Publicações em 2004 Artigos em Periódicos Abdalla, M. C. B., Bytsenko, A. A., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., "Quantum States, thermodynamic limits and entropy in M-theory", Physical Review D- Particle and Fields, 96 (6) (2004) , Série 64002, 1-6. Abdalla, M. C. B., Bytsenko, A. A., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., “Formation of Wakes by Chiral Conducting Cosmic Strings”, Modern Physics Letters A 19, (2004), 2445-2450 AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Kamareddine, F., Monin, F., “On Automating the Extraction of Programs from Termination Proofs”, Revista Colombiana de Computación, 4(2) (2004), 29-48. Bezerra, V. B., Romero, C. GREBOT, G., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., Colatto, L. P., “Remarks on Some Vacuum Solutions of Scalar-Tensor Cosmological Models”, Brazilian Journal of Physics, 34 (2A) (2004), 526-530. Corro, A. M. V., TENENBLAT, K., “Ribaucour transformations revisited”, Comm. Anal. Geom. 12 (2004), 1055-1082. Do Carmo, M., P. e XIA, C., “Complete manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature and the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality”, Compositio Mathematica, 140 (2004), 818-826. DOREA, C. C. Y., Rojas Cruz, J. A., “Approximation Results for Non-Homogeneous Markov Chains and Some Applications”, Sankhya -The Indian Journal of Statistics Series A, 66 (1) (2004), 243-252. DOREA, C. C. Y., Martins Neto, D. S. B., Pereira, A.. G. C., “Sufficient Conditions for Ergodicity and Convergence of MH, AS and EM Algorithms”, Comm. In Statistics: Stochastic Models , 20 (2) (2004), 193-204. Engler, J., Haran, D., Kochloukova, D., ZALESSKI, P., "Normal subgroups of profinite groups of finite cohomological dimension", J. London Math. Soc. 69 (2004), 317-332. GODINHO, H. T., Freitas, T. P. A., Rodrigues, P. H., "On pairs of additive congruences of odd degree", JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, 4(1) (2004) , 55-78. GONÇALVES, J. V., Santos, C. A., "Positive solutions of some quasilinear singular second order equations", J. Austral. Math. Soc., 76 (2004), 125-140. GONÇALVES, J. V., Santos, C. A., "Positive solutions for a class of quasilinear singular equations", J. Diff. Eqns. 56 (1) (2004), 1-15. Grigoschuk, R. I., SIDKI, S., “The group of automorphisms of a 3-generated 2-group of intermediate growth”, International Journal of Algebraand Computation 14 (2004), 667-676 Grishkov, A., SIDKI, S., "On the representation of an idempotent as a sum of two nilpotents each of degree four", Communication in Algebra, 32 (2004), 715-726. Herfort, W., ZALESSKI, P., “Virtually free pro-p groups”, Comptes Rendus Mathemátique 26, (2004), 79-83. Kochloukova, D. H., ZALESSKI, P., “Free-by-Demushkin pro-p groups”, Mathematische Zeitshrift 249, (2004), 731-739. Kochloukova, D. H., ZALESSKI, P., “Homological invariants for pro-p groups and normal subgrups with cycle quotients in some finitely presented pro-C groups”, Monatshefte fur Mathematik 144, (2004), 285-296. Kuzucuoglu, M., SHUMYATSKY, P., "Involutions in Locally Finite Groups", Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series, 69 (2004), 306-316. LUCERO, J. C., “Dynamics of a scaled two-mass model of the vocal folds for men and women”, Acoustical Science and Technology 25 (2004), 478-479. MAIA, L. A. e Fragelli, R. R., “An alternative description of swing-by trajectories in two and three dimensions”, Advances in Space Dynamics 4 Celestial Mechanics and Astronautics, 1 (2004), 1-14. MAIA, L. A., Oliveira Neto, M., Carneiro, S., “An alternative theoretical approach to describe planetary systems through a Schrödinger-type diffusion equation” , Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 21 (2004) 21-2821 (2004) 21-28. MAIA, L. A., Oliveira Neto, M., Carneiro, S., “A