32, p. 1331-1339, 2016. CHAGAS, S. C. ; Zalesskii, P. A. . Limit groups are subgroup conjugacy separable. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 461, p. 121-128, 2016. Herfort, W. ; Zalesskii, P. A. ; ZAPATA, T. . Splitting theorems for pro-p groups acting on pro-p trees. Selecta Mathematica, New Series (Printed ed.), p. 1245-1268, 2016. MINASYAN, A. ; Zalesskii, P. A. . Virtually compact special hyperbolic groups are conjugacy separable. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (Printed ed.), v. 91, p. 609-627, 2016. PETROGRADSKY, VICTOR. Fractal nil graded Lie superalgebras. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 466, p. 229-283, 2016. Du, Feng ; Mao, Jing ; WANG, QIAOLING ; Wu, Chuanxi . Eigenvalue inequalities for the buckling problem of the drifting Laplacian on Ricci solitons. Journal of Differential Equations (Print), v. 260, p. 5533-5564, 2016. Qualis A2 RESENDE, PAULO ANGELO ALVES ; DOREA, CHANG CHUNG YU . Model identification using the Efficient Determination Criterion. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, v. 150, p. 229-244, 2016. MARQUES, D . The solution of a version of a Mahler's question. Journal of Number Theory (Print), v. 163, p. 510-519, 2016. CIOLETTI, LEANDRO; VILA, ROBERTO . Graphical Representations for Ising and Potts Models in General External Fields. Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 162, p. 81-122, 2016. CIOLETTI, L.; E. A. Silva . Spectral properties of the Ruelle operator on the Walters class over compact spaces. Nonlinearity (Bristol. Print), v. 29, p. 2253-2278, 2016. MAIA, LILIANE A.; PELLACCI, Benedetta . Positive solutions for asymptotically linear problems in exterior domains. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, v. ., p. 1-32, 2016. FURTADO, M.F.; SOUZA, B. N. . Positive and nodal solutions for an elliptic equation with critical growth. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, v. 18, p. 1550021, 2016. Shumyatsky, Pavel; TORTORA, ANTONIO ; TOTA, MARIA . On locally graded groups with a word whose values are Engel. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, v. 59, p. 533-539, 2016. DETOMI, E. ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . On the length of a finite group and of its 2-generator subgroups. Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica. Boletim, Nova Serie, v. 47, p. 845-852, 2016. SNOPCE, I. ; Zalesskii, P. A. . Subgroup properties of Demushkin groups. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Print), v. 160, p. 1-9, 2016. SILVA, TARCÍSIO CASTRO; KAMRAN, NIKY . Third order differential equations and local isometric immersions of pseudospherical surfaces. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, v. 18, p. 1650021-1-1650021-41, 2016. Qualis B1 PEREIRA, ROSANE GOMES ; ADRIANO, LEVI ; CAVALHEIRO, ADAIL . Universal inequalities for eigenvalues of a system of elliptic equations of the drifting Laplacian. Monatshefte fur Mathematik (Print), v. 181, p. 797-820, 2016. MARQUES, Diego ; SCHLEISCHITZ, JOHANNES . ON A PROBLEM POSED BY MAHLER. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (2001. Online), v. 100, p. 86-107, 2016. MARQUES, D ; RAMIREZ, J. . ON EXCEPTIONAL SETS: THE SOLUTION OF A PROBLEM POSED BY K. MAHLER. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, v. 94, p. 15-19, 2016. MARQUES, Diego ; RAMIREZ, JOSIMAR ; SILVA, ELAINE . A NOTE ON LACUNARY POWER SERIES WITH RATIONAL COEFFICIENTS. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, v. 93, p. 372-374, 2016. BOHNER, MARTIN ; MESQUITA, JAQUELINE G. . Periodic averaging principle in quantum calculus. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print), v. 435, p. 1146-1159, 2016. GOULART, CLAUDIANO ; Tenenblat, Keti . On Bäcklund and Ribaucour transformations for surfaces with constant negative curvature. Geometriae Dedicata, v. 181, p. 83-102, 2016. FERRO, MARCELO LOPES ; RODRIGUES, LUCIANA ÁVILA ; Tenenblat, Keti . On Dupin Hypersurfaces in R 5 Parametrized by Lines of Curvature. Results in Mathematics / Resultate der Mathematik, v. 70, p. 499-531, 2016. MAIA, L. A.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, J. C. ; RUVIARO, R. . Nonautonomous and non periodic Schrödinger equation with indefinite linear part. