Publicações em 2003 Artigos em Peródicos Abdalla, M. C. B., Bytsenko, A. A., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., "Black hole entropy associated with supersymmetric sigma model", Physical Review D 68, (2003), 104011/1-7. Andrade, V. C., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., Peter, P., "Dilatonic, current-carrying cosmic strings", Physical Review D 67 (2003), 123509/1-10. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Conejo, P. D., "A linear time lower bound on McCreight and general updating algorithms for suffix trees", Algorithmica, NewYork, 37 (3) (2003), 233-241. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Moura, F. L. C., Kamareddine, F., "Comparing and implementing calculi of explicit substitutions with eta reduction", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Amsterdam (2003), 1-20. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Moura, F. L. C., Kamareddine, F., "On applying the lambda e_e-style of unification for simple typed higher-order unificationin the pure lambda-calculus", Matemática Contemporânea 24 (2003), 1-22. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Neto, R. M., Llanos, C., Jacobi, R. P. , Hartenstein, R. W., "Architectural specification, exploration and simulation through rewriting-logic", Revista Colombiana de Computation, Colômbia, 3 (2) (2003), 20-34. Bytsenko, A. A., Elizalde, E., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., “Operator product on locally symmetric spaces of rank one and the multiplicativ anomaly", Int. Journal of Modern Physics A 18 (2003), 2179-2188. Corro, A V., Ferreira, W. e TENENBLAT, K., “Ribaucour transformations for constant mean curvature and linear Weingarten surfaces”, Pacific Jour. Math. 212 (2003), 265-296. Corro, A. M. V., Ferreira, W. P., TENENBLAT, K., "Minimal surfaces obtained by Ribaucour transformations", Geometriae Dedicata, 96 (1) (2003), 117-150. Deryabina, G. S. e KRASILNIKOV, A., “Solvable groups of exponent 4”, Siberian Mathematica Journal, 44 (1) (2003), 58-60. Dias, J. A. e GODINHO, H. T., “Critical polynomials elated to generalized derivations,” Linear Álgebra and its Applications, 370 (2003), 315-339. GONÇALVES, J. V., Melo, A. L., Corrêa, F. J., "On positive radial solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations", Nonlinear Anal., 52 (2003), 681-701. GONÇALVES, J. V., Santos, C. A., "Quasilinear singular equations: a variational approach for nondifferentiable functionals", Nonlinear Anal., 55 (5) (2003), 583-607. GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., Oliveira, A. L. N., “Wakes in dilatonic, current-carrying cosmic strings", Physical Review D 67 (2003), p. 123514/1-7. GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., Oliveira, A. L. N., "Breakdown of the mechanics of forming wakes by a current-carrying string", Physical Letters A 311 (2003), 474-479. GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., Oliveira, A. L. N., “Quantun effects in the spacetime of a magnetic flux cosmic string”, Int. Journal of Modern Physics A18 (2003), 2093-2098. Gupta, C. K. e KRASILNIKOV, A., “The finite basis question for varieties of groups - some recente results”, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 47 (1/2) (2003), 273-283. KRASILNIKOV, A., “Some non-finitely based varieties of groups of exponent 8”, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 68 (2) (2003), 371-382. MOREIRA, H. N., Almeida, M. C., "Leishmaniasis: A dynamical system approach", Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, Vol. 45 (Suppl. 