Publicações em 2007 Artigos Publicados em Periódicos AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Abreu, B. T de; Siqueira, J. de, “A Variant of the Ford-Johnson Algorithm that is more Space Efficient”, Information Processing Letters, Holanda, 102, (2007), 201-207. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Boukerche, A., Melo, A. C. M. A. de, Sandes, E. F. de O., “An Exact Parallel Algorithm to Compare Very Long Biological Sequences in Clusters of Workstations”, Cluster Computing, 10, (2007), 187-202. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Boukerche, A., Melo, A. C. M. A. de, Sandes, E. F. de O., Walter, M. E. M. T., “Parallel Strategies for Local Biological Sequence Alignment”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 67 (2), (2007), 170-185. Berlatto, A., SIDKI, S., “Virtual endomorphisms of nilpotent groups”, Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, 1, (2007), 21-46. de Almeida, M. C., MOREIRA, H. N. “A Mathematical Model of Immune Response in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Journal of Biological Systems, 15, (2007), 109-139. DOREA, C. C. Y.; Guevara-Otiniano, C. E.; Matsushita, R.; Rathie, P. N., “Levy flight approximations for scaled transformations of random walks”. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51, (2007), 6343-6354. Ferreira, W., TENENBLAT, K., ``Hypersurfaces with flat r-mean curvature and Ribaucour transformations", Intern. J. Appl. Math and Stat., 11 (2007), 38-51. FURTADO, M. F., Figueiredo, G. M., “Positive solutions for some quasilinear equations with critical and supercritical growth. Nonlinear Analysis”, Theory, Methods and Applications, 66, (2007), 1600-1616. FURTADO, M. F., “Nodal Solutions for a Nonhomogeneous Elliptic Equation with Symmetry”, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 29, (2007), 69-78. GODINHO, H., Dias da Silva, J. A., “Generalized derivations and additive theory II”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 420, (2007), 117-123. GODINHO, H., Rodrigues, P. H. A., “On p-adic zeros of systems of diagonal forms restricted by a congruence condition”, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 19, (2007), 205. GONÇALVES, J. V., SANTOS, C. A. P., “Singular elliptic problems: existence non-existence and boundary behavior. Nonlinear Analysis”, Theory, Methods and Applications, 66, (2007), 2078-2090. GONÇALVES, J. V., MELO, A. L., SANTOS, C. A., “On Existence of L_{infty}-Ground States for Singular Elliptic Equations in the Presence of a Strongly Nonlinear Term. Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 7, (2007), 475-490. LUCERO, J. C., Koenig, L. L., “On the relation between the phonation threshold lung pressure and the oscillation frequency of the vocal folds”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121, (2007), 3280-3283. MAIA, L. A.; SILVA, E. A. B., “On a class of coupled systems in RN/’. NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, v. 14, p. 301-315, 2007. MAIER, R. R., Ramos, J. I. S., “On the local hypercenter of a group”, Journal of Mathematics Proyecciones, 26 (3) (2007), 341-356. PATRÃO, M., “Morse Decomposition of Semiflows on Topological Spaces”, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 19, (2007), 181-198. PATRÃO, M., San Martin, L. A. B., “Semiflows on Topological Spaces: Chain Transitivity and Semigroups”, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 19, (2007), 155-180. PATRÃO, M., San Martin, L. A. B., “Morse decomposition of semiflows on fiber bundles”, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A, 17, (2007), 113-139. Perera, K., SILVA, E. A. B., “p-Laplacian problems with critical Sobolev exponents”, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications 66 (2007), 454-459. Perera, K., SILVA, E. A. B., “On Singular p-Laplacian problems”, Differential Integral Equations 20, (2007), 105-120. Pina, R. S., TENENBLAT, K., “A class of solutions of the Ricci and Eisntein equations”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 57 (2007), 881-888. Rio, A., Jesper, E., Ruiz, M., ZALESSKI, P. “Groups of units of integral group rings commensurable with direct products of free-by-free groups”. Advances in Mathematics, 212, (2007), 692-722. SHUMYATSKY, P., “Centralizers of involutory automorphisms of groups of odd order”, Journal of Algebra, 315/2, (2007), 954-962. SHUMYATSKY, P., Kuzucuoglu, “Centralizers of involutory in locally finite groups”, Communications in Algebra, 35 (2007), 3253-3262. SHUMYATSKY, P. “Engel values in residually finite groups”, Monatschefte Mathematik, 152 (2007), 169-175. SHUMYATSKY, P. “ On centralizer of an element of order four in a locally finite groupr”, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 49 (2007), 411-415. SIDKI, S., Petrenko, B., “On pairs of matrices generating matrix rings and their presentations”, Journal of Algebra, 310, (2007), 15-40. SILVA, E. A. B., Xavier, M. S., ”Multiplicity of solutions for quasilinear elliptic systems with critical grawth”, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications 13 (2007), 619-642. WANG, Q.; XIA, C., “Universal inequalities for eigenvalues of the buckling problem on spherical domains”, Communications in Mathematical Physics, v. 270, (2007), 759-775. WANG, Q.; XIA, C., “Universal bounds for eigenvalues of the biharmonic operator on Riemannian manifolds”, Journal of Functional Analysis, v. 245, (2007), 334-352. WANG, Q.; XIA, C. Y. . Topological and metric rigidity for hypersurfaces in a hyperbolic space. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, v. 57, (2007), 435-445. ZALESSKI, P., Kochloukova, D., “Tits alternative for 3-manifold groups”, Archiv der Mathematik, 88, (2007), 364-367. ZALESSKI, P., Ribes, L., Stevenson, , K., “On quasifree profinite groups”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 135, (2007), 2669-2676. ZALESSKI, P., Kochloukova, D., “Automorphisms of pro-p groups of finite virtual cohomological dimension”, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 58, (2007), 47-51. ZALESSKI, P., Chagas, S. C., “Limits groups are conjugacy separable”, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 17, (2007), 851-857. Livros (Capítulos ) SHUMYATSKY, P., Fernandez-Alcober, G., “Positive laws on large sets of generators ando n word values”, Ischia Groups Theory 2006, World Scientific, New York (2007), 274-291. Secretaria Fale ConoscoRoteiros e ProcedimentosSolicitaçõesTelefones e e-mail Publicações Publicações em 2000 Publicações em 2001 Publicações em 2002 Publicações em 2003 Publicações em 2004 Publicações em 2005 Publicações em 2006 Publicações em 2007 Publicações em 2008 Publicações em 2009 Publicações em 2010 Publicações em 2011 Publicações em 2012 Publicações em 2013 Publicações em 2014 Publicações em 2015 Publicações em 2016 Publicações em 2017 Publicações em 2018 Publicações em 2019 Publicações em 2020 Publicações em 2021 Publicações em 2022