Publicações em 2002 Artigos em Periódicos Alves, C. O., Bertone, A. M. e GONÇALVES, J. V. A., “A variational approach todiscontinuous problem with critical Sobolev exponents”, J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 265(2002), 103-127. AYALA-RINCÓN, M. , Fonseca, A. F., POUBEL, H. W. e Siqueira, J., “A framework to visualize equivalences between computational models of regular languages”, Information Processing Letters, vol. 84 (1) (2002), 5-16. AYALA-RINCÓN, M. e Araújo, I. E. T., “Unification modulo presburger arithmetic and other dedidable theories”, Colombian Journal of Computation, vol. 2 (2) (2002), 7-19. AZEVEDO. A. V. F., Marchesin, D., Plohr, B., Zumbrun, K., “Capillary instability in models for three-phase know”, Z.eit. Angew. Math. Phys., (ZAMP), vol. 53, nº 5 (2002), 712-746. AZEVEDO, A. V. F., “Helicoid of Riemann solutions: a new mechanism for multiplicity of solutions”, Matemática Contemporânea, vol. 22 (I), (2002), 1-17. Bryant , R. M., KRASILNIKOV, A., “Metanilpotent varieties of groups”, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, vol. 73 (2002), 55-84. Bezerra, V. B., Colatto, L. P. GUIMARÃES, M. E. X. e Teixeira Filho, R. M., “Scalar ad spinor particles in the space-time of a domain wall in string theory”, Physical Review D, vol. 65 (2002), 104027-104033. Ding, Q. e TENENBLAT, K., “Gauge equivalence of differential equations describing surfaces and constante curvature", Int. Jour. Diff. Eq. Appl. , vol. 4 (2002), 273-284. Ding, Q. e TENENBLAT, K., “On Differential systems describing surfaces of constant curvature”, Jour. Diff. Eq., vol. 184 (2002),185-214. DOREA, C. C. Y., “Strong consistency of kernel estimators for Markov transtion densities”, Bulletin of Brazilian Mathematical Society, vol. 33, (2002), 1-12. DOREA, C. C. e Zhao, L. C., “Nonparametric density estimation in hidden Markov models”, Statiscal Inference for Stochastic Processes, vol. 5, (2002), 55-64. DOREA, C. C. Y., Pereira, A. G. C. e Rojas Cruz, J. A., “Metropolis-Hastings algorithm: the non-homogeneous case”, Stochastic Modelling and Applications, vol. 5 (2), (2002), 10-20. Franciosi, S., de Giovanni, F., SHUMYATSKY, P., “On groups with finite verbal conugacy classes”, Houston Journal of Mathematics, vol. 28 (4) (2002), 671-678. FURTADO, M. F., MAIA, L. A. e SILVA, E. A. B., “Solutions for a resonant elliptic system with coupling in RN ", Communications in Partial Differential Equations, vol. 27 (2002), 1515-1536. FURTADO, M. F., MAIA, L. A. e SILVA, E. A. B., “On a double resonant problem in RN “, Differential and Integral Equations, vol. 15 (2002), 1335-1344. GONÇALVES, J. V. A. e Melo, L. A., “Multiple sign-changing solutions in a class of quasilinear equations,” Differential and Integral Equations, vol. 15 (2002), 147-165. GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., “String´s current Induced by the dilatonic coupling of gravity”, Inter. Journal of Modern Physics A, vol. 17, (2002), 2763-2764. Gupta, C. K. e KRASILNIKOV, A., “A simple example of a non-finitely based system of polynomial identities”, Communications in Algebra, vol. 30 (10) (2002), 4851-4866. Gupta, C. K. e KRASILNIKOV, A., “A non-finitely based system of polynomial identities which contains the identity x6 = 0”, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. 