description of extra-solar planetary orbits through a Schrödinger-type diffusion equation”, Advances in Space Dynamics 4 Celestial Mechanics and Astronautics 1 (2004), 113-122. MAIER, R. R., “The Dietzmann property of some classes of groups with locally finite conjugacy classes”, Journal of Algebra 277 (2004), 364-369 Myasnikov, A., SHUMYATSKY, P., "Discriminating groups and c-dimension", Journal of Group Theory, 7 (1) (2004), 135-142. Pina, R. S., TENENBLAT, K., "Conformal metrics and Ricci tensors on the sphere", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 132, (2004), 3715-3724. Qiaoling, W., XIA, C., “Structure of space-like submanifolds in Pseudo-Euclidean space”, J. Geometry and Physics 52 (2004), 447-457. Ribes, L., ZALESSKI, P., "Profinite topologies in free product of groups", International Journal Algebra and Computation 14, (2004), 751-772. SHUMYATSKY, P., Tamarozzi, A. C., "On Z_n-graded Lie rings", Journal of Algebra. 277 (2004), 703-716. SHUMYATSKY, P., "Positive Laws in fixed points", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 356 (5) (2004), 2081-2091. Souza, M., Spruck, J., TENENBLAT, K., "A Bernstein type theorem on a Randers space", Math. Annalen 329 (2004), 291-305. Weigel, D. T., ZALESSKI, P., "Profinite groups of finite cohomological dimension", Comptes Rendus de L’Academie des Scences Serie I-Mathematique, 338 (2004), 353-358. ZELESSKI, P., “Virtually projective groups”, J. Reiner un Angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 572 (2004), 97-110. Livros SHOKRANIAN, S., “Introdução à Álgebra Linear”, Editora UnB (2004).SHOKRANIAN, S., “Geometria Hiperbólica e Teoria dos Números”, Editora UnB (2004) Capítulos de Livros SIDKI, S., Nekrachevych, V., “Automorphisms of the binary tree: state-closed subgroups and dynamics of ½-endomorphisms”, In: Groups-Topological, Combinatorial and Arithmetic, Aspects Ed. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, (2004), 375-404. SIDKI, S., “The Magnus Embeding and Branch Groups”, In: Selecta – International Conference on Group Theory, (2004), 1-12. Anais de Congressos (Trabalhos completos): Abdalla, M. C. B., Bytsenko, A. A., GUIMARÃES, M. E. X., “Entropy and Thermodynamic Limits in M-Theory”, in Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Quantun Field Theory Under the Influence of External Conditions, Rinton Press, (2004), 373-383. Cataldo, E., Leta, F. R., LUCERO, J. C., Nicolato, L., “Voiced sound synthesis using mechanical models”, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, Poznan, Polônia, 13-15/09/2004, 299-303. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Hartenstein, R. W., Jacobi, R. P., Llanos, C., “A Dynamically Reconfigurable System for Space-Efficient Computation of the FFT”, In: International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs 2004, Colima, México: Sociedad Mexicana de Computación, (2004), 360-369. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Carvalho, L. G. A. Hartenstein, R. W., Jacobi, R. P., Llanos, C., “Reconfigurable Systems for Sequence Alignment and for General Dynamic Programming”, In: Third Brazilian Workshop on Bioinformatics – WOB 2004, Brasília, DF, (2004), 25-32. AYALA-RINCÓN, M., Carvalho, L. G. A., Hartenstein, R. W., Jacobi, R. P., Llanos, C.,“Modeling and Prototyping Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems for Efficient Computations of Dynamic Programming Methods by Rewriting-Logic”, In: 17th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design – SBCCI 04, Porto Galhinas (2004), 248-253. LUCERO, J. C., “Dynamics of a scaled two-mass model of the vocal folds for men, women and children”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Marselha, França, 18-20/08 2004, 105-108. 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