Publicações em 2005 Artigos em Periódicos Abdalla, M. C. B., Bytsenko, A. A., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., “Combinatorial Identities and Quantum State Densities of Supersymmetric Sigma Models on N-Folds”, European Physical Journal C, 44 (4) (2005), 607-612. Alves, C. O., Corrêa, F. J. S. A., GONÇALVES, J. V., “Existence of Solutions for some classes of singular Hamiltonian Systems”, Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 5 (2005), 265-278. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Kamaredine, F., Moura, F. L. C., “Comparing and Implementing Calculi of Explicit Substitutions with Eta Reduction”, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 134 (1) (2005), 5-41. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Carvalho, L. G. A., Harteinstein, R. W., Jacobi, R. P., Llanos, C., “Reconfigurable Systems for Sequence Alignment and for General Dyamic Programming”, Genetics and Molecular Research (2005), 1.10. Bytsenko, A. A., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., Mendes, V. S., “Casimir Effect for Abelian Fields in Spaces with Negative Constant Curvature”, The European Physical Journal C. 39 (2005), 249-252. Bytsenko, A. A., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., Kerner, R., “Orbifold compactification and solutions of M-theory from Milne Spaces”, European Physical Journal C 39 (2005), 519-524. Bytsenko, A. A., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., “Fluxes and Chern Morphisms of Hyperbolic Orbifolds”, Brazilian Journal of Physics, 35 (4B) (2005), 1121-1124. Corro, A. V., Ferreira, W. P., TENENBLAT, K., “Transformations for hypersurfacs with vanishing Gauss-Kronecker curvature”, Contributions to Algebra and Geometry,Beitrage R. Algebra Geom. 46 (2) (2005), 523-535. Costa, M. L., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., Naves de Oliveira, A., “On Current-Carrying Cosmic Strings and the Generalized Rainich Algebra in Scalar-Tensor Gravities”, Brazilian Journal of Physics, 35 (4B) (2005), 1055-1056. DOREA, C. C. Y., Campos, V. S. M., “Kernel estimation for stationary density of Markov chains with general state space”, Annals of the Inst. Of Stat. Mathematics, 57 (2005), 443-453. DOREA, C. C. Y., “Measuring asymptotic dependence of extremes and tests based on tail indexes”, Advances and Applications in Statistics 5 (2005), 209-227. DOREA, C. C. Y., Gilardoni Avalle, G. L., GONÇALVES, C. R., “Stationary distribution estimation in Hidden markov Models”, Advances and Applications in Statistics 5 (2005) 183-195. FURTADO, M. F., “A relation between the domain topology and the number of minimal nodal solutions for a quasilinear elliptic problem”, J. of Nonlinear An Theory Methods andApplications, 62 (4) (2005), 615-628. FURTADO, M. F., “Multiple minimal nodal solutions for a quasilinear Schrodinger equation with symmetric potential”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 304 (1) (2005), 170–188. FURTADO, M. F., “Mltiplicity of nodal solutions for a critical quasilinear equation with symmetry”, J. of Nonlinear An Theory Methods and Applications, 63 (8) (2005), 1153 – 1166. GODINHO, H. T., Rodrigues, P. H. A., “Conditions for the solvability of systems of two and three additive forms over p-adic fields”, Proc. London Math. Soc. 3 (91) (2005), 545-572. GONÇALVES, J. V. A., Santos, C. A. P., “Classical solutions of singular Monte-Ampére equations in a ball, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 305 (2005), 240-252. GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., “On the Gravitational Properties of the Spacetime of a Dilatonic, Chiral String”, Physics Letters A, 348 (2005), 1-8. Kasimova, R. R., KRASSILNIKOV, A. N., "Some non-finitely based varieties of group representations". Communications in Algebra, 33 (2005), 525-538. Kireeva, E. A., KRASSILNIKOV, A. N., "On some extremal varieties of associative algebras", Mathematical Notel, 18 (4) (2005), 503-517. Koenig, L.L., LUCERO, J. C., “Phonation thresholds as a function of laryngeal size in a two-mass model of the vocal