53, (2) (2002), 173-183. Houswirth, L., ROITMAN, P. e Rosenberg, H., “The geometry of finite topology Bryant surfaces quase-embedded in a hyperbolic manifold”, Jour. Of Differential Geometry, vol. 60 (1), (2002), 55-101. KRASILNIKOV, A. e Riley, D. M., “The transfer of a comutator identity in a nil-generated algebra”, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, vol. 12 (3) (2002), 437-443. KRASILNIKOV, A., “On the finite basis property of a variety of associative algebras”, Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika, vol. 8 ((2) (2002), 437-443. Kuzucuoglu, M., SHUMYATSKY, P., “On local finiteness of periodic residually finite groups”, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, vol. 45 (3) (2002), 717-731. Lima, L. L. e ROITMAN, P., “Constant mean curvature one surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space using the Bianchy-Colo method”, Anais da Academia Bras. de Ciências, vol. 74 (1), (2002), 19-24. LUCERO, J. C., “Identifying a differential equation for lip motion”, Medical Engineering and Physics, vol. 24 (2002), 521-528. Pina, R. e TENENBLAT, K., “On metrics satisfying equation Rij – Kgij/2 = Tij for constant tensors T”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, vol. 40 (2002), 379-383. SHUMYATSKY, P., “A (locally nilpotent)-by-nilpotent variety of groups”, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. 132 (2002), 193-196. SHUMYATSKY, P., “Commutators in residually finite groups”, Monatshefte für Mathematik, vol. 137 (2) (2002), 157-165. SHUMYATSKY, P., “Coprime automorphisms of profinite groups”, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford), vol. 53 (2002), 371-376. SHUMYATSKY, P.; Tamarozzi, A., “On finite groups with fixed-point-free automorphisms”, Communication in Algebra, vol. 30 (2002), 2837-2842. SHUMYATSKY, P., “On groups with an involution whose centralizer has finite rank”, Journal of Group Theory, vol. 5 (2002), 97-105. SHUMYATSKY, P., “On varieties arising from the solution of the Restricted Burnside Problem”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 171 (2002), 67-74. SILVA, E. A. B. e Teixeira, M. A., “Global asymptotic stability on Euclidean spaces”, Nonlinear Analysis.-TMA, vol. 02, (2002), 91-114. TENENBLAT, K., “On Ribaucour transformations and applications to linear Weingarten surfaces”, Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, vol. 74 (2002), 559-575. XIA, C., “On a conjecture by schoeder and strake”, Quarterly Jour. Math., vol. 53 (2002), 119-124. XIA, C., “Some applications of critical point theory of distance functions on Riemannian manifolds”, Compositio Mathematica, vol. 132 (2002), 49-55. XIA, C., “Large volume growth and the topology of open manifolds”, Mathematische Zeit. Vol. 239 (2002), 515-526. XIA, C., “Complete manifolds with sectional curvature bounded below and large volume growth”, Bull. London Math. Soc. , vol. 34 (2002), 229-235. ZALESSKI, P., “Just infinite profinite groups”, Monatshefte Für Mathematick, vol. 135 (2002), 167-171. Livros SHOKRANIAN, S., “Variável Complexa I”, Editora UnB, (2002) , 177 pgs. SHOKRANIAN, S., “Números Notáveis”, Editora UnB, (2002), 57 pgs. Anais de Congressos (Trabalhos completos): Koenig, L. L., LUCERO, J. C., “Oral-laryngeal control patterns for fricatives in 5-year olds and adults”, Proceedings 7th International Conference on spoken Language Processing, Denver, EUA, Setembro, 2002, 49-52. DOREA, C. C. Y., “Tests for asymptotic dependence of extremes based on tail inderes”, Proceedings II Confrence on Acturial Science and Finance, Samos, Grecia, Agosto de 2002, 8 págimas. Secretaria Fale ConoscoRoteiros e ProcedimentosSolicitaçõesTelefones e e-mail Publicações Publicações em 2000 Publicações em 2001 Publicações em 2002 Publicações em 2003 Publicações em 2004 Publicações em 2005 Publicações em 2006 Publicações em 2007 Publicações em 2008 Publicações em 2009 Publicações em 2010 Publicações em 2011 Publicações em 2012 Publicações em 2013 Publicações em 2014 Publicações em 2015 Publicações em 2016 Publicações em 2017 Publicações em 2018 Publicações em 2019 Publicações em 2020 Publicações em 2021 Publicações em 2022