February 05th to 09th, 2024.

Department of Mathematics
Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Universidade de Brasília
Brasília, Brazil.


February 05th to 09th, 2024.

Departamento de Matemática
Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Universidade de Brasília
Brasília, Brazil


The Summer Workshop in Mathematics is one of the activities of PPG/MAT in the traditional MAT/UnB Summer School. Its main objective is to promote the exchange and dissemination of the research work developed by researchers from Brazil and abroad, as well as the work of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
In this 16th edition, short courses and lectures in different mathematical areas will be offered, providing participants with diverse perspectives and topics on mathematics research. Moreover there will be opportunities for participants to contribute with oral communication and poster. The workshop will be presencial, with some activities online.

We look forward to welcoming you to Brasília and to a fruitful workshop.



Profa. Sheila Chagas (UnB)
Prof. Tarcísio Silva (UnB)

Scientific Committee

Prof. Ashot Minasyan- University of Southampton (UK)
Prof. Pavel Shumyatsky - Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
Profa. Eloisa Detomi - Universidade de Padova
Profa. Liliane Maia - Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
Prof. Ma To Fu - Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
Profa. Keti Tenenblat - Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
Profa. Chang Dorea - Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
Prof. Alberto Ohashi - Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
Profa. Elaine Pimentel - Un. Coll. London
Profa. Thaynara de Lima - Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)
Prof. Fredy González - UFRN
Prof. Alessandro Jacques Ribeiro - UFABC

Organinzing Committee

Prof. Emerson Ferreira de Melo - Álgebra
Prof. Hemar Godinho - Teoria dos Números
Prof. Luís Henrique de Miranda - Análise
Profa. Luciana Maria Dias de Ávila Rodrigues - Geometria
Prof. Lineu da C. A. Neto - Educação Matemática
Prof. Matheus Bernardini - Teoria dos Números
Prof. Mauricio Ayala Rincon - Lógica e Computação
Prof. Paulo H. P. da Costa - Probabilidade
Prof. Yuri Dumaresq Sobral - Mecânica
Prof. José Antônio O. de Freitas - Apoio Técnico

Plenary speakers

Ashot Minasyan
University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Eloisa Detomi
Universidade de Padova, Italy
Vanderson Lima
UFRGS - Brazil
Mónica Clapp
UNAM - México

Benjamín Callejas Bedregal
UFRN - Brazil
David M. Cerna
Czech Academy of Sciences, Czechia
Michael Anton Hoegele
Universidad de los Andes,, Colombia.
Fabrício Simeoni de Sousa
USP - Brazil

Alessandro Jacques Ribeiro
Universidade Federal do ABC - Brazil

Minicursos/Talks/Posters Submission

Participants will have the opportunity of giving minicourses, contributed talks or presenting posters. Students are strongly encouraged to present a poster. Abstract submission is now open. We are opening a call for mini-courses in the areas: Algebra, Analisys, geometry and math applications. Colleagues who are interested in presenting a mini-course are invited to submit their proposals by completing the form, where you will also find an option to upload the proposal in PDF format.
Each mini-course proposal should include:


If you come from abroad then the fee will be collected (in brazilian reais) at the registration desk, the first day of the woorkshop.

Brazilian (or foreigner with brazilian bank account)

Registration Form

To register for the XV Summer Workshop in Mathematics, please, fill in the following form



You must proceed with the payment that can be made by PIX to our Bradesco/Next bank account. Please, see details stated below:

PIX key (e-mail):

Titular: Tarcísio Castro Silva

Banco Next 237.

Agência: 3943

Conta Corrente: 541401-6.

We ask that you send a copy of the receipt to the email right after making the payment. Please write "payment - registration" in the subject of the message, and your full name in the body of the message (as it should appear on the receipt we will issue).


Main Room: FT - Auditorium
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8h30 Opening
9hs 9h-10h Registration 9h-10 Registration 9h-10 Registration 9h-10 Registration
9h30 - 10h30 Eloisa Detomi
Universidade de Padova, Italy
Vanderson Lima
UFRGS - Brazil
Ashot Minasyan
University of Southampton, UK
David M. Cerna
Czech Academy of Sciences, Czechia
Benjamín Callejas Bedregal
UFRN - Brazil
10h30 - 11h Coffee Break
11h - 12h Mónica Clapp
UNAM - México
Fabrício Simeoni de Sousa
USP - Brazil
Alessandro Jacques Ribeiro
Universidade Federal do ABC - Brazil
Michael Anton Hoegele
Universidad de los Andes - Colombia.
10h Closing
FT - Auditorium
12h - 14h Lunch Time
14h - 16h Thematic Sessions Thematic Sessions 16h - Event Photo Thematic Sessions Thematic Sessions
16h - 16h30 Coffee Break / Poster Session
16h30- 18h30 Thematic Sessions Thematic Sessions Thematic Sessions Thematic Sessions
19h - Event Dinner