folds”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118 (5) (2005), 2798-2801. Koenig, L.L., LUCERO, J. C., “Simulations of temporal pattenrns of oral airflow in men and women using a tow-mass model of the vocal folds under dynamic control”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117 (3) (2005), 1362-1372. Koenig, L.L., Mencl, W. E., LUCERO, J. C., “Multidimensional analysis of coicing offsets and onsets in female speakers”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118 (4) (2005), 2535-2550. Kochloukova, D., ZALESSKI, P., “Homological invariants for pro-p groups and normal subgroups with cyclic quotients in some finitely presented pro-C groups", Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 144 (2005). 285-296. Kochloukova, D., ZALESSKI, P, “Free-by Demushkin pro-p groups”, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 249 (2005) 731-739. Lemos, M., TENENBLAT, K., “On Ribaucour transformations and minimal surfaces”, Matatemática Contemporânea , 29 (2005)., 13-40. Löfqvist, A., LUCERO, J. C., “Measures of articulatory variability in VCV sequences”, Acoustical Reserarch Letters Online, 6 (2) (2005), 80-84. LUCERO, J. C., “Comparison of measures of variability of speech movement trajetories using synthetic records”, Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 48 (2) (2005), 336-344. LUCERO, J. C., “Oscillation hysteresis in a two-mass model of the vocal folds”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 282 (3-5) (2005), 1247-1254. LUCERO, J. C., Maciel, S. T. R., Johns, D. A., Munhall, K. G., “Empirical modeling of the human face kinematics during speech using motion clustering”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118, (2005), 405-409. LUCERO, J. C., “Bifurcations and limit cycles in a model for a vocal fold oscillator”, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 3 (4) (2005), 517-529. LUCERO, J. C., “Dynamics of the vocal fold oscillations”, Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (TEMA), 6 (1) (2005), 11-20. QIAOLING, W., XIA, C., “Regidity theorems for closed hypersurfaces in space forms”, Q. J. Math., 56 (2005), 101-110. QIAOLING, W., XIA, C., “Regidity theorems for closed hypersurfaces ina unit sphere”,J. Geom. Physics, 55 (2005), 227-240. Riveros, C. M. C., TENENBLAT, K., “Dupin hypersurfaces in R5”, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 57 (6) (2005), 1291-1313. SHUMYATSKY. P., “A variety of groups”, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 138 (21) (2005), 21-26. SHUMYATSKY. P., “On the nilpotency class of Lie rings with fixed-point-free automorphisms”, Turkish J. Mathematics 29 (1) (2005), 65-74. SHUMYATSKY, P., Riley, D. M., “Groups with a Positive law on commutators”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 195 (3) (2005), 293-299. SHUMYATSKY, P., Tamarozzi, A. C., Wilson, L., "On Z_n-graded Lie rings", Journal of Algebra. 283 (1) (2005), 149-160. SHUMYATSKY. P., “Elements of prime-power order in residually finite groups”, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 15 (3) (2005),571-576. SHUMYATSKY. P., “Fixed Points in Finite Soluble Groups”, Communications in Algebra, 33 (10) (2005), 3405-3408. SHUMYATSKY. P., “Involutory automorphisms of groups of odd order”, Monatshefete fur Mathematik, 146 (1) (2005), 77-82. SIDKI, S., "Tree-wreathing applied to generation of groups by finite automata" Int. J. Algebra Comput., 15 (5 & 6) (2005), 1205-1212. XIA, C., “The Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities and manifolds with non-negative Ricci curvature”, J. Funct. Anal. 224 (2005), 230-241. XIA, C., “Characterizations of Some Product Manifolds by Their Spectrum”, Monatsh. Math., 146 (2005), 159-168. ZALESSKI, P., “Profinite surface groups and the Congruence Kernel of Arithmetic Lattices in SL2(R) ”, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 146 (2005), 111. Livros SHOKRANIAN, S., “Criptografia para Iniciantes”, Editora UnB (2005), 94 páginas. ROITMAN, P., “Geometria Diferencial de Curvas e Superfícies”, (Tradução do livro “Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces”, Prentice-Hall (1976), de Manfredo Perdigão do Carmo), SBM, (2005), 610 pgs. Capítulos de Livros TENENBLAT, K., “Minimal and cmc surfaces obtained by Ribaucour transformations”, Global Theory of Minimal Surfaces – D. Hoffman, Editor, American Mathematical Society, Series: Clay Mathematics Proceedings, Volume 2, (2005), 623-634. SIDKI, S., “Just non-(abelian by P-type) groups”, In: Infinite Groups: Geometric, Combinatorial and Dynamical Aspects; Bartholdi, L.; Ceccherini-Silberstein, T.; Smirnova-Nagnebeda, T.; Zuk, A. (Eds.), Séries: Progress in Mathematics, 248 (2005), 389-402. Anais de Congressos (Trabalhos completos): AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Miranda, R. C. C., “A Modification of the Landau-Viskin Algorithm Computing Longest Common Extensions using Suffix Arrays”, In: Proceedings XXXI Conferência Latinoamericana de Informática - CLEI2005. Cali, Colômbia, (2005), 41-50. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Becker, J., Harternstein, R. W., Morra, C. F., “Using Rewriting-Logic for Generating Functionally Equialent Implementations”, In: Proceedings 15th International Conference, Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, IEEE, Tampere (2005), 1-8. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Boukerche, A., Melo, A. C. M. A., Walter, M. E. M. T., Sant’ana, T. M., “Parallel Strategies for Local Biological Sequence Alignment in a Cluster de Workstations”, In: Proceedings of the 19th International Parallel & Distribuited Processing Symposium – IPDPS 2005 – Los Alamos (2005) 268b-275. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Kamaredine, F., Moura, F. L. C., “Second-Order Matching via Explicit Substitutions”, In: Oric, Eleventh Int. Conf. on Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning – LPAR, Montevideo, Uruguai, 3452 (2005), 433-448. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Kamaredine, F., Moura, F. L. C., “SUBSEXPL: a Tool for Simulating abd Comparing Explicit Substitutions Calculi”, In: Proc. 5th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics, Montevideo, Uruguai, (2005), 16-30. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Braga, A., Jacobi, R. P., Llanos, C., “VANNGen: a Flexible CAD Tool for Hardware Implementation of Artificial Neural Networks”, In: IEEE CS Proc. Int. Conf. on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs – ReConFig05 – Puebla, (2005), 1-8. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Sant’ana, T. M., “Verification of Rewrite Based Specifications Using Proof Assistants”, In: Proc. XXXI Conf. Latinoamericana de Informática – CLEI2005, Cali, (2005), 1-12. Brandão, A. S., Cataldo, E., Leta, F. R. , LUCERO, J. C., “Classifying sunthesized and real voice patterns using neural networks”, Proceedings of COBEM 2005 – 18th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Outo Preto, MG, 6-11/11/05, (em CD-ROM), 1-8. Cataldo, E., LUCERO, J. C., Sampaio, R., Nicolato, L., “Comparison of some models of the larynx in the synthesis of voiced sounds”, Proceedings of the XI International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics – XI DINAME, Ouro Preto/MG, 28/02 – 04/03/05 (em CD-ROM), 1-9. Cataldo, E., LUCERO, J. C., Sampaio, R., Nicolato, L., “Dynamics of oscillation onset-offset in a two-mass model of the vocal folds for men, women and children”, Proceedings of the XI International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics – XI DINAME, Ouro Preto/MG, 28/02 – 04/03/05 (em CD-ROM), 1-9 Secretaria Fale ConoscoRoteiros e ProcedimentosSolicitaçõesTelefones e e-mail Publicações Publicações em 2000 Publicações em 2001 Publicações em 2002 Publicações em 2003 Publicações em 2004 Publicações em 2005 Publicações em 2006 Publicações em 2007 Publicações em 2008 Publicações em 2009 Publicações em 2010 Publicações em 2011 Publicações em 2012 Publicações em 2013 Publicações em 2014 Publicações em 2015 Publicações em 2016 Publicações em 2017 Publicações em 2018 Publicações em 2019 Publicações em 2020 Publicações em 2021 Publicações em 2022