13) (2003), 123 páginas. QIAOLING, W., "Rigitity of Clifford minimal hypersurfaces", Monatshefte Für Mathematik140 (2003), 163-167. QIAOLLING, W., "On minimal submanifolds in an Euclidean space", Mathematische Nachrichten 216-262 (2003), 176-180. Riveros, C. M. C., TENENBLAT, K., "On four dimensional Dupin hypersurfaces in Euclidean space", Anais da Academica Brasileira de Ciências, 75 (1) (2003), 1-7. SHUMYATSKY, P., "Exponent of finite groups with automorphisms", Lodon Math. Soc. Lecture Series, Groups-2001, St. Andrews-Oxford, 45 (2003), 526-534. SHUMYATSKY, P., “On extensions of groups of finite exponent”, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 45 (2003), 535-538. SIDKI, S., Wilson, J., “Free subgroups of Branch Groups”, Archiv der Math., 48 (2003), 458-463. SIDKI, S., “The binary adding machine e solvable groups”, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 13 (1) (2003), 95-110. SILVA, E. A. B. e Xavier, M. S., “Multiplicity of solutions for quasilinear elliptic problems involving critical Sobolev exponents”, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré, Analyse Non Linéaire 20, 2 (2003), 341-358. SILVA, R. R., "The multiple ergodicity of nondiscrete subgroupos of DiffW(S1)", Moscow Mathematical Journal, 3 (1) (2003), 123-171. Souza, M. A., TENENBLAT, K., "Minimal surfaces of rotation in Finsler space with a Randers metric", Mathematische Annalen. Berlin, 325 (4) (2003) 625-642. TENENBLAT, K., “Minimal e cmc surfaces obtained by Ribaucour transformations”, Clay Mathematics Proceedings, 3 (2003), 623-634. XIA, C., “Ricci curvature, conjugate radius e large volume growth”, Manuscripta Math. 110 (2) (2003), 187-194. Livros organizados Abdalla, M. C. B., Bytsenko, A. A., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., Odintsov, S., Proceedings of the Second Londrina Winter School on Mathematical Methods in Physics. Cingapure: World Scientific Publishing Co. (2003), Vol. 1, 236 páginas. Capítulos de Livros SHUMYATSKY, P., "Exponent of finite groups with automorphisms", In: Groups 2001/St. Andrews , Oxford ed. Cambridge. Cmbridge University Press, (2003), 526-534. Anais de Congressos (Trabalhos completos): AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Llanos, C., Jacobi, R. P. , Hartenstein, R. W., "Using rewriting-logic notation for functional verification in data-stream based reconfigurable computing", In Proc. Forum on Specification and Design Languages - FDL 03, Frankfurt, Alemanha, Editora European chips and Systems Initiative (ECSI) (2003), 1-10. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Nogueira, R. B., Llanos, C., Jacobi, R. P. , Hartenstein, R. W., "Efficient computation of algebraic operations over dynamically reconfigurable systems speciffied by rewriting-logic environmnts", In: Proc. 23rd Internacional Conf. Of the Chilean Computer Science Society, Chillán, IEEE CS Press (2003), 60-68 AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Nogueira, R. B., Llanos, C., Jacobi, R. P. , Hartenstein, R. W., "Modeling a reconfigurable system for computing the FFT in place via rewriting-logic", In: Proc. 16th symposium on integrated circuits and system design - SBCCI 03, São Paulo, SP, IEEE CS Press (2003), 205-210. Furtado, M. F., MAIA, L. A., SILVA, E. A. B., "System with coupling in RN for a class of noncoercive potentials", Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. on Dyn. Syst. and Diff. Equ. 2002, Wilmington, U.S.A., "Dyn. Syst. Diff. Equ.", Suppl. Vol. (2003), 295-304. Koenig, L. L., LUCERO, J. C., "Simulations of VhV sequences in children", Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Phonetic Science, Barcelona, Espanha, 3-9 de agosto de 2003, 2905-2908. Koenig, L. L., LUCERO, J. C., Lofqvist, A., "Studying articulatory variability using functional data analysis", Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Phonetic Science, Barcelona, Espanha, 3-9 de agosto de 2003, 269-272. Löfqvist, A., LUCERO, J. C., "Functional data analysis of articulatory variability in VCV sequences", Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Speech Production, Sydney, Australia, (3-12 dezembro) (2003), 156-160. MAIER, R. R., "Analogues of Dietzmann's Lemma", Advances in Group Theory 2002 - Proc. of the Intensive Bimester Dedicated to the Memory of Reihold Baer (1902-1979), (2003), 43-69. 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