Publicações em 2006 Artigos Publicados em Periódicos Abdalla, M. C. B., Bytsenko, A. A., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., “Complex Topological Invariant of Three-Hyperbolic Manifolds”, Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories 4, (1) (2006), 1 – 28. Alves, C. O., GONÇALVES, J. V., SANTOS, C. A. P., “Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Ground States for Quasilinear Singular Equations Involving Hardy-Sobolov Exponents”, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 322, (2006), 298 – 315. Atuncar, G. S., DOREA, C. C. Y., GONÇALVES, C. R., “Strong consistency of kernel density estimates for Markov chains failure rates”, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes. 9, (2006), 337 - 349. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Llanos, C., Jacobi, R. P., Hartenstein, R. W.,”Prototyping Time and Space Effiicient Computations of Algebraic Operations over Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems Modeled by Rewriting-Logic”, Acm Transactions On Design Automation Of Electronic Systems Todaes, 11 (2) (2006), 251-281. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Kamareddine, F., Moura, F. L. C. de, “SUBSEXPL: a Tool for Simulating and Comparing Explicit Substitutions Calculi”, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 16 (1-2), (2006), 119 - 150. Bartholdi, L., SIDKI, S., “The automorphism tower of groups acting on rooted trees”,. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 358, (2006), 329 - 358. Brazil, S., KRASILNIKOV, A. N., SHUMYATSKY, P., “Groups with bounded verbal conjugacy classes”, Journal of Group Theory. Germany 9, (1) (2006), 127 - 137. Brunner, A. M., SIDKI, S., “Endomorphisms of the finitary group of isometries of the binary tree”, Contemporary Mathematics, 394, (2006), 1 - 13. Cataldo, E., Leta, F. R, LUCERO, J. C., Nicolato, L., ”Synthesis of voiced sounds using low-dimensional models of the vocal cords and time-varying subglottal pressure”, Mechanics Research Communications. Amsterdam 33, (2006), 250 - 260. Cataldo, E., LUCERO, J. C., R. Sampaio, L. Nicolato. “Comparison of some models of the larynx in the synthesis of voiced sounds”. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 28 (2006), 462-467. Costa, M. L., Oliveira, A. L. N., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., “Contributions from Dilatonic Strings to the Flat Behavior of the Rotational Curves in Galaxies”, International Journal of Modern Physics D. 15, (3) (2006), 387 - 394. Costa, I. V. L., Oliveira, F. A., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., Moraes, F., “Self-Interactions in the Spacetime of a Scalar-Tensor Cosmic String”, Physics Letters A. 351, (2006), 216 – 219. Ding, Q., TENENLBAT, K., Wu, J.-Y., “On differential equations describing 3-dimensional hyperbolic spaces”, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 45 (2006), 135-142. DOREA, C. C. Y., Pereira, A. G. C., “A note on a variation of Doeblin's condition for uniform ergodicity of Markov chains”, Acta Mathematica Hungarica. Hungria 110, (2006), 277 - 282. DOREA, C. C. Y., MEDINO, A. V., “Anomalous diffusion index for Levy motions”, Journal of Statistical Physics, 123, (2006), 685 - 698. DOREA, C. C. Y., Zhao, L., “Bounds for the probability of wrong determination of the order of a Markov chain by using the EDC criterion”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, (2006), 3689 - 3697. DOREA, C. C. Y., MINGOTI, S. A., “Estimating the total number of distinct species using quadrat sampling and under dependence structure”, Journal of Applied Statistics, 33, (2006), 497 – 512. DOREA, C. C. Y., Lopes, J. S., “Convergence rates for Markov chain order estimates using EDC criterion”, Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, 37 (2006), 561-570. Figueiredo, G. M., FURTADO, M. F., “Multiplicity of positive solutions for a class of elliptic equations in divergence form”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 321, (2) (2006), 705 - 721. Figueiredo, G. M., FURTADO, M. F., “On number of positive solutions of a quasilinear elliptic problem”, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 55 (2006), 1835-1856. FURTADO, M. F., ”A note on the number of nodal solutions of an elliptic equation with symmetry”, Applied Mathematics Letters 19, (4) (2006), 326 – 331. FURTADO, M. F., Paiva, F. O. V., “Multiplicity of solutions for resonant elliptic systems”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 319, (2) (2006), 435 - 449. GONÇALVES, J. V., Hollanda, A. R., “Existence non-existence and asymptotic behavior of blow-up entire solutions in a class of semilinear elliptic problems”, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 321, (2006), 524 – 536. GONÇALVES, J. V., Holanda, A. R. F., “Boundary Blow-up Solutions for a Class of Elliptic Equations on a Bounded Domain”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 182 (2006), 13-23. GONÇALVES, J. V., SANTOS, C. A. P., “Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Non Radially Symmetric Ground States of Semilinear Singular Elliptic Equations”, Nonl. Anal., 65 (4), (2006), 719 – 727. GONÇALVES, J. V. A., Santos, C. A. P., “Some remarks on semilinear resonant elliptic problems”, Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications, 66 (2006), 313-20. Khukhro, E. I., SHUMYATSKY, P., “Lie Algebras with almost constant-free derivations”, Journal of Algebra, 306 (2) (2006), 544-551. Kochloukova, D., PINTO, A. G. S., “Embedding properties of metabelian pro-p groups”, Journal of Group Theory , 9 (2006), 455-465. LUCERO, J. C., Gajo, C. A., “Oscillation region of a piecewise-smooth model of the vocal folds”, Communications In Mathematical Sciences 4, (2) (2006), 465 – 481. MAIA, L. A., Montefusco, E., Pellacci, B., “Positive solutions for a weakly coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system”, Journal of Differential Equations 229, (2006), 743 -767. PÁDUA, J. C. N. de, Soares, S. H. M., SILVA, E. A. e B. e, ”Positive solutions of critical semilinear problems involving a sublinear term at the origin”, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 55 (4), (2006), 1091 - 1112. Perera, K., SILVA, E. A. B., “Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for singular quasilinear problems”, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 323 (2) (2006), 1238-1252. Petrenko, B. SIDKI, S., “On pairs of matrices generating matrix rings and their presentations”, Journal of Algebra, (2006), 1 - 32. Pina, R. S., TENENBLAT, K., “On the Ricci and Einstein equations on the pseudo-euclidean and hyperbolic spaces”, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 24, (2) (2006), 101 - 107. PINTO, A. G. S., “Homological finiteness properties of pro-p modules over metabelian pro-p groups”, Journal of Algebra, 301 (1), (2006), 96 - 111. TENENBLAT, K., WANG, Q. ”Ribaucour transformations for hypersurfaces in space forms”, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 29 (2), (2006), 157 - 185. WANG. Q, “Harmonic maps and the topology of complete submanifolds”, Publicationes Math. Debrecen 68 (3-4), (2006), 419 - 431. WANG, Q., “Harmonic maps and the topology of complete manifolds with positive spectrum and stable minimal hypersurfazes”, Publicationes Math. Debrecen 68, (2006), 301-313. WANG, Q., XIA, C., “Rigidity of Hypersurfaces in a Euclidean Sphere”, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc.. 49 (1), (2006), 241 - 249. WANG,Q., XIA, C., “Topological rigidity theorems for open Riemannian manifolds”, Math. Nachr. 279, (2006), 805 - 811. XIA, C., “A round sphere theorem for positive sectional curvature”, Compositio Math. 142 (2006), 1327-1331. 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