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, v. ., p. 1-20, 2016. FURTADO, M.F.; MARCHI, R. . Asymptotically periodic superquadratic Hamiltonian systems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print), v. 433, p. 712-731, 2016. FURTADO, M. F.; SILVA, J.P.P. ; SOUZA, B. N. . Elliptic equations with weight and combined nonlinearities. Advanced Nonlinear Studies, v. 16, p. 509-517, 2016. LUCCHINI, ANDREA ; GARONZI, MARTINO . Irredundant and Minimal Covers of Finite Groups. Communications in Algebra, v. 44, p. 1722-1727, 2016. GARONZI, MARTINO; PATASSINI, MASSIMILIANO . Inequalities detecting structural properties of a finite group. Communications in Algebra, v. 45, p. 677-687, 2016. GARONZI, MARTINO; LEVY, DAN ; MARÓTI, ATTILA ; SIMION, IULIAN I. . Minimal length factorizations of finite simple groups of Lie type by unipotent Sylow subgroups. Journal of Group Theory, v. 19, p. 337-346, 2016. BASTOS, R ; N. R. Rocco . Non-abelian tensor square of finite-by-nilpotent groups. Archiv der Mathematik (Printed ed.), v. 107, p. 127-133, 2016. DE ANDRADE, AGENOR FREITAS ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . BOUNDING THE ORDER OF THE NILPOTENT RESIDUAL OF A FINITE GROUP. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, v. 94, p. 273-277, 2016. CONTRERAS-ROJAS, Y. ; SHUMYATSKY, P. . Nonsoluble length of finite groups with restrictions on Sylow subgroups. Communications In Algebra (Online), v. 45, p. 3606-3609, 2016. Shumyatsky, Pavel; SILVEIRA, D. S. . On finite groups with automorphisms whose fixed points are Engel. Archiv der Mathematik (Printed ed.), v. 106, p. 209-218, 2016. KHUKHRO, E. I. ; Makarenko, N. Yu. ; SHUMYATSKY, P. . Locally finite groups containing a $$2$$ 2 -element with Chernikov centralizer. Monatshefte fur Mathematik (Print), v. 179, p. 91-97, 2016. KHUKHRO, E. I. ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . Almost Engel finite and profinite groups. International Journal of Algebra and Computation, v. 26, p. 973-983, 2016. RIBES, L. ; Zalesskii, P. A. . Conjugacy distinguished subgroups. Journal of Group Theory, v. 19, p. 477-495, 2016. Zalesskii, P. A.. Virtually free pro-p products. Journal of Group Theory, v. 19, p. 543-560, 2016. BASTOS, R.; Dantas, A. C. . On finite groups with few automorphism orbits. Communications in Algebra, v. 44, p. 2953-2958, 2016. BASTOS, R.. On residually finite groups with Engel-like conditions. Communications in Algebra, v. 44, p. 4177-4184, 2016. SILVA, R. P.. Global attractors for quasilinear parabolic equations on unbounded thin domains. Monatshefte fur Mathematik (Print), v. 180, p. 649-660, 2016. SAVCHUK, DMYTRO M. ; SIDKI, SAID N. . Affine automorphisms of rooted trees. Geometriae Dedicata, v. 183, p. 195-213, 2016. ARAGÃO, GLEICIANE S. ; BRUSCHI, SIMONE M. . Concentrated terms and varying domains in elliptic equations: Lipschitz case. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, v. 39, p. 3450-3460, 2016. Xia, Changyu ; WANG, QIAOLING . Gap theorems for minimal submanifolds of a hyperbolic space. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print), v. 436, p. 983-989, 2016. Marco Antonio Pellegrini . THE (2,3)-GENERATION OF THE CLASSICAL SIMPLE GROUPS OF DIMENSIONS 6 AND 7. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Artigo Publicado - JCR v. 93, p. 61-72, n. 2016. Pellegrini, M.A. , ZALESSKI, A. E. . On characters of Chevalley groups vanishing at the non-semisimple elements. International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Artigo Publicado - JCR v. 26, p. 789-841, n. 2016. PELLEGRINI, M. A. , TAMBURINI BELLANI, M. C. . More on regular subgroups of the affine group. Linear Algebra and its Applications, Artigo Publicado - JCR v. 505, p. 126-151, n. 2016. PASOTTI, A. , Pellegrini, Marco Antonio . A Generalization of the Problem of Mariusz Meszka. Graphs and Combinatorics, Artigo Publicado - JCR v. 32, p. 333-350, n. 2016. Qualis B2 OTINIANO, C. E. G. ; GONÇALVES, C. R. ; DOREA, C. C. Y. . Mixture of extreme-value distributions: identifiability and estimation. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, v. 00, p. 1-15, 2016. MARQUES, D ; MOREIRA, C. G. T. A. . On variations of the Liouville constant which are also Liouville numbers. Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A Mathematical Sciences, v. 92, p. 39-40, 2016. FACO, V ; MARQUES, D . Tribonacci numbers and the Brocard-Ramanujan equation. Journal of Integer Sequences, v. 19, p. 16.4.4, 2016. MAIA, L.A.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, J.C. ; RUVIARO, R. . A quasi-linear Schrödinger equation with indefinite potential. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations (Print), v. ., p. 1-13, 2016. Shumyatsky, Pavel; ANDRADE, A. F. . On groups with small verbal conjugacy classes. Publicationes Mathematicae (Debrecen), v. 88, p. 477-485, 2016. RUVIARO, R.; DE MARCHI, R. . Existence of solutions for a nonperiodic semilinear Schrödinger equation. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations (Print), p. 1-13, 2016. JING, L. ; KWOK, F. C. Y. ; LEUNG, A. Y. F. ; SOBRAL, Y. D. . Characterization of base roughness for granular chute flows. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 94, p. 052901, 2016. PELLEGRINI, M. A. , ZALESSKI, A. E. . Irreducible characters of finite simple groups constant at the $p$-singular elements. RENDICONTI DEL SEMINARIO MATEMATICO DELLA UNIVERSITA DI PADOVA, Artigo Publicado - JCR v. 136, p. 35-50, n. 2016. GARONZI, MARTINO; LEVY, DAN ; MARÓTI, ATTILA ; SIMION, IULIAN I. . FACTORIZATIONS OF FINITE GROUPS BY CONJUGATE SUBGROUPS WHICH ARE SOLVABLE OR NILPOTENT. Journal of Algebra and its Applications, v. 16, p. S0219498817500438, 2016. M.A. Pellegrini , M. Prandelli , M.C. Tamburini Bellani . The (2,3)-generation of the special unitary groups of dimension 6. Journal of Algebra and its Applications, Artigo Publicado - JCR v. 15, p. 1650171-, n. 2016. Qualis B3 LI, SHAO JUN ; Santos, Carlos A. ; YANG, MIN BO . Existence of semiclassical states for a quasilinear Schrödinger equation on - N with exponential critical growth. ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES, v. 32, p. 1279-1296, 2016. FEDERSON, M. ; MESQUITA, J. G. . A new continuous dependence result for impulsive retarded functional differential equations. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (Prague, Print), v. 66, p. 1-12, 2016. ARAÚJO, K. O.; CUI, N. W. ; PINA, R. S. . HELICOIDAL MINIMAL SURFACES IN A CONFORMALLY FLAT 3-SPACE. Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, v. 53, p. 531-540, 2016. BASTOS, RAIMUNDO ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . A sufficient condition for nilpotency of the commutator subgroup. Siberian Mathematical Journal, v. 57, p. 762-763, 2016. Roitman, Pedro; LE FERRAND, HERVÉ . The strange case of Paul Appell's last memoir on Monge's problem: -sur les déblais et remblais-. HISTORIA MATHEMATICA, v. 43, p. 288-309, 2016. Haas, J. ; Luizard, P. ; Pelorson, X. ; Lucero, J. C. . Study of the Effect of a Moderate Asymmetry on a Replica of the Vocal Folds. Acustica United with Acta Acustica, v. 102, p. 230-239, 2016. ENGLERT, MARINA ; MADAZIO, GLAUCYA ; GIELOW, INGRID ; Lucero, Jorge ; BEHLAU, MARA . Perceptual Error Identification of Human and Synthesized Voices. Journal of Voice, v. 30, p. 639.e17-639.e23, 2016. GREBOT, G. , SZCZPANSKI, K. . Quantity of non-congruent struts in alternate division. Journal of Geometry, v. 107, p. 151-168, n. 2016. Qualis B5 Riveros, C. M. C.; CORRO, Armando Mauro Vasquez ; BARBOSA, S. O. . Superficies Armónicas de tipo Gráfico en R^3. Selecciones Matemáticas, v. 3, p. 1-7, 2016. Revistas não classificadas Godinho, H.; TOGBE, A. ; Porto, T. . 'On the Diophantine Equation x^2 + C = y n , for C = 2^a 3^b 17^c and C = 2^a 13^b 17^c. Mathematica Slovaca, v. 66, p. 1-10, 2016. JING, L. ; KWOK, C. Y. ; LEUNG, Y. F. ; SOBRAL, Y. D. . Extended CFD-DEM for free-surface flow with multi-size granules. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (Print), v. 40, p. 62-79, 2016. Ayala-Rincón, Mauricio; FERNÁNDEZ, MARIBEL ; GABBAY, MURDOCH JAMES ; ROCHA-OLIVEIRA, ANA CRISTINA . Checking Overlaps of Nominal Rewriting Rules. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, v. 323, p. 39-56, 2016. Ayala-Rincón, Mauricio; FERNÁNDEZ, MARIBEL ; ROCHA-OLIVEIRA, ANA CRISTINA . Completeness in PVS of a Nominal Unification Algorithm. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, v. 323, p. 57-74, 2016. VISO, ANDRÉS ; Bonelli, Eduardo ; Ayala-Rincón, Mauricio . Type Soundness for Path Polymorphism. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, v. 323, p. 235-251, 2016. NOGUEIRA NUNES, DANIEL SAAD ; Ayala-Rincón, Mauricio . A Practical Semi-External Memory Method for Approximate Pattern Matching. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, v. 324, p. 107-122, 2016. Ayala-Rincón, Mauricio. Formalising Confluence in PVS. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, v. 204, p. 11-17, 2016. 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