Plenary Abstracts

  • Eloisa Detomi (Universidade de Padova, Italy) Title: Commuting probability for subgroups in finite group.
    PDF | Abstract
    In this talk I will discuss some problems concerning commuting probability of subgroups in finite groups. The commuting probability of a finite group $G$ is defined to be the probability that two randomly chosen group elements commute. Following a review of some classical results on the commuting probability of $G$, we will discuss the behaviour of commuting probability when considering relevant subgroups of $G$, particularly focusing on Sylow subgroups.

  • Mónica Clapp (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México) Title: A quick tour of variational methods in nonlinear PDE.
    PDF | Abstract
    Many phenomena in physics, engineering, biology, economics, finance, and mathematics itself are described by nonlinear differential equations. A very important class of these, due to the great variety of phenomena they model, are the Euler-Lagrange equations, whose solutions satisfy an optmization criterion, generally given by an integral that represents a certain energy, an action, a cost function, etcs This type of equations are called variational problems.
    In a quick tour we will show how these problems are addressed and some of the challenges they present.

  • Vanderson Lima (UFRGS - Brazil) Title: Minimal surfaces and eigenvalue problems.
    PDF | Abstract
    In this talk I will survey some results exploring the connection between minimal surfaces, which are critical points of the area functional, and eigenvalues of certain self-adjoint operators. The focus will be on how this can be used to obtain characterization and existence results for minimal surfaces. In particular, I will present my own contribution to this topic, in joint work with Ana Menezes. 

  • Fabricio Simeoni de Sousa (Institute of Mathematics and Computational Sciences ( ICMC) USP- Brazil) Title: Multiscale domain decomposition methods for large-scale computation of flows in heterogeneous porous media.
    PDF | Abstract
    The Multiscale Robin Couple Method (MRCM) is a multiscale domain decomposition method based on a mixed finite element formulation that allows for efficient solutions of second-order elliptic equations in a coarse scale, incorporating fine grid details of the solution through the efficient parallel computation of independent multiscale basis functions. The coupling between subdomains is performed by imposing Robin-type boundary conditions in the computation of the multiscale basis functions, ensuring that compatibility conditions are enforced on a large scale. This procedure generalizes the discrete version of well-known multiscale mixed methods, such as the Multiscale Mortar Mixed Finite Element Method (MMMFEM), the Multiscale Hybrid-Mixed Method (MHM), and the Multiscale Mixed Method (MuMM), via the suitable choice of the Robin boundary parameter and interface spaces. While generalizing those methods, it also introduces the possibility of adaptivity, resulting in accurate solutions compared to the undecomposed fine grid solution and other multiscale procedures based on the lowest order Raviart-Thomas finite element spaces. We will present the latest developments of the MRCM, in terms of interface enrichment and adaptivity, focusing on the accuracy of the decomposition, applications to complex porous media flow models, preconditioning, and speedup results on high-performance computations involving billions of fine grid cells.

  • Ashot Minasyan (University of Southampton - UK) Title: Trace monoids in 1-relator groups
    PDF | Abstract
    Given a finite simplicial graph $\Gamma$ the trace monoid (a.k.a. partially commutative monoid) $T(\Gamma)$ associated to this graph is the monoid generated by the vertices of $\Gamma$ subject to the relations that two vertices commute if and only if they are adjacent in $\Gamma$. A group with the same presentation is called the right angled Artin group $A(\Gamma)$. It is known that $A(\Gamma)$ contains $T(\Gamma)$ as its submonoid of positive words.
    Trace monoids originated in Computer Science, but more recently they have been used to establish certain undecidability results for 1-relation inverse monoids and groups. On the other hand, right angled Artin groups play an important role in Geometric Group Theory.
    In a recent work, Foniqi, Gray and Nyberg-Brodda showed that groups containing T(P_4), where P_4 is the path with 4 vertices (of length 3), have undecidable rational subset problem. They also exhibited 1-relator groups containing A(P_4) and asked whether every 1-relator group which has a submonoid isomorphic to T(P_4) must also have a subgroup isomorphic to A(P_4). In my talk I will discuss joint work with Motiejus Valiunas (University of Wroclaw, Poland) showing that the answer to the latter question is positive.

