Publicações em 2015 Qualis A1 Deryabina, G. S. ; Krasilnikov, Alexei . The subalgebra of graded central polynomials of an associative algebra. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 425, p. 313-323, 2015. SILVA, T. C. ; TENENBLAT, K. . Third order differential equations describing pseudospherical surfaces. Journal of Differential Equations (Print), p. 4897-4923, 2015. Freitas, J. A. ; Koshlukov, P. ; Krasilnikov, Alexei . Z-graded identities of the Lie algebra W1. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 427, p. 226-251, 2015. Deryabina, G. S. ; Krasilnikov, Alexei . The torsion subgroup of the additive group of a Lie nilpotent associative ring of class 3. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 428, p. 230-255, 2015. AMATO, DANIELA; EVANS, DAVID M. . Infinite primitive and distance transitive directed graphs of finite out-valency. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B (Print), v. 114, p. 33-50, 2015. LIZAMA, CARLOS ; MESQUITA, JAQUELINE G. . Addendum to -Almost automorphic solutions of dynamic equations on time scales- [J. Funct. Anal. 265 (10) (2013) 2267-2311]. Journal of Functional Analysis, v. 269, p. 2302-2303, 2015. Bissacot, R. ; Cassandro, M. ; CIOLETTI, L. M. ; Presutti, E. . Phase Transitions in Ferromagnetic Ising Models with Spatially Dependent Magnetic Fields. Communications in Mathematical Physics, p. 1-13, 2015. FERREIRA. L.C. ; FURTADO, M.F. ; MEDEIROS, E.S. . Existence and multiplicity of self-similar solutions for heat equations with nonlinear boundary conditions. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, v. 54, p. 4065-4078, 2015. PELLEGRINI, M. A.; TAMBURINI BELLANI, M. C. . Scott's formula and Hurwitz groups. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 443, p. 126-141, 2015. GARONZI, MARTINO; LUCCHINI, ANDREA . Covers and normal covers of finite groups. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 422, p. 148-165, 2015. KHUKHRO, E. I. ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . Nonsoluble and non-p-soluble length of finite groups. Israel Journal of Mathematics, v. 207, p. 507-525, 2015. Fernández-Alcober, Gustavo A. ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . Positive laws on word values in residually-p groups. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 425, p. 524-545, 2015. BASTOS, R. ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . On profinite groups with Engel-like conditions. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 427, p. 215-225, 2015. GURALNICK, R. M. ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . On rational and concise words. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 429, p. 213-217, 2015. SIDKI, S.; GRISHKOV, A. ; OLIVEIRA, R. N. . On groups with cubic polynomial conditions. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 437, p. 344-364, 2015. DETOMI, E. ; Morigi, Marta ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . On countable coverings of word values in profinite groups. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (Print), v. 219, p. 1020-1030, 2015. Qualis A2 ALVES, CLAUDIANOR O. ; Santos, Carlos Alberto ; ZHOU, JIAZHENG . Existence and non-existence of blow-up solutions for a non-autonomous problem with indefinite and gradient terms. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (Printed ed.), v. 66, p. 891-918, 2015. Federson, Márcia ; MESQUITA, JAQUELINE G. ; TOON, EDUARD . Lyapunov theorems for measure functional differential equations via Kurzweil-equations. Mathematische Nachrichten, v. 288, p. n/a-n/a, 2015. CIOLETTI, LEANDRO; LOPES, ARTUR O. . Phase Transitions in One-Dimensional Translation Invariant Systems: A Ruelle Operator Approach. Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 159, p. 1424-1455, 2015. MAIA, LILIANE A.; MIYAGAKI, OLIMPIO H. ; SOARES, SERGIO H. M. . A Sign-Changing Solution for an Asymptotically Linear Schrödinger Equation. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, v. 59, p. 1-20, 2015. SQUASSINA, M. ; MAIA, L. A. ; LEHRER, R. . On fractional p-Laplacian problems with weight. Differential and Integral Equations, v. 28, p. 15-28, 2015. FURTADO, M. F.; SILVA, E. D. . Superlinear elliptic problems under the non-quadraticity condition at infinity. Proceedings. Section A. Mathematics, v. 145, p. 779-790, 2015. Furtado, Marcelo F.; SILVA, EDCARLOS D. ; SILVA, MAXWELL L. . Quasilinear elliptic problems under asymptotically linear conditions at infinity and at the origin. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (Electronic ed.), v. 66, p. 277-291, 2015. BARROSO, NILTON; ROITMAN, PEDRO . Surfaces in - with the same Gaussian curvature induced by the Euclidean and hyperbolic metrics. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, v. 275, p. 19-37, 2015. NETO, NILTON M. BARROSO; Wang, Qiaoling ; XIA, CHANGYU . Rigidity of complete minimal hypersurfaces in a hyperbolic space. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica, v. 40, p. 659-668, 2015. KHUKHRO, E. I. ; SHUMYATSKY, P. . On the length of finite factorized groups. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, v. 194, p. 1775-1780, 2015. KOCHLOUKOVA, Dessislava ; Zalesskii, P. A. . Subgroups and homology of extensions of centralizers of pro- groups. Mathematische Nachrichten, v. 288, p. 604-618, 2015. KHUKHRO, E. I. ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . On the length of finite groups and of fixed points. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, v. 143, p. 3781-3790, 2015. CONTRERAS-ROJAS, Y. ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . NONSOLUBLE LENGTH OF FINITE GROUPS WITH COMMUTATORS OF SMALL ORDER. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Print), v. 158, p. 487-492, 2015. Shumyatsky, Pavel; TORTORA, ANTONIO ; TOTA, MARIA . An Engel condition for orderable groups. Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica. Boletim, Nova Serie, v. 46(3), p. 461-468, 2015. MARTÍNEZ, ANTONIO ; Roitman, Pedro . A class of surfaces related to a problem posed by Élie Cartan. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, v. 1, p. 1, 2015. DU, FENG ; WU, CHUANXI ; LI, GUANGHAN ; XIA, CHANGYU . Estimates for eigenvalues of the bi-drifting Laplacian operator. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (Electronic ed.), v. 66, p. 703-726, 2015. CHAVES, A. P ; MARQUES, D . A Diophantine equation related to the sum of powers of two consecutive generalized Fibonacci numbers. Journal of Number Theory (Print), v. 156, p. 1-14, 2015. Du, Feng ; Mao, Jing ; WANG, QIAOLING ; Wu, Chuanxi . Universal inequalities of the poly-drifting Laplacian on the Gaussian and cylinder shrinking solitons. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, v. 48, p. 255-268, 2015. Qualis B1 MARTÍNEZ, ANTONIO ; MILÁN, FRANCISCO ; TENENBLAT, KETI . Ribaucour type transformations for the Hessian one equation. Nonlinear Analysis, v. 112, p. 147-155, 2015. CECCON, JURANDIR ; CIOLETTI, LEANDRO . Equivalence of optimal L1-inequalities on Riemannian manifolds. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print), v. 423, p. 10-17, 2015. MARQUES, Diego ; MOREIRA, CARLOS GUSTAVO . ON A VARIANT OF A QUESTION PROPOSED BY K. MAHLER CONCERNING LIOUVILLE NUMBERS. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, v. 91, p. 29-33, 2015. MARQUES, D ; RAMIREZ, J. . On transcendental analytic functions mapping an uncountable class of $U$-numbers into Liouville numbers. Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A Mathematical Sciences, v. 91, p. 25-28, 2015. MARQUES, D ; RAMIREZ, J. ; SILVA, E. C. S. . A NOTE ON LACUNARY POWER SERIES WITH RATIONAL COEFFICIENTS. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, v. 93, p. 1-3, 2015. MAIA, LILIANE A.; MONTEFUSCO, Eugenio ; PELLACCI, Benedetta . Singularly perturbed elliptic problems with nonautonomous asymptotically linear nonlinearities. Nonlinear Analysis, v. 116, p. 193-209, 2015. MAIA, L. A.; RUVIARO, R. . Positive and Nodal solutions of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations in a saturable medium. Advanced Nonlinear Studies, v. 15, p. 191-220, 2015. Pellegrini, Marco Antonio. A Description of the Steinberg Character using Gelfand-Graev Characters. Results in Mathematics, v. 67, p. 71-85, 2015. Shumyatsky, Pavel. Commutators of elements of coprime order in finite groups. Forum Mathematicum, v. 27, p. 575-583, 2015. Chagas, Sheila C. ; Zalesskii, Pavel A. . Subgroup conjugacy separability of free-by-finite groups. Archiv der Mathematik (Printed ed.), v. 104, p. 101-109, 2015. MARTÍNEZ, ANTONIO ; Roitman, Pedro ; TENENBLAT, KETI . A connection between flat fronts in hyperbolic space and minimal surfaces in Euclidean space. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, v. 48, p. 233-254, 2015. Qualis B2 Dorea, Chang C. Y.; LOPES, LUCIENE P. . Weighted similarity tests for location-scale families of stable distributions. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods (Online), v. 45, p. 4912-4922, 2015. Lucero, Jorge C.; SCHOENTGEN, JEAN ; HAAS, JESSY ; LUIZARD, PAUL ; Pelorson, Xavier . Self-entrainment of the right and left vocal fold oscillators. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, v. 137, p. 2036-2046, 2015. Lucero, Jorge C.; SCHOENTGEN, JEAN . Smoothness of an equation for the glottal flow rate versus the glottal area. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, v. 137, p. 2970-2973, 2015. M.A. Pellegrini; TAMBURINI BELLANI, M. C. . THE SIMPLE CLASSICAL GROUPS OF DIMENSION LESS THAN 6 WHICH ARE (2, 3)-GENERATED. Journal of Algebra and its Applications, v. 14, p. 1550148, 2015. PATRÃO, MAURO; San Martin, Luiz A.B. . The isotropy representation of a real flag manifold: Split real forms. Indagationes Mathematicae (Print), v. 26, p. 547-579, 2015. PETROGRADSKY, V. M.; SUBBOTIN, I. A. . Ideal growth in metabelian Lie P-algebras. Siberian Mathematical Journal, v. 56, p. 714-724, 2015. DU, F. ; WU, C. ; LI, G. ; XIA, Changyu . Estimates for Eigenvalues of Fourth-order Elliptic Operators in Divergence Form on Complete Riemanian Manifolds. ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA, CHINESE SERIES, v. 58, p. 635-648, 2015. VENTURA, D. L. ; Kamareddine, F. ; Ayala-Rincon, M. . Explicit substitution calculi with de Bruijn indices and intersection type systems. Logic Journal of the IGPL (Print), v. 23, p. 295-340, 2015. Qualis B3 REZENDE, MANUELA C. ; Santos, Carlos Alberto . Positive Solutions for a Quasilinear Elliptic Problem Involving Sublinear and Superlinear Terms. Tokyo Journal of Mathematics, v. 38, p. 381-407, 2015. MARQUES, D . A new Fibonacci-Lucas relation. The American Mathematical Monthly, v. 122, p. 683, 2015. MARQUES, D ; TROJOVSKI, P. . The p-adic order of some Fibonomial coefficients. Journal of Integer Sequences, v. 18, p. 15.3.1, 2015. MARQUES, D ; CHAVES, A. P . Fibonacci s-Cullen and s-Woodall Numbers. Journal of Integer Sequences, v. 18, p. 15.1.4, 2015. Qualis B4 SILVA, R. P.. Upper semicontinuity of global attractors for quasilinear parabolic equations on unbounded thin domains. São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, v. 9, p. 251-262, 2015. Qualis C FURTADO, M. F.; SILVA, E. D. . Nonquadraticity condition on superlinear problems. Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and their Applications, v. 86, p. 245-255, 2015. Revistas não classificadas DA COSTA, E. A. ; Krasilnikov, A. . Symmetric Polynomials and Nonfinitely Generated Sym(-)-Invariant Ideals. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York, N.Y.), v. 206, p. 505-510, 2015. Pellegrini, Marco Antonio; Tamburini, Maria Clara . Finite simple groups of low rank: Hurwitz generation and (2,3)-generation. International Journal of Group Theory, v. 4, p. 13-19, 2015. GARONZI, MARTINO; MARÓTI, ATTILA . On the number of conjugacy classes of a permutation group. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A (Print), v. 133, p. 251-260, 2015. Pereira, M. C. ; SILVA, R. P. . Correctors for the Neumann problem in thin domains with locally periodic oscillatory structure. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, v. LXXIII, p. 537-552, 2015. DU, FENG ; WU, CHUANXI ; LI, GUANGHAN ; XIA, CHANGYU . Universal inequalities for eigenvalues of a system of sub-elliptic equations on Heisenberg group. Kodai Mathematical Journal, v. 38, p. 437-450, 2015. Soncco-Álvarez, J.L. ; ALMEIDA, G. M. ; BECKER, Jürgen ; Ayala-Rincón, Mauricio . Parallelization of genetic algorithms for sorting permutations by reversals over biological data. International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, v. 12, p. 53-64, 2015. Secretaria Fale ConoscoRoteiros e ProcedimentosSolicitaçõesTelefones e e-mail Publicações Publicações em 2000 Publicações em 2001 Publicações em 2002 Publicações em 2003 Publicações em 2004 Publicações em 2005 Publicações em 2006 Publicações em 2007 Publicações em 2008 Publicações em 2009 Publicações em 2010 Publicações em 2011 Publicações em 2012 Publicações em 2013 Publicações em 2014 Publicações em 2015 Publicações em 2016 Publicações em 2017 Publicações em 2018 Publicações em 2019 Publicações em 2020 Publicações em 2021 Publicações em 2022