  • Alessandro Jacques Ribeiro (Universidade Federal do ABC - Brazil) Title: Tarefa de Aprendizagem Profissional como um potente artefato para a formação de professores de matemática”
    PDF | Abstract
    Resultados de pesquisas apontam para a relevância e a contemporaneidade de se buscar identificar e compreender como decorre a aprendizagem profissional do professor de matemática, em particular ao longo de sua formação inicial. Assim, nosso grupo de pesquisa “ForMatE – Formação Matemática para o Ensino” tem realizado estudos que problematizam o uso de tarefas de aprendizagem profissional como um artefato que potencializa a exploração e articulação entre a matemática e a didática, e permite aproximar a universidade e a escola. Os resultados que serão apresentados e discutidos nesta conferência plenária relacionam-se com e são advindos de diferentes projetos de pesquisa realizados pelo grupo ForMatE e, particularmente, em um estudo liderado pelo professor Alessandro Jacques Ribeiro, por meio de uma bolsa de produtividade em pesquisa do CNPq, em vigência no período de 03/2023 a 02/2025. Considerando-se o Design-Basead Research como a metodologia dos projetos realizados pelo grupo, dos resultados referentes aos primeiros ciclos decorridos nos últimos anos, podemos destacar que os professores e futuros professores vêm (i) reorganizando seus conhecimentos matemáticos, com especial foco em conceitos algébricos; (ii) aprofundando sua reflexão sobre as dificuldades que os alunos da escola de ensino básico encontram e, com isso, ampliando seus conhecimentos didáticos sobre recursos e estratégias de ensino para superar essas dificuldades; (iii) tomando consciência de suas próprias dificuldades, seja acerca da matemática per se, seja no que refere aos processos de ensino e aprendizagem dela, o que os leva a superar tais dificuldades ao longo da participação nos processos formativos. Há também de se destacar como os formadores dos (futuros) professores também vivenciam oportunidades de aprender, em especial no que refere à ampliação de seus conhecimentos profissionais relacionados à matemática escolar e à dinâmica do trabalho docente nesse nível de ensino. Ao longo da conferência serão explorados exemplos das aprendizagens dos (futuros) professores e de seus formadores, bem como, dar-se-á destaque às contribuições das pesquisas realizadas pelo grupo no que refere (a) ao fortalecimento da presença e da interlocução da prática como um componente essencial no e para o conhecimento matemático e didático dos (futuros) professores para o ensino na escola básica; e (b) a repensar abordagens matemáticas e didáticas para os cursos de formação de professores, tanto nas escolas como nas universidades.

  • David M. Cerna (Czech Academy of Sciences ) Title: Anti-unification: Introduction, Applications, and Recent Results.
    PDF | Abstract
    Anti-unification is a method for symbolically generalizing formal expression. It was introduced independently by Plotkin and Reynolds as an operation for inductive inferencing. Though conceptually simple, it is an effective tool for abstraction and templating. Since the seminal work, the number of applications has grown tremendously with uses in program analysis, program repair, library compression, automated reasoning, and beyond. With the growth of applications, there has been an effort to strengthen the theoretical foundations of the subject. In this talk, we introduce anti-unification, overview the existing applications, and discuss recent theoretical results concerning equational and high-order anti-unification.

  • Michael A. Högele (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. ) Title: On the tradeo between rates of almost sure convergence and overshoot integrability.
    PDF | Abstract
    In this talk we start with an elementary, but useful, quantitative general- ization of the rst Borel-Cantelli lemma. The idea is to translate good rate of convergence of probability events into higher order moments of the overlap statistics.
    That is, it can quantify almost sure convergence in terms of the number of occurrences of the error events, which appear in the convergence in probability. We provide a sample of applications, such as the strong law of large numbers, the presence of a large deviations principle, the method of moments in statistics and numerical analysis. In the end we present results on martingale convergence, such as the convergence of Polya urns. This is joint work with Luisa F. Estrada and A. Steinicke in [1, 2, 3].

  • Benjamín René Callejas Bedregal (UFRN - Brazil ) Title: Theory and applications of aggregation functions
    PDF | Abstract
    The process of combining several numerical values into a single value that somehow represents all of them is called aggregation and the numerical function that carries out this process is called the aggregation function. In the context of fuzzy logic, aggregation functions are always increasing and preserve boundaries, and play an important role in fuzzy logic applications. In this talk we will present theoretical and practical aspects of aggregation functions in computer science, such as fuzzy formal languages, data classification and digital image processing.

  • Poster Session

    ICC-MAT Department of Mathematics

    16h - 16h30 during the coffee break.

    Algebra - Tuesday.

    Analisys - Wednesday

    Geometry - Thursday

    nome Instituição área Título do Pôster
    1 Melissa de Sousa Luiz Unicamp Álgebra Non transitive self-similar metabelian groups
    2 Sofia de Siqueira e Souza UFG Álgebra Quadrado Tensorial Não-Abeliano e Construções, Relacionadas a p-Grupos
    3 Artur Jorge Marinho UFG Análise Cohomology and Partial Differential Equations
    4 Luana de Carvalho Maciel UFG Análise Weakly singular problem in nonreflexive fractional Orlicz-Sobolev space
    5 Miriam Cristina Ferreira Furtado, UFG Geometria Fluxo Redutor de Curvas
    6 Júlio Cesar Pereira França UFG Geometria Necessary Conditions for Trudinger-Moser Inequality on Complete Riemannian Manifolds

    Conference Dinner

    We are organizing an opt in conference dinner on Wednesday, February 07th, at 7pm at the brazilian barbecue restaurant Sal and Brasa.

    Their webpage is (only in portuguese). It is a fixed price type restaurant: they charge 79,90 brazilian reals per person, paid directly to the restaurant, which includes the meal only: a big variety of meats, hot dishes, sushis and salads at your choice. Dessert and drinks must be paid separately.

    If you are interested in joining, please fill the following Form so that we can book the seats:

    I would like to join the Conference Dinner



    Name of Registrants

    Number Full Name Affiliation (instituição)
    1 Abiel Costa Macedo UFG
    2 Abiel Carvalho IME / UFG
    3 Adilson Eduardo Presoto UFSCar
    4 Ádria Maximino Ferreira da Silva Universidade de Brasília
    5 Adriana Araujo Cintra UFG
    6 Adriano Bezerra UFGo
    7 Aimê Gomes da Mata Kanzaki Universidade de Brasília
    8 Alan dos Reis Silva Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA
    9 Alan dos Reis Silva UFPA
    10 Alessandro Jacques Ribeiro UFABC
    11 Alexandre Oliveira Alves Universidade de Brasília
    12 Alexandre Zalesski University of Brasilia
    13 Ali Khan Caires Ribeiro Santos Universidade de Brasília
    14 Ana Cristina de Aquino Cunha SEEDF
    15 Ana C Vieira UFMG
    16 André Caldas de Souza MAT / UnB
    17 André Luiz Galdino Universidade Federal de Catalão
    18 Andrés Felipe González Barragan Universidade de Brasília
    20 Angel Homero Flores Samaniego Univ. Nacional Autónoma do México
    21 Ângelo Felipe Machado Silva Universidade de Brasília
    22 Arthur Cezário Oliveira UnB
    23 Arthur Leite Guilherme Universidade de Brasília
    24 Artur Jorge Marinho Universidade Federal de Goiás
    25 Ashot Minasyan Uniuversity of Southampton
    27 Benedito Leandro Universidade de Brasília
    28 Benjamin Callejas Bedregal UFRN
    29 Bruno Bezerra Winge -
    30 Caio Barbosa da Cunha UnB
    31 Caio Nascimento Rocha Universidade Federal de Goiás
    32 Caio Vinícius da Silva Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB
    33 Carolina de Miranda e Pereiro Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)
    34 Csaba Schneider UFMG
    35 Chelsea Edmonds University of Sheffield
    36 Cilia Cardoso Rodrigues
    37 Chao Ji East China Univ. of Sci. and Technology, China
    38 Cristiano Porfirio da Silva UnB
    39 Chritophe Ringeissen Inria, Nancy
    40 Daniel Ventura UFG
    41 Daniele Nantes Sobrinho UnB / Imperial College London
    42 Daniella Santaguida Magalhães de Souza Universidade de Brasília
    43 Danielly de Souza Figueiredo UNB
    44 Danilo Pereira dos Santos
    45 David Cerna Czech Academy of Sciences, Czechia
    46 Denilson Pereira UAMAT / UFCG
    47 Débora de Faria Pereira Senise Universidade de Brasília
    48 Deyfila da Silva Lima UnB
    49 Deivid Vale Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL
    50 Diego Magela Lemos Universidade de São Paulo
    51 Douglas Melo Fontes Universidade Federal do Acre
    52 Edcarlos Domingos da Silva UFG
    53 Eduardo Antônio UnB
    54 Edward Hermann Haeusler PUC-Rio
    55 Elias Rafael de Sousa UFG
    56 Elias Rafael de Sousa Universidade Federal de Goiás
    57 Eloisa Detomi Universidade de Podova, Italy
    58 Érica Feitosa Fortaleza UNB
    59 Erica Schwanka Penna Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
    60 Érick Marcelino Miranda Universidade de Brasília - UnB
    61 Esteban de Jesus Garcia Hernandez Universidade Estadual de Campinas
    62 Estheffanny Cirilo de Moura Universidade de Brasília
    63 Fabiane Soares dos Santos UnB
    64 Fábio Sodré Rocha Universidade Federal de Goiás
    65 Fabrício Simeoni de Sousa USP
    66 Felipe de Castro Teixeira Carvalho Universidade Estadual de Campinas
    67 Felipe Diniz da Silva UFPA
    68 Fernanda Alves Caixeta Universidade de Brasília
    69 Fernando Henrique Santorsula CEPETRO/UNICAMP
    70 Fernando Manfio ICMC USP
    71 Filipe Eduard Leite Ossege University of Brasília
    72 Flávia Elisandra Magalhães Furtado Universidade de Brasília
    73 Flávia Giovanna de Magalhães Sardinha Vieira UnB
    74 Flávia Sueli Fabiani Marcatto Universidade Federal de Itajubá
    75 Fredy González UFRN
    76 Franchesca Lemos Cappellesso Universidade de Brasília
    77 Gabriel de Medeiros Nogueira Universidade de Brasília - UnB
    78 Gabriela de Souza Ferreira Universidade de Brasília
    79 Gabriella Cristina de Souza UnB
    80 George Stephane Queiroz de Oliveira UFPA
    81 Ghylherme Patriota Nunes da Rocha Universidade de Brasília
    82 Giovani Monteiro crepaldi UFRJ
    83 Guilherme Borges Brandão Universidade de Brasília
    84 Guilherme Rocha Ortega Universidade de Brasília
    85 Guilherme Stroher Sabo Paes UFG
    86 Guilhermo Enrique Ramírez Universidade da Costa Rica
    87 Higor Ricken Rocha Unb
    88 Hiuri Fellipe Santos dos Reis UFG
    89 Hudson Vieira de Sousa Universidade de Brasília
    90 Hudson Pina UFMT
    91 Humberto Ramos Quoirin CIEM-Conicet, Univ. Naci.l de Cordoba, Argentina
    92 Igor Dal Osto Pereira Universidade de Brasília
    93 Isabella Venâncio Pinheiro de Sousa Universidade de Brasília
    94 Ismael Oliveira dos Anjos UnB
    95 Jailson Oliveira Dias Universidade de Brasília
    96 Jeverson Silva Santos Universidade de Brasilia
    97 João de Deus Pereira de Moraes Segundo Cepetro/Unicamp
    98 João Marcos do Ó UFPB
    99 João Victor Caires Santos Universidade de Brasília
    100 João Vitor da Silva Universidade Estadual de Campinas
    101 João Rodrigues FM / UFPA
    102 Jonathan Torres Marinho Universidade de Brasília
    103 José Claudio da Silva Neto UFG - Universidade Federal de Goiás
    104 Jose Valdo Abreu Goncalves University of Brasilia
    106 Jucileide dos Santos Universidade de Brasília
    107 Julia Mitsuno Kato Aiza Alvarez UNB
    108 Juliana Medeiros Barbosa UFBA
    109 Júlio Cesar Pereira França Universidade Federal de Goiás
    110 Karen Sabrina Gomes Viana UNB
    111 Kauê Rafalovik Bezerra University of Brasilia - UnB
    112 Kaye Oliveira da Silva Universidade Federal de Goiás
    113 Késsia Tayná Azevedo Rodrigues da Silva Universidade de Brasília
    114 Keti Tenenblat Universidade de Brasilia
    115 Lara Beatriz de Souza Teixeira Universidade Federal de Goiás
    116 Laredo Rennan Pereira Santos Universidade Federal de Goás
    117 Leonardo Santos da Cruz
    118 Letícia Oliveira Nascimento Universidade de Brasília - UnB
    119 Leandro Cioletti UnB
    120 Liliane de Almeida Maia UnB
    121 Lineu da Costa Araújo Neto UnB
    122 Líviam Santana Fontes Universidade Estadual de Goiás
    123 Luana de Carvalho Maciel Universidade Federal de Goiás
    124 Lucas Catão de Freitas Ferreira State University of Campinas (Unicamp)
    125 Lucas Marinho Mendonça Dos Santos Universidade de Brasília
    126 Lucas Matheus de Lima Dal Berto UnB
    127 Lucas Teixeira dos Anjos UnB
    128 Luciana Maria Dias de Ávila Rodrigues UnB
    129 Mailton Rego Almeida UnB
    130 Márcia Rodrigues Leal Instituto Federal de Goiás
    131 Marcos Leandro Mendes Carvalho UFG
    132 Maria de Andrade Costa e Silva Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)
    133 Maria Julia Dias Lima UnB
    134 María Inés de Frutos-Fernández University of Sheffield
    135 Marina Costa Merch dos Santos Universidade de Brasília
    136 Maristela Barbosa Cardoso UnB - Universidade de Brasília
    137 Mateus Figueiredo de Souza Universidade de Brasília
    138 Matheus Andrade Ribeiro de Moura Horácio UnB
    139 Mauricio Ayala-Rincón UnB
    141 Mayra Soares Costa Rodrigues UnB
    142 Melissa de Sousa Luiz Unicamp
    143 Michael Anton Hoegele Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
    144 Miriam Cristina Ferreira Furtado Universidade Federal de Goiás
    145 Mohammad Erfan Fahim Far Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
    146 Monica Clapp UNAM, México
    147 Natan Vieira Bulgarelli UNICAMP
    148 Neilha Marcia Pinheiro Universidade Federal do Amazonas
    149 Noraí Romeu Rocco UnB
    150 Nikson Bernardes Fernandes Ferreira UnB
    151 Paulo Henrique P. C. UnB
    152 Paulo Rodrigo Alves dos Reis
    153 Pavel Zalesski UNB
    154 Pedro Augusto Machado Cardoso UNB
    155 Pedro Henrique Moura de Carvalho UnB
    156 Rafael Cordebela Salgado Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
    157 Raimunda de Oliveira Faculdade de Educação - Unb
    158 Raimundo de Araújo Bastos Júnior Universidade de Brasília
    160 Rémy Sanchis UFMG
    161 Ricardo Tadeu Oliveira Catta Preta UFU/UFVJM
    162 Róbson Lousa dos Santos Instituto Federal de Roraima - Campus Amajari
    163 Rodolfo Ferreira de Oliveira UnB
    164 Rodolfo Perissinotto UNICAMP
    165 Rodrigo Oliveira de Souza Universidade de Brasília
    166 Ronaldo Freire de Lima UFRN
    167 Samuel Terto de Sousa Rodrigues Universidade de Brasília - UnB
    168 Saulo Rodrigo Medrado UnB
    169 Sharmenya Jany Andrade Correia de Sousa UnB
    170 Sheila Campos Chagas UNB
    171 Sofia de Siqueira e Souza UFG
    172 Talita Carneiro Matias UnB
    173 Tarcísio Castro Silva Universidade de Brasília
    174 Thafne Sirqueira Carvalho Universidade de Brasília
    175 Thaís Yuko Umetsu da Silva UnB - Universidade de Brasília
    176 Tharles Araújo de Souza Universidade de Brasília
    177 Thaynara Arielly de Lima Universidade Federal de Goiás
    178 Thiago de Souza Mendes Universidade de Brasília
    179 Thiago Guimarães Melo Universidade de Brasília
    180 Thiago Williams Siqueira Ramos Instituto Federal de Brasília
    181 Tiêgo dos Santos Freitas SEECT/PB - UEPB
    182 Tulio Marcio Gentil dos Santos UFRJ
    183 Valter Borges UFPA
    184 Vanderson Lima UFRGS
    185 Vítor Machado Marques Universidade de Brasília
    186 Vitoria Henrylla Pinheiro Souza UnB
    187 Xiaofang Gao UnB


    For any additional information, contact us at the following email adress


    General Observations


    To make your reservation in one of the hotels, click on one of the links above.

    Other accommodation options

    Participants of the workshop can also make a reservation at other hotels. For instance, using Booking, Trivago, etc. or